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Two Tone White

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Everything posted by Two Tone White

  1. This is what I do - works like a charm. I have at least 5-6 leftover freebie sports watches from sports illustrated subscriptions, etc. I either strap them to the bar like it is a wrist or pull the band off and put double sided tape or Velcro on the back of the watch face and just stick it to the reservoir or down towards the neck triple tree area to keep it out of the weather. If the battery is not replaceable - I just toss it and use one of the other leftovers.
  2. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ....
  3. The features might be attractive initially, but it is a poor quality build all around. Take a long hard look at EVERYTHING, then step back, walk away, check out other bikes (Yamaha, HD, Honda, Triumph, BMW) and then go back another day to take a second look.
  4. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?searchid=1805823
  5. “Oil question” : http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?searchid=1805809 “Oil filter question” : http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?searchid=1805811 “Oil and filter recommendations” : http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?searchid=1805796 “What kind of oil…”: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/search.php?searchid=1805804
  6. You could always just do a quick calculation in your head... http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/d/7/7/d770faf6b278b5fb4c5601c62dd7cdfb.png where http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/6/a/9/6a9532d022ece96ba3deae3b3aebfb47.png and http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/6/b/8/6b803a537e4ce3dc4bf2a39b06469245.png are measured in °F, and http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/7/d/f/7dffcf76b71e3e21b0a27e93ff551e79.png in mph. [ame]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wind_chill[/ame]
  7. While I am also a Charlie Daniels fan, you may want to consider a new motto to espouse publicly. Once you put on the uniform, you need to conform to the societal norms. AZ has many transplants in all levels of LE - city, county and state. Study hard, stay out of trouble, keep good friends and be persistent and you will be GTG.
  8. Just saw it - pretty cool. Looked like two bright white stars - one chasing the other at the same pace and equidistant, appeared to move about 6-10x as fast as the airliners that were also up tonight but there were no blinking red signal lights like on planes. Thanks for the tip.
  9. http://ezinearticles.com/?Motorcycle-Intercoms---How-to-Choose-the-Best-Motorcycle-Intercom-For-You&id=718042 http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-intercoms/ http://www.jmcorp.com/SeeProducts.asp?PF=29 There are some inexpensive solutions in the links above. Good thing about getting these systems is that you can take them with you to other bikes if you sell yours or rent one on vacation, for example. I have friends with the Chatterbox who really like it. Good luck
  10. Ditto, Racing 4T on my '04 and another bike I have; Mobil1 V Twin on my HDs. Can't be beat.
  11. I drilled two small holes on the bottom rear of the front run signal housings. No one could ever tell as they are not visible unless you go hunting for them. It has solved the problem of allowing water and moisture out. Also when I had the housing open, I used a dremel to grind away the rust and corrosion of the socket then replaced the bulbs using the dielectric grease. Works like a champ. Squid's article that he provides the link to below is very thorough and a great resource.
  12. Well, alrighty then. I guess that settles it. You win.
  13. Ruffy, I was remiss in not writing sooner. I received the package within two days of you shipping it - wrapped well to prevent damage. Upon inspection they appeared well made and sturdy. I didn't have a chance to get them on the bike until this weekend. They look very nice and fit well. Now all I need is chrome legs to match. Rode all day yesterday until I nearly had heat stroke and they seemed to do the trick better than the OEM ones I had since they are a little bigger. Thanks for your effort in putting this project together. TTW
  14. I think that you are absolutely correct. For example, I put a brand new, in-the-box, never-been-used, $500 Harley part on EBay with a reasonable reserve of $400 and the highest bidder was $200. Since I really never sell stuff I don't have the experience to know if it is the economy or if it is typical and everyone wants something for nothing or maybe a little of each. The KBB retail price on the 2004 is $10,135 which I think is reasonable. The two nibbles on Craigslist that I had offered half that or another bike as a trade (which I don't need and why I'm trying to get rid of this one - too many in the garage).
  15. See this link: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38312]mobil one 4t racing - VentureRider.Org[/ame] I use Mobil 1's sister to the 20 50 V Twin formulation and I highly recommend it. I had Here are the details... https://www.mobiloil.com/USA-English...4T_10W-40.aspx Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 is recommended for four-cycle motorcycles which specify the use of a 10W-40 engine oil. It provides excellent performance in motorcycle engines that are designed with a common engine/transmission lubrication system or where the engine lubrication system is separate from the transmission system. In the case of the latter, follow the manufacturer's recommendation for the type of fluid to be used in the transmission. Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 engine oil is also designed to provide the proper frictional characteristics necessary for wet-clutch engine/transmission systems. Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 exceeds the requirements of API Service Categories SH, SG/CF, CD, JASO MA and has been fully tested, both on laboratory dynamometers and in the field, to provide optimum horsepower and acceleration. Fully synthetic Mobil 1 motorcycle oils are specifically engineered for use in motorcycles. The formulations are based on the proven technology used in other Mobil 1 automotive products, yet they are optimized for the unique requirements of a motorcycle engine and/or transmission. You can use them with confidence, knowing they will protect your bike in extreme situations where conventional motor oils simply cannot compare, including extended high-speed operation and prolonged idling in summertime traffic. Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 was previously known as Mobil 1 MX4T 10W-40.
  16. I am contemplating parting with my 2004 RSV. I see there are two equally beautiful '04's listed in the classifieds and I'm not sure if I want to post it there yet. I've trolled a bit on Craigslist and had a few nibbles. Figured I'd check in here to see if there is any interest. Shoot me a PM if you are in the market and/or want more details.
  17. Great stuff - it's all I use and I highly recommend it. Here are the details... https://www.mobiloil.com/USA-English/MotorOil/Oils/Mobil1_Racing_4T_10W-40.aspx Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 is recommended for four-cycle motorcycles which specify the use of a 10W-40 engine oil. It provides excellent performance in motorcycle engines that are designed with a common engine/transmission lubrication system or where the engine lubrication system is separate from the transmission system. In the case of the latter, follow the manufacturer's recommendation for the type of fluid to be used in the transmission. Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 engine oil is also designed to provide the proper frictional characteristics necessary for wet-clutch engine/transmission systems. Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 exceeds the requirements of API Service Categories SH, SG/CF, CD, JASO MA and has been fully tested, both on laboratory dynamometers and in the field, to provide optimum horsepower and acceleration. Fully synthetic Mobil 1 motorcycle oils are specifically engineered for use in motorcycles. The formulations are based on the proven technology used in other Mobil 1 automotive products, yet they are optimized for the unique requirements of a motorcycle engine and/or transmission. You can use them with confidence, knowing they will protect your bike in extreme situations where conventional motor oils simply cannot compare, including extended high-speed operation and prolonged idling in summertime traffic. Mobil 1 Racing 4T 10W-40 was previously known as Mobil 1 MX4T 10W-40.
  18. Everything I've ever read recommends against it.
  19. Thanks for all of your efforts!
  20. Ranked 127,950/150,000
  21. Ruffy, Ironically, I just returned from my Key West road trip and was detailing my bike today only to find my left deflector missing and the right one with a cracked in half bracket and hanging by a thread. I know they were there when I left Jacksonville on my final leg. Hmmm. do I double back to look for it? Anyway, I went to the dealer today thinking they might have modified the brackets since my 2004, but they have not. No sense in buying the OEM ones again knowing they will break. So, I am interested in yours. Put me on the list of 20 and let me know where I can send a check. Thanks TTW
  22. They run real small. I don't get it either. Mine just says "SuperSize" but it was the largest one they had in the shop. Depending on the jacket I wear, I can't always zip it up, even though I opened up the side strings.
  23. If you see a two-tone white Venture with an American flag on the trunk rack and AZ plates heading south (the long way) from VA to FL and stopping in the vicinity of Ponte Vedra and later, Key West - that'd be me. Honk the horn and say hi. I haven't had much time for a vacation so now's my only chance. I'm breakin' out - bustin' loose; bike's prepped and ready to go at O'Dark Thirty tomorrow (in the rain I think). Gonna see a little of the tourney at Sawgrass, then catch a day or two down in KW. Be looking for other Ventures along the way. Ride Safe TTW
  24. So I was reluctant to post this question about a strange noise that I was hearing on the bike. I used the search feature, and read many threads but nothing was remotely close to what I was hearing. I really couldn't put into words the odd sound. So after enough research, I began to poke around the bike. I tightened to spec everything that had a screw, nut or bolt or clamp on the bike. The noise continued. It only would get real loud at the upper rev limits of each gear until I shifted. I couldn't determine if it was in the motor or in the radiator, but I knew it was up front. I've been on the hunt for the problem for a few months, fixing, then riding, repeat. So today, I decided to ride over to the dealer and drop it for a front to back, top to bottom inspection. As I am out there with the service manager and the bike running, I throttle up and say - see there it is. He hears it as does my buddy who followed me over to drive me back home in his truck after I drop the bike. So the service manager takes over from me and starts throttling up and I move in front of the bike. All three of us have our eyes peeled and ears to the motor, looking at every possible weakness. That's when I see it: that damn plastic chrome colored snap on covering that goes on the center of the light bar below the headlight. It's jumping up and down like crazy. I pop it off and a miracle happens. The noise stops. After my buddy and the manager give me the evil eye, I ride the bike home and it rode lie a whole new bike. What a difference. Not sure if anyone else has had this problem or the same experience, but now you know the inexpensive fix. Check that thing first before anything else. Not sure if I am gonna keep it off or find a way to tighten up the connection and eliminate the rattle. In any event, I am relieved that it didn't cost me $$$. Ride safe TTW
  25. I was actually just thinking about sending my seat to you Rick. This is another option I have to seriously consider. Certainly would be quicker and the added benefits of the rest of the MD happenings. If I come, I would want to be one of the 10. I have to take a hard look at my schedule. Thanks for offering! TTW
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