I added a speed trap of my own in there. It is SR-571 between I-75 and SR-25A in Troy, OH. The west bound lane is 35 MPH going out of town and only has one barely visible sign. The east bound lane is 45 MPH coming into town and there are three signs showing this.
I got pinched there right after I moved because I had the evening sun in my eyes and could barely see the vehicle in front of me, let alone any signs. Out of the 5 vehicles in the group, I was #3, I was the only one pulled over and ticketed. When the officer asked if I was aware of the speed limit, I pointed at the east bound sign and said yes and quoted it to him. He responded by saying that was the East bound lane, not the West bound lane. I asked what the difference was and he told me 10 MPH.
I explained my self in court, but didn't accomplish anything more than with the judge. My insurance agent told me later on that spot makes quite a bit of money for both the city of Troy, and Miami county.