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Everything posted by FozzyUSN

  1. I just bought 2 HJC AC3s (XXL & L) on e-bay for about $92 each. They have most colors and sizes.
  2. In my earlier days of riding a 76 750SX, I had the rear tire go flat on a sharp left corner doing about 35 - 40. The back end felt like it was starting to slide right and I corrected. The bike ended up going over on the high side and sliding about 40 feet or so. A couple of guys that were following a bit closely ended up using the front tire & fairing and back tire and saddlebags as a ramp and jumped clear into a ditch, trashing theirs. It bent my front rim and trashed the fairing and I had a dent in the left side muffler and serious scratches in my right side muffler, as well as a nice set of tire tracks on the side of my saddlebag and seat. I walked away from it, they limped for many days.
  3. Them there 1st Gen'rs are awful quiet here lately . Could it be the Dark Side taking over or retirement time on the old EGO-maniacs ? Did their "Ride-On"done rode off and left them behind ? Or could it be another embarrassing post on how they lost another vent on the side of the road ? That's right there beer man, we are quiet. That is how we sneak up and pass you 2nd gens and your cousins the HDs. However, should you listen very carefully, you may hear a few of us laugh on the way past you!:rasberry:
  4. :stirthepot::stirthepot:The second gen would loose by a much LARGER margin is all!:stirthepot:
  5. If this is being carried on your scoot, you may NOT want to get a digital meter. This is because it may set for quite some time between uses and the battery will die. A digital meter is useless with a dead battery. An analog meter (needle movement) works without a battery. Just my from someone that works in the field of 'tronics'.
  6. I added a speed trap of my own in there. It is SR-571 between I-75 and SR-25A in Troy, OH. The west bound lane is 35 MPH going out of town and only has one barely visible sign. The east bound lane is 45 MPH coming into town and there are three signs showing this. I got pinched there right after I moved because I had the evening sun in my eyes and could barely see the vehicle in front of me, let alone any signs. Out of the 5 vehicles in the group, I was #3, I was the only one pulled over and ticketed. When the officer asked if I was aware of the speed limit, I pointed at the east bound sign and said yes and quoted it to him. He responded by saying that was the East bound lane, not the West bound lane. I asked what the difference was and he told me 10 MPH. I explained my self in court, but didn't accomplish anything more than with the judge. My insurance agent told me later on that spot makes quite a bit of money for both the city of Troy, and Miami county.
  7. The right side picture was taken when I had it apart and was cleaning. Here is another picture of the right side. All the body parts are there. Mileage is 67,748 as of today. I've dusted a few HDs that wanted to play. By myself, she gets 44 MPG on the interstate and 39 - 41 in town. As for going to the Dark Side, NEVER! I purchased a blue 88 back in July and rode it to Florida, then to Vogel for the annual meeting. I can't seem to figure out how to ride two and storage space is getting a little cramped as well. Price on it is $2500. I'll get it listed in the classifieds here shortly.
  8. Been beating around the bushes about selling my 83 Venture. Finally made up my mind this weekend. Should anyone be interested, let me know. She runs great and I will be including a couple of helmets with it. I have installed a 4-lamp light bar on the tour pack, auxillary driving lights on the front and an AM/FM Cassette that I purchased off of e-bay. I have the owners manual and a Yamaha tool kit that I purchased off of e-bay. I'm asking $2500.
  9. I just ran into this same problem. Battery light would come on and stay. I had the battery checked (GOOD) and had the charging system checked (GOOD), but the light was still on. I pulled the plug for the CMU input and it was very badly carroded. Tried cleaning with alcohol and electrical contact cleaner and it would work for a day or so, then come back on. Even dipped both ends into a container of coke. Ended up replacing the connector and have not had a bit of problem since. Just be careful if you cut the connector on the wire harness side as it is very short.
  10. Checked fluid level and it was just fine. However when I removed the battery leads, I did find a little build up under the positive terminal. After cleaning and reassembly, it seems to work just fine now. Thanks for the help and suggestions. John
  11. My 83 just started flashing the battery emblem when I start it up. After several minutes of running, the battery emblem goes out and does not appear until I shut off the engine and restart it. I'm suspecting first the battery, then the charging system second. How do I go about determining which is at fault? Thanks ahead of time for the help.
  12. Depending on the date and when classes break for the semester, count me in. Sounds like a great idea.:thumbsup2:
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