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Everything posted by Schlepporello

  1. Is this something that can be used instead of Microsoft Office? How does it compare?
  2. OK, after I got home from work tonight, I whipped out the camera phone and snapped a shot of the LED's That I'm currently using on the back of my bumper.These are the one's that I bought at Love's Truck Stop using the earned Diesel points on my Love's card. These only have 8 LED's per light. The one's that will be replacing these have 20. The bad thing about these lights? Only the 8 LED's. The good thing about them? I basically got 'em for free. The sad part about it is that the Love's lights cost $17 each and the one's with 20 LED's cost me $14. http://i25.tinypic.com/21buhhw.png I do feel that they do enhance the back of the bumper, moreso than the old square faded pieces of plastic. These new ones bolted right in without drilling any holes as there was enough room from where the old lights went to allow for bolts to be run through. This left almost a half inch gap across the top of the light. If I drill two new holes when I install the better LED's, it'll move them snug up against the top. Then I'll be cool and the chicks will dig me.:happy34:
  3. And you think I haven't been doing this already?
  4. They would if the missus ever let me out at night.
  5. Someone had mentioned that the Stebel was rated at 139 DBS "at 4 feet's distance". I don't know if the Bad Boy's rating is at the same distance, I do know that the ad boy is way better than the stock waste of good metal that my bike was originally equipped with.
  6. By the way, I have a secret for the bolt that's used to mount the horn to the bracket. Use a stopnut on the other end of the bolt (that's the kind with the nylon in the end). It won't vibrate loose.
  7. OK, the first thing I set out to do when I got this bike was to make it more visible with replacement lighting. I did the right thing and set out to replace/add certain lights with LED components. The first one I replaced was the two small square "things" on the side of the bumper with one of these. http://i33.tinypic.com/2q8xbo1.png It was a noticeable improvement, but it just kind of stuck out there. It needed a little something to dress it up. It needed "Bling". Well, a quick visit to a local trucker's chrome shop got me the Bling I needed. http://i34.tinypic.com/2dv03gp.jpg Needless to say, I like the looks of tis a lot better. The next thing I set out to do was to replace the square "things" on the back of the bumper. http://i37.tinypic.com/166x51.jpg Thanks to the good folks at Love's Truck Stop and my Love's fuel card, I bought a couple of rectangular LED marker lights (sorry, no pic). These were also a major step above the square things in that they were not only more visible, but they also seemed to update the bumper just a bit appearance wise. They bolted right up, just had about a half inch of clearance at the top of the light and a quarter inch at the bottom. I could easily move it up snug at the top if I wanted to just by drilling a couple of holes per light. So all is well with these lights. But alas, they only had 4 LED bulbs on each side of the light, not quite what I had in mind for a housing that large. Then a co-worker told me of a trucker's chrome shop in Friona, TX. He said that they had stuff I wasn't going to find here in Amarillo, and he was right! The first thing i found was a rectangular light that was the same size as I had just put on, but had 20 LED's in each light. http://i37.tinypic.com/142hhmc.png I will snug these up against the top lip of the bumper, which will allow me to add a couple of other LED bars under these rectangular ones. The little bars are 4" long by roughly a half inch wide. They will mount directly beneath the larger rectangular lights and will be centered unless I change my mind. http://i37.tinypic.com/2emodn6.png The bigger rectangular lights will be wired into my running lights while the smaller ones will be wired into my brake lights. In the future, I plan on adding additional lights to the side of the bumper and to the rear of the bike, then I'll look into adding more amber lights to the front.
  8. OK, so like many others, I bought one of them Bad boy air horns at Harbor Freight. The stock horns I had were just about as useful as a tender whisper in an offender's ear, so I had to do something. I bought the horn, happened on to some scrap 3/8" aluminum to cut a bar from, and went to work. The original horn bracket was way too short to mount the air horn, so I cut a new bracket from the aluminum scrap I had. I cut the bracket, drilled the holes and mounted the horn. http://i38.tinypic.com/2pt544i.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/2885uzo.jpg I ran it like this for a couple of weeks and everything worked fine, but I really didn't like where I had it mounted. It just stuck out there like a sore thumb. So I set to looking for an alternate location, preferably down lower at the front of the front engine guard. We just happened to have a couple of small 90 degree brackets laying around at work, so I spirited them home and got to work once again. Here's what I came up with. http://i33.tinypic.com/2cyo844.jpg http://i38.tinypic.com/16gjtyd.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/2edyyhg.jpg I like this set-up a lot better. And since I have an extra bracket, I can now mount a second horn on the other side! The overall appearance is a lot cleaner and there is less exposed wiring and I now have two spots where the original horns were that I can use for mounting passing lights. my only concern at this point is concerning heat from the exhaust pipe possibly melting the plastic. I've only had the horn in this location one day so far and I check it every time I stop to see if it's getting hot. So far it's staying quite cool.
  9. I can attest to the good fishing at Eagle's Nest Lake. My wife and I have pulled many a fine trout out of that lake.
  10. I totally disagree with the new speeding fines. Anyone going 50 MPH over the posted speed limit needs to be shot at. Fine 'em later if they survive. (it's the Texan in me)
  11. Is there any way that you can update us on this clown? Did he get caught?
  12. Hammer his hide to the wall!
  13. That just ain't right. He should have at least been using a Snoopy pole.
  14. Of all the places to have a flat. They've got a whole lot of nuthin' there.
  15. Sorry I wasn't able to respond to this sooner, y'all. I didn't get home until after 7:00 PM and the missus had dinner burnt and ready for me when I got home. I reckon at 8:15, it's probably too late to try to make it.
  16. Not meaning to be the one to be the neysayer on these as they do look great and I am interested, but..................... It's been my experience in this state that the city and state cops git a little picky when you go to blocking things like license plates and lights with things like cargo boxes. Could these be cause for an unwanted ticket?
  17. Turncoat!!!!! Traitor!!!!!!!!
  18. http://www.nakedgoldwings.com/forum/?&MMN_position=88:88 Like this board, there are a kot of great people here.
  19. About the Wal-Mart covers, water is starting to seep through mine just a bit. Would spraying it with ScotchGuard help eliminate this?
  20. Same here, took me a little while to find 'em though. Go to the automotive section, look for the car covers. That's where they'll be.
  21. Thou shalt not messeth with the tuba player, unless ice cream is involved. Schlepporello (who's still looking for that gig that pays in free ice cream)
  22. In looking at the member list, it appears that there are more VR riders here in Amarillo than myself, yet I have seen none other than my own bike save one more maroon colored VR that's up for sale at the place where I bought mine.
  23. Will this effect the swap as far as trying to fit a 1300 into a hole made for a 1200? There will still be plenty of room for everything to fit, won't there?
  24. Self moderation............. Does that mean I cain't spit on the floor no more and I have to wear clean shoes when I post on the board?
  25. Thanks igya! I'll keep an eye out for a 1300.
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