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Everything posted by Schlepporello

  1. Yes, I disconnected the hose leading into the fuel pump from the fuel filter at the fuel pump. I did this specifically to eliminate the filter That's what I'm thinking as well. It was set on reserve already when I first bought the bike three weeks ago. It wasn't changed from that until I filled the tank for the first time. The pump isn't running at all when it's hooked up to the bike. I checked to see if it was running before I removed it from the bike. It's my understanding that it should run for a few seconds to prime the carbs, then only come on as needed. It's not coming on at all unless I hook it to an alternate power source. Of course it might be possible that some water may have gotten into the system somehow and filled the carbs. But before I towed it home I was hand priming each carb and it would run until the fuel I poured in ran out (prior to the trailer ride). Also, I've only filled the tank twice since I bought it and I've been mixing SeaFoam with the gas. I'll drain 'em and see what comes out.........if anything. By the way, I'd like to say thanks to all the kind souls on this fine board who take the time to try to help advise an idjit such as myself. Thanks y'all!
  2. OK, so I'm merrily riding along today when my bike sputters, coughs and dies. I've had the petcock set on the main tank so I could get a rough idea of my city range before having to switch to reserve. I grabbed the pliers and switched to reserve. I restarted the bike and traveled approximately 25 feet before it died again and wouldn't restart. Fortunately, a friend happened by and helped me get some gas in the bike, but it didn't help. We put three gallons in, manually primed the carbs and it still wouldn't run on it's own. My first thought was the fuel filter's bad. I balled another friend who had access to a trailer and we brought tht bike home. I pulled the output hose from the fuel filter to the pump off and opened the petcock, fuel flowed freely from both the main and reserve side. I then reconnected the hose and disconnected the output hose from the fuel pump. Turned the key and nothing happened. "Ahah!" says I, "The fuel pump's bad!" I then removed the fuel pump, but then decided to test it in the garage just to make sure. I connected the leads to my 12-volt charger and it started pumping up a storm. Now I'm flustered. I'm thinking my problem either lies in the relay or the pressure sensor. Am I on the right track?
  3. OK, so I bought my 84 VR solely for the purpose of safing gas on my way to and from work. And so far, when compared to my Dodge Ram 1500 Quad-Cab 4x4 With the Hemi, it's doing what I need it to do. But I'm wondering if I'm running it at the proper RPM range to maximize on my mileage. I was reading in another thread that these engines seem to prefer the higher RPM's over lower RPM's. I've been running mine low so hopefully it'd burn less gas. Am I on track or do I need to keep the revs up?
  4. OK guys, now here's another type of light that I've put on the back of my bike. It's really more of an accent type of light, but at least it's red. http://i35.tinypic.com/2czef5c.jpg I've put six of them on the back of my bike where the license plate is. http://i38.tinypic.com/34sfeab.jpg I got these at the Pilot Truck Stop. They were available in both red and amber. However I have found them in blue also. Anyone else had any experiences with these? I've got some amber ones. I'm thinking of re drilling and tapping the holes for where the bolts go to secure the radiator to the frame, but don't if it's possible to modify these holes. Anybody ever tried this?
  5. Back in the olden days:backinmyday:, I did all of my own tire work on my little street/trail bikes with tubes and spoked wheels. Is changing out a tire on a VR that different? So different that I'll have to consider having someone do it for me?
  6. Good job, Moby! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who likes their adapted mirrors in close. http://i38.tinypic.com/67me61.png For my 84, our local shop crooks wanted to charge me $250 just for one mirror. I told them I'd figure something else out. I found two extra bases on Ebay for $9 and got two aftermarket mirrors for $13 each. I'm very happy with the results.
  7. OK, I went out and bought a pair of short stemmed mirrors that were threaded at 10mm. They were $13 each at the place where I got them. I then got out the bases I had purchased on Ebay. One mirror bolted right up, but the hole on the other base had been drilled out too large. http://i37.tinypic.com/202l92.png In looking at the underside of the hole, it was obvious the original owner had attempted to fix this error by wallowing out a spot below the hole to accommodate an M10 x 1.25 nut. The previous owner also had not succeeded because there still wasn't enough room for a nut to secure the mirror shaft from beneath. http://i38.tinypic.com/2wozwcz.jpg I ran down to Lowe's and snagged the appropriate nut and went back to the garage to finish the job. After a few passes with the Dremel and Drill Press, I was finally able to get the shaft threaded into the nut. http://i35.tinypic.com/29kxvkm.png With this task being completed, I finished mounting the mirrors. http://i38.tinypic.com/67me61.png Yes, I know I could have turned the mirrors on out, but I like them better close in like this. I don't have to turn my head as far to see them. Vibration doesn't seem to be as bad as it was with the original mirror, though the quality of the glass in these mirrors does leave a bit to be desired (some image warping around the edges). I then took it for a test ride and I'm very happy with the results. It's nice to have a mirror on the right side for a change. I will be keeping an eye out for original replacement mirrors on Ebay. They're almost as expensive as Gold at the moment.
  8. I like snakes....................DEAD!
  9. Yep! I've already stuck two of them on my bumper and they make all the others look like they're burnt out. When ever I get a chance, I'm cruising the light section looking at these things.
  10. Some things are considered "trade secrets". Yep, I know this. And I reckon I should have clarified my post just a bit by saying that it was this particular LED bulb that wasn't worth wasting money on. I've put a red LED marker light on the side of my bumper that is amazingly bright and very visible. But on this one particular bulb, my brake light was at least 50% dimmer. I'll find on that'll work eventually, but I figure I'll have to order it. Again, the bulb not to buy is the "Road Pro" LED replacement for the 1157.
  11. Hey Dick, I'd sure like to see a photo of how you arranged yours on your bike. I've got a few ideas, but I'm always open to other ideas as well. By the way, I stopped by the Love's Truck Stop today and they have an alleged LED replacement for the 1157 bulb. It's got the "Road Pro" brand on it and it sells for $12.99. Don't buy it! Take your wife out for dinner or stock up on Cokes, do not buy this bulb. It's not any where near as bright as the 1157 you're seeking to replace. I bought two of them today and they're now in my toolbox (in case I have a use for them later). I'm not out any cash for the bulbs, and here's why. I drive a truck for a living. When I buy diesel at Loves, I get a 1 cent per gallon credit on my Loves Rewards Card. I had $40 worth of credit built up and had nothing better to do with it, so I figured I'd give it a shot. Glad I didn't spend any money on them.
  12. Just finished off my first tank of gas in my '84. All of my driving has been in town on surface streets and I still haven't gotten into a "Rhythym" for driving to maximize mileage yet. I got 36 MPG US.
  13. That is the plan. Thanks!
  14. I managed to snag a pair of bases off of Ebay last week. It appears the above mentioned mod has already been performed on these. Could be good, could be bad. I'm gonna have to run them down to the local shop and see if anything will thread into them.
  15. Naw, just me. She knows who I am and she runs around with my wife.
  16. Thanks guys. I did the traditional tests on the battery between the charger and the hydrometer and it was obvious the battery was bad. I went down to Batteries Plus this morning and grabbed a PC680. I would have done the Ebay thing, but really kind of needed the battery right now. Anyhow, the bike fired right up like a champ, it shows to be charging better at an idle, and even the horn sounds better when I honk it at the cranky old lady down the street. Thanks all for your wonderful help!
  17. Thanks guys. Now for my next stupid question. Where's the best place to buy a new battery? I've looked on-line at Batteries plus and while they don't show to have any on-line, the website says that it should be in stock in the store. The only one they show for my bike though is for an '85, not an '84. Is there enough difference between the two years to cause a problem?
  18. OK. I have absolutely no experience with a stator going bad on my Venture Royale and I have no idea what to look for if a problem is developing. I've heard that on a Gold Wing, when the stator goes out, everything goes out. You're basically dead in the water. I have no idea if that is typical with this bike or not. Here's what I've experienced today. I had to run to the parts house to get some new brake pads for the wife's Geo. Everything went as clockwork. I fred up the bike, drove to the Zone, got the parts, and driv back. I went back out to fire the bike up about four hours later. The bike turn once, then started clicking. I had to use the battery charger to get it fired up. I got it running again and driv it to the cars wash so's I could clean it up a bit. Got done, tried to fire it up, it turned twice and quit. Had to call the wife out to jump start me (I ain't pushin' it). I got it fired back up and took it for an investigative ride. Once the RPM's get over 2 G's, it shows to be charging just below the 3/4 mark on the voltmeter (well above the 12 mark). If I let it idle, the voltmeter drops to just above the yellow mark (well below the 12 mark). When the engine is running 2 G's and above, the voltmeter stays just below the 3/4 mark and does not fluctuate. So what could have caused my problem? Is the stator trying to go bad? The previous owner also had replaced the original battery with one from a Gold Wing. As a result, I have no place to stick the special battery sensor tube. Could this be where my problem lies? Do I just need to get out and ride the bike some more to keep the battery charged up?
  19. Hi y'all. I just noticed these today, these round things on the sides of the hydraulic fluid reservoirs for my front brake and for my clutch. It appears as if these may actually be windows designed for easy checking of fluid levels inside the reservoirs. I can't confirm this though because there seems to be 24 years of hardedned road grime on these windows. I haven't attempted to clean them yet for fear of using too much pressure on them and causing breakage. I was wondering what the best way to clean these would be and if it's actually safe to do so.
  20. I stopped by our local dealership yesterday, just out of curiosity. I asked about a new right mirror for my '84. the price has jumped fro $70:yikes: to $250:yikes::yikes:. The kid behind the counter suggested that I check the salvage yards. Being smarter than the kid behind the counter, I know this isn't an option. We haven't had anything remotely resembling a salvage yard here that had wrecked motorcycles in at least 30 years. I need a right mirror so it looks like I'm gonna have to try this fix to get me two new mirrors.
  21. Just out of curiosity, is the left mirror threaded the same as the right? In other words, no reverse threading?
  22. I haven't used it on anything less than a straight section of road, and as for corners, I'm still trying to remember to slow down for them. Seriously, I've been taking the curves on the interchange at highway speeds and wondering why I'm having to lean over so far. It doesn't seem like I'm going that fast until I look at the speedometer. I'll get refamiliarized with the bike and the essence of riding, hopefully before I get hurt. Oh, and about the cruise. I LOVE how it cuts off if I just think about gripping the clutch.
  23. Guys, I tried using my cruise control for the first time yesterday. I've NEVER had a bike that had cruise. Man! What a deal! Just sit back and relax.
  24. Hi all. I've always been a big fan of these grips. http://www.jcwhitney.com/wcsstore/jcwhitney/images/imagecache/G_12128G_CL_1.jpg I know, they're not everybody's favorite, but I like 'em. My question is this. I've noticed that the grips on my 84 VR are by far the longest I've ever seen. Is it possible to get the style of grip I've shown in the picture to fit on these bars? Thanks!
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