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Everything posted by Schlepporello

  1. That's what I'm thinking happened. The two areas are just about that far enough apart.
  2. OK, I found two numers on the tire. One that was branded into the tire is 2201 and there was a white stenciled number right after that which was 3623. Figures. Nope, the rim looks fine as does the area around the cracks. The local peanut gallery says that the previous owner was obviously running it underinflated. I've been running it at it's max reccomended pressure. The bike has 720044 miles on it. It had just over 70,000 when I got it. Also, the current tire size is MU 90 B16 78H.
  3. Please say it ain't possible! I was out in the garage tonight, pulling my old rear wheel bearings, and I noticed a crack in the tread of my tire. Not much of one (but dang sure enough to catch my attention), just about 3" long running through a tread gap around the circumferance of the tire. So I rolled the tire around a little more and 1/3 around the tire from the crack was a ck that was every bit of 4" long and it made no difference to the tread where this crack was, and again this one was running the circumference. Seeing as to how I bought this bike used last July, I have no idea how many miles have been logged on this bike. I know that I have logged 1000 miles on this tire with no ill effects, thank God. Obviously, I've got to replace the tire before I trust it to ride again. My question is, what would have caused it in the first place? I've heard nothing but good on Dunlops and nothing but bad on Metzlers, yet my best tire right now is my Metzler on the front. My assumption is that this bike possibly sat on this tire while is was flat for an extended period, but since I have no contact information with the original owner, I have no way of knowing if this is the case. Am I too far off on m assumption? Thanks!
  4. So I take it that it is possible to remove this bearing without tearing it apart as Buddy had to?
  5. Thought so. That would probably explain why so little of it is mentioned in the service manual.
  6. Will do! Thanks!
  7. Now THAT'S an idea! I need about two more inches between my wife's back and the luggage box. A sissy bar (especially an adjustable one) could very well be the solution.
  8. OK, I've got my rear wheel off to get the rotor turned and brake pads replaced. I'm planning on replacing the 6304 bearing , but I noticed that there's another bearing also. In the service manual, it's number is NK 26 x 35 x 25/3A. Is it neccessary for me to replace this one as well? My bike is an '84 VR with 71,000 miles. Thanks!
  9. I've seen 'em in action and they appear to trail well enough behind the bike. But I've never pulled one nor had the opportunity to talk to anyone who has. In my opinion, the center of gravity is too high. I'd like to see the wheel tucked up a little higher into the box, but that in itself could present some maintenance difficulties and severely limit the amount of shock travel when absorbing bumps.
  10. I ain't got enough of that folding green stuff to buy a new tar yet. The nation's economy is making things rough enough for everyone right now and things have been slow at work. In an effort to help keep the new guys in cash, I've been taking voluntary time off from work without pay. But things are starting to pick up a bit now, I've just had two full weeks of work, that means two consecutive GOOD paychecks! After a few more of these, I'll be back on my feet enough to git me a new tar on the front.
  11. I had considered looking for a larger Odessey battery to better fill the compartment. No such luck. Like was mentioned before though, it works and the size difference is easy enough to fix.
  12. If you're talking to me, I couldn't tell you. I got my bike second hand just last July. But my front tire is so worn in the center of the tread, that it might not pass state inspection this year, so I'm quite confident that it's the culprit.
  13. THAT"S what I want on my front! I have one on the back and like it just fine.
  14. Yep, I have the same problem on my '84 and I already knew it was on account of the front tire. I've got me one of them high quality highly publicized Metzler tires up front. I have no idea how many miles are on this tire, but it's good and flat in the center of the tread. I do plan on replacing it soon, just haven't come up with the cash yet. Maybe there's a liquor store close by that needs some "protection".
  15. I've got the PC680 that has the metal jacket. There's no differance between the two, mine fits just as loose. I cut the box that it came in up into strips and used them to take up the space.
  16. OK, now another question. In removing the speedo drive side bearing I bent the flange spacer a bit. I believe I can straighten it out just fine, but I'm wondering just how important this insignificant looking piece of sheet metal really is. And if it's even possible to get a new one.
  17. Rare breed indeed. I just did a short Google search and all the ones i found were in Europe.
  18. Yes, I've already discovered the -2RS and the -ZZ after the 6303. I've not seen a bearing with a -C3 yet and I have no idea what an elevated bearing lask is. Currently, I'm leaning towards the -2RS.
  19. OK, now for the next question. I found one source for these bearings here in town that was open on a Saturday. The price they quoted me for this bearing was $34 each. I've been finding them on-line at prices ranging from $1.50 to $40 each. And all being produced by different manufacturers. Will it really make that big of a difference on the manufacturer of the bearing?
  20. That helps a lot! Thanks! I'm assuming this wheel bearing in your '87 is the same as is in my '84? And since I'd be buying new sealed bearings, do I really need to pop 'em open and put more grease in?
  21. OK, now comes the stupid question. Will I still need to grease these? Thanks! We're fine, other than both of us having caught sinus infections which seem to be running rampant here lately. December was VERY busy with having to play in four Christmas concerts. I spent most of January just trying to catch my breath.
  22. Over 70,000. Are these gonna be hard to find?
  23. Hi guys, returning rider needing help again. Please bear with me, I'm only 30 years out of practice when it comes to motorcycle repair, I want to make sure I've got it right. I've pulled my front wheel off to get the rotors turned. I'm sure that greasing the bearings is the proper thing to do as long as I've got the front wheel off. I'm assuming plain ol' grease is good enough. But if my bearings are bad, will I be able to notice this visually easily or do I need to clean them off with gas first and visually inspect them? Any other things I need to look for as long as I've got the front wheel off? Thanks!
  24. My 84's doing the same thing. It didn't do it when it was warm. I'm not worrying about it until it starts leaking in warm weather.
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