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About Holly

  • Birthday 09/11/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    Daryl Hollenbeck


  • Location
    Lester, IA, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    08 Black Cherry RSV,06 250 Rebel, 05 RSTD, 88 venture royale, 04 1100 vstar


  • Occupation

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  1. Acquire a 1st gen MK2, would 2nd gen front brake lines work as a start to de-link the brakes? Have a TD that has been wrecked the second time, not going to fix it again. Thanks
  2. Every bit will help. Gary is a great guy. He was hosting the Pork in the Pines for the duration of it. I t really hurts to see him in such straits.
  3. https://www.gofundme.com/f/7uwbqq-grandpa-gary?fbclid=IwAR0SaOj58Qz6SLo7KX-tG7yiwmhYhR0x_7dZWIPCBCJngiQF2Zk5w54nbS8
  4. Anyone ever put a 2nd gen engine in a first gen? I have a wrecked tour deluxe and was wondering if I can make the engine fit an 88
  5. Uncledj, this is my second 1st gen, that is why i bought it, loved riding it! I also have a second gen, 05 tour deluxe and a 04 vstar 1100 that are rideable, have 2 maxims as projects along with the 88, just too much at the moment
  6. after going over the bike and putting a few miles on it, i am setting it aside till i have more time, suspension appears to be locked up, possibly running on 3 cylinders, brakes, and other small issues
  7. Is it off a royale? that seems to be the key
  8. It may fit, by the den ray hitch list, 83,84,85 have 2 hitches listed, one of those also fits the 86 and up.
  9. Was wondering if anyone had a trailer hitch laying around for this '88?
  10. ran my CT @ 50 PSI, no wobble, could tell the tire was getting low when the wobble came back
  11. Holly

    Leaking oil,

    Report on the oil leak, after replacing the shifter shaft seal and putting it back together, started it and the oil still poured out, was coming from above the shifter shaft and running down the electrical wires under the engine, the only place you can have oil coming out on the left side is the clutch release cylinder, removed the cylinder and found the clutch release shaft seal had come out of the crankcase! So I replaced the seal and rebuilt the clutch cylinder and put it back together, bled the cylinder by pumping brake fluid from the bleeder valve to the reservoir using a new pump oil can, No leaking now!
  12. Holly

    Leaking oil,

    Looked harder at it, not the clutch release, shifter shaft seal, easier
  13. Holly

    Leaking oil,

    Think I found it, looks it might be coming from clutch release cylinder oil seal
  14. Holly

    Leaking oil,

    Lost 1.5 qt of oil, that is what it took to bring it back to showing in the sight glass, level, no oil coming from the rubber hoses
  15. HI Went to the Black Hills last weekend, had a blast, rain, snow and hail made for fun riding one night! Sunday morning headed home from Custer, got as far as Rapid City when my oil light flashed at me, stopped and checked, found the whole underside from back of engine cover in oil. Crawled underneath and saw oil dripping from a group of steel tubes, looks to be 4 of them, can't see where they come from or which one is leaking, Can anyone help as to what is going on? This is on an 08 RSV, 90k, just getting really broke in! Thanks
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