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Everything posted by got2mnytoys

  1. just done this used a #9 unibit to drill out the end of the hand grip so the stock weight moved freely my stock end weight is threaded dont know if they all are anyway i took a 11/16 deepwell socket cut off a piece 11/16 long used that for the throttle side with red locktight got about 4 threads in the nut welded in the bar and on the other side i cut a 3/4 deep well off at 11/16 and doen the some on that side (( I use a fat max tape measure dont have one those fancy caliper things worked with well for me file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/medquist/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/moz-screenshot.jpg
  2. got2mnytoys

    '92 gmc

    From the album: other crap

  3. got2mnytoys

    other crap

  4. got2mnytoys

    From the album: 05 midnight

  5. got2mnytoys

    05 midnight

  6. I have them on my bike easy to install just don't overtighten the nuts that hold the plastic vent it'll crack have pictures in my profile but not any up close
  7. "So, I guess this means if I add a SideCar, or get a 3 wheel rig, I have to get Re-Licenced --- Hmmmm ????" Some states are doing a trike/sidecar endorsement ( just another way to get your money) you can usually take one of there courses @ 125.00 pop and I also have been told that some states you have to pay additional $ just to have a motorcycle endorsement I wonder if you have to pay twice if you ride a 2 wheel motor with a removable sidecar?
  8. Downtown Birmingham, AL
  9. Personally I have gone to all Plasma's now and the 52" pioneer has the best picture still ( but you pay out the nose for a pioneer),no matter what you buy in 2 months there will be something better out and whatever you decide to buy will be alot cheaper in 2 months and I wouldn't buy a display even though they are usually offered @ a good price they want last long
  10. SWEET ride! You better get start wearing Harley clothing when your around your bike or they will disown you:stickpoke:
  11. They have already tried with the beull its pretty much been a flop in Alabama, pre order price 11,000 for black,11,300 for color . at 580 pounds and 3.5 gal fuel ,air cooled think I'll stick with the rice burners I'm thinking if I'm going to be uncomfortable I at least want to be fast.
  12. http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=CLHc18us9SfjXNoq4eN-f3fEI4dOUiAG19o6fDcW54wUQASClgOMQKApQjq6o1wRgyd6phrij3BPIAQGqBBhP0PWaKXv0z1ZVO-lqVrey25LnjQATMqE&num=1&sig=AGiWqtxgbvcLjFpOgrL9gcvpvBieetm2EA&q=http://www.harley-davidson.com/wcm/content/pages/2009_motorcycles/xr1200.jsp%3Flocale%3Den_US%26camp_id%3D16%26source_cd%3DSEM_XR1200%26_cr%3Dppc%7Cgoogle%7Cxr1200%7Cmotorcycle
  13. "One downside - you generally will be forced to ride a BMW or Wing. However, roughing it for a couple of weeks with great scenery will still be a great time." He's already ridi'n a harley LOL. just mess'n with ya Keith By the way when you going to post some pics of the HOG Sounds like fun you going to have them ship your bike for you, had some friends that were thinking about the same kinda trip and having there's shipped this spring but work run out and now they are staying close to home unless something changes
  14. I have 4 trucks that come with factory passing or driving lights (whichever ) and all of them are on when the low beams are on and cut off with the high beam and it says this is right in the owners manual . And my scooter's stay on all the time. Glad Alabama don't do the inspection thing
  15. Going to install brake, clutch and throttle stainless steel lines and would like to know of anything I might run into thats going to give me problems, spent 2 hours reading post about bleeding the clutch and brakes, read so many different ways and problems got me wondering how bad it's going to be (and confused). Any guidance and what tools I will need would be greatly appreciated
  16. Me and I've read that alot of others here, swap them around to even out the wear on front and rear. swap the inside pad with the outside pad
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