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Everything posted by Schlepporello

  1. OK guys and gals. I've got another "Newbie" question. This time it's about "Charity Rides". I've only had my bike a couple of months now and apparently missed out on such a ride today, and this got me to thinking. I think i might actually like to participate in such a ride, but have absolutely no idea about how they work or what's involved. How 'bout it? Anybody wanna learn me about charity rides?
  2. Which Texas Motorcyclist were they talking about? Update: OK, I went back and read the only article I could find on that website that was motorcycle related. It involved two kids riding wrecklessly on a curved, elevated ramp on the local highway. it sounds to me like it was a couple of bullet proof kids hot dogging on Ninja bikes. Truely, it's a terrible trajedy, but it's one that could have been easily avoided by sensible driving.
  3. When I bought my 84 VR, it had a hitch on it. Seeing as to how I have no intention of pulling a trailer I pulled the hitch off the bike. However, I kept it just in case it ever came in handy for anything. You just never know for sure.
  4. The PO of my bike squirted a small amount of aerosol foam (just a dab) at the bottom of each vent to block them open. However, I plan on driving this bike as far into Winter as I can stand and am gonna need to shut these things down. I'll be cleaning the old junk out and finding a new way to prop the vents open myself.
  5. It's funny, I've had my horn on my bike for a 3 weeks now and haven't had to honk at anyone yet. Yet before I put the horn on, it was up to 3 times a week. Do you think the cagers can sense that you've got a loud horn and an itchy trigger thumb?
  6. It looks good, but you had to did sacrifice your stock radio, amp and intercom, didn't you?
  7. OK gang, I got busy over the holiday weekend and got all the lights I had on-hand swapped out. The first thing I did was pull off the two 2"x6" rectangular LED's that I had originally installed on the back and put the two that were the same size (except had 20 LED's) in their place. I centered the two 4"x1/2" LED's beneath that. On each end of that, I put two amber bullet lights. The last touch was to add two more red bullets to where the mud flap bolts were. Here's the pic that tells it all.
  8. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21667&highlight=wire+mp3+player
  9. Or just click this link. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24426
  10. Aren't people who wish to wear speedos required by law to go through an application process?
  11. Here ya go! http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24426
  12. What is wrong with riding safe? What is wrong with enjoying the scenery while you drive? What is wrong with getting back to the house in one piece with a bike that's still ridable?
  13. OK, I'm 6' 7.5" tall and weigh in at 214 sopping wet. I can't do it without using my automobile ramp. I have no intention of doing it any other way and my back thanks me for that decision.
  14. Yes, many radios will not receive unless the mic is hooked up. Why? I haven't got a clue. It's just one of those things. But there's something else you might want to check, and it's so simple that no one ever thinks to check it until they're ready to shell out the big bucks to get it fixed (yes, it's happened to me too). Check your coax, make sure it's attached tight at the back of the radio and at the antenna. I have had it vibrate loose from the radio many times when in the big truck. I can only imagine the same could happen on a bike.
  15. To the OP, don't feel bad, I can't get mine up on the center stand by myself either. I'm positive that it's all a matter of technique, but either genetics or poltergeists are preventing me from being able to learn these techniques. So to counter this, here's what I do. I have a pair of those drive-on ramps that you use for working on your car. I drive the front tire up about 2/3 of the way up the ramp, stand on the CS pad with my left foot, and pull the bike back using the assistance of Mr. Gravity. The ramp can easily be slid out of the way.
  16. We legislated that out of existance.
  17. Yep, it's like I was explaining to Freebird the other day. You'd be surprised and amazed at all the things tuba related that are out there. Here's a mind blower for you. The horn you played in school was pitched in B-flat. That means your tuning note was the upper B-flat, which was the second line up from the bottom of the staff on your music. Tubas also are currently manufactured in pitches of C, E-flat and F. That means the tuning note is the note i just mentioned. I own two B-flat horns and one E-flat horn. I use the E-flat for playing at our Tuba Christmas events now because I'm being called upon to play the high parts. E-flat tubas can hit the high notes easier.
  18. I'll agree. In a state that has no helmet law, the DOT endorsement IMHO shouldn't matter. Here's an idea. Get a small piece of inch wide masking tape and a black crayon and.............
  19. Thanks FLB! I'd prefer to give DB the business simply because they're closer to the house and David used to be a trumpet player. What about balancing? Is that taken care of when they mount it? Also, I'm assuming that both my tires are bias ply tires. Am I better off to go to radials? AZ, the fiberglass will certainly be easier to carry, but the tone and projection will totally suck when compared to what you could belt out with a good ol' Conn 20J or 32J (if you have a strong enough shoulder). A friend of mine in Indiana has a "monster" Martin 4-valved sousaphone that he says will flat play everything else out of the stadium. The added weight resulting from the additional 4th valve and associated plumbing can make for a very uncomfortable marching experience though.
  20. On the board that I frequent the most (http://forums.chisham.com/index.php?sid=a338a00368d0b5e52b68cc54ab3bc5ad Tubenet) many of us old timers are constantly bombarded by the constant repetetive posts made about things relating to tubas. Which is a better finish, lacquer or silver plate? Which mouthpiece is better? Which key is better? And what about the valves? Are pistons better than rotors? Such is the life of a tuba junkie. I'm honestly trying not to clutter this fine board with the same type of repetative newbie questions, but in searching the previous posts I'm still not gleaning all the information I'm looking for. So I ask your patience as I stumble about the board. I'm going to need to replace my existing front tire soon. How soon, I don't know. I've not ridden in 30 years and when I did ride regularly I never rode often enough to justify replacing a front tire. Here's what I currently have on my 84 VR. Front: Metzler ME880 Marathon 120/90B 18 M/C 65H Rear: Dunlop 491 Elite II MU 90 B16 78H So far, both tires seem to be doing everything I need them to do. As I'm driving ultra-conservatively (as if the road were covered in grease), I'm not pushing the bike hard through curves or throwing it around like I'm on a race course. I've had to ride in the rain a few times and they seem to do amazingly well to me. My motorcycle tire knowledge is only 30 years out of date, so I'm having to learn everything anew. I've read that Avons are the way to go, but then in other posts I read that Avons on the front don't always perform well on 1st Gen VR's. As for the type of riding I do, I bought the bike to use as a daily driver to and from work. My speeds seldom get over 45 MPH unless I get brave and hit the highway if I'm in a hurry. I do not plan on traveling on this bike, That's what I bought the big Dodge quad-cab for. However I would like to take the occaisional trip to Palo Duro Canyon every once in a while. Long tire life is of course desireable as I don't want to have to stick a new tire on every year. It's gotta stick to the road, I don't like falling down. I understand the complexities of selecting a tire that's too hard of a compound. What say ye? Would an Avon be the way to go or should I go with a Dunlop? Another thing I need to ask about is tire size. Back in the olden days, I would often replace the original rear tire with the widest tire I could possibly fit on the rim without scraping the swingarm. Are there any benefits to selecting a different size tire other than what the recommended size is? And what about radials? I honestly didn't know there was such a thing for motorcycle tires, I thought all that existed were bias tires. Pros and cons? Thanks y'all!
  21. If I'm going to add a pic via URL, I'll upload the photo at http://tinypic.com/ and set the size for "Messageboard". Once it's uploaded, I'll copy the URL and paste it where I need it. On the other hand, if I'm posting the photo as an attached file, I use Broderbund Photo Editor, which was an add-on from an old Hallmark Greetings program.
  22. What!? Nobody mentioned the Handyman's Secret Weapon. Duct Tape!
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