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Everything posted by padavidj

  1. Well when I went out to the garage this morning to fire up the old Royal Star I was surprised to see that the rear of my ride was lowered for me (i.e. I had a flat tire). I guess after 12000miles on the stock Bridgestones I can't complain. The thing that gets me is that after a full day of riding yesterday with my wife and getting to take my 10 y/o on her first motorcycle ride, then the tire decides to go flat !? I am ordering the Dunlop Elite 3 for it this week. Dave:bang head:
  2. Are they hard to wire yourself? Does anyone have some instructions on how to install them? Dave
  3. If they are the stock pipes and tips I do believe that there is one allen screw per tip. Dave, aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  4. Sounds good to me, now I have to wait for the Sept announcement. dave:witch_brew:
  5. Nice to see another Steeler Fan rides a Venture! And now I can see your bike all the way down here in Culpeper! Dave:thumbsup2:
  6. Charlie at my dealership told me that you should not run synthetic oil in the Royal Stars because of the wet clutch. Supposedly the synthetic oil is slicker than dino oil and will make the clutch slip. I have been running 10w-40 dino oil with no problems. Dave, aka the "Chubby Ape":cool10:
  7. I got caught in that rain also yesterday but I was on an ATV near the Culpeper/Orange county line. Dave, aka the'Chubby Ape":missingtooth:
  8. I heard a silly rumor that Yamaha was going to be redesigning the Royal Star Venture for next Summer as a 2010 release. The source that I heard this from also stated that they will be using a variation of the new V-Max motor bumping the displacement up to around 1900cc(dare I say Goldwing territory?!) and adding ABS (finally!). Has anyone else heard or seen anything about this? Dave aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  9. I'm down in Culpeper just off of Rt 29. Dave aka the'Chubby Ape'
  10. I always thought it was better to stand out than to follow the pack, I think that is how it goes anyway. I do agree with what some others have posted on this thread, most of the Harley guys are owners not riders and after riding a few harleys I can see why! Remember there was many reasons why you bought your Venture, be proud of it! I know I am proud of my RSTD. Harley riders aways ask what make mine is and if they are asking they are interested to know what bike that is that just blew by them without breaking a sweat! Hey Harleys are nice looking bikes, put to get the performance to a level of the Royal Stars you will end up paying alot more than what we all spent for our rides. I know when I bought my RSTD I compared alot of bikes and took alot of bikes for a test ride. I guess one question that should also be asked is; Are you not happy with your bike? Dave, aka the Chubby Ape:thumbsup2:
  11. Eddy, Sorry to hear about your crash, at least you are here to tell us about it! I do agree with you though, there are alot of stupid people out there that spend more time on the cellphone or something other than paying attention to driving their da-- car! I hope you have a speedy recovery. Dave:Venture:
  12. Hasn't there been few postings on here about mounting a Harley Tour trunk on a RSTD? Depending on your skill level I would think that it couldn't be that hard, just might turn out to be a real pain in the ___ to get done if you know what I mean. Dave
  13. I know of a couple of riders from Va. that would be interested. Dave, aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  14. Okay now I am thoroughly confused! I need to replace my rear tire on my '05 RSTD with 11000 + miles on it now and after riding in a popup rainstorm the other night I reaaaalllllly neeeeeed to replace it. But I am torn between which one to get. I use the Royal Star as a daily driver and occasional tourer. I thought I would let price be the deciding factor but when I just checked some of the online dealers the prices are within $.50 of each other. I would really appreciate any input members of the group would have on this matter. Thanks in advance, Dave, aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  15. I always wear mine. Working in healthcare you always manage to see someone who doesn't wear a helmet and tries head bunting a tree or a car at about 60mph and loses the hard way. Dave:rotfl:
  16. My friend Mitch has an '07 Nomad that he likes alot better than the '01 Vstar 1100 classic he used to have. He tried to find a RSTD at the time but they were far and few between. He ended up with the Nomad but bought it from a dealer in Berkley Springs, WV. I do believe his price before trade was about $10,800 for a brand new one. When we go out for a ride he might beat me in the hole shot but he quickly losses steam when we start hitting top end, plus his bike doesn't have an overdrive. So far he has put new grips and a few other things to deal with the bike's vibration. (and I thought you only had to deal with that type of vibration on a Harley, but that's another story!) Overall though he does like the bike but he still wishes he would have held out for a Venture or Tour Deluxe. Dave aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  17. I'm just wandering how soon we will see a redesigned venture/RSTD? If the VMax is a hint of what the new motor will be, sign me up! Dave aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  18. Around here the prices go from as much as Retail + to $14999 in Charlotsville. The dealer down near UVA did have about 4 to choose from. Dave
  19. Sunman, I would be interested in one of them. I just wonder how much it would cost to ship one to Culpeper,Va. Dave aka the 'Chubby Ape'
  20. I agree, everything I have heard and read seems to point to a 2010 release if not maybe a new model altogether!? I hope they do come out with a new model though I finally got the greenlight from the guardian of the checkbook(i.e. my wife!) to get a new bike and if they don't come out with a new one I might end up buying a Raider instead to keep the RSTD company in the garage. Dave:bluesbrother:
  21. Charlie at the Cycle Center in Culpeper is pretty good also. I wish I could say I had favorable dealing with Coleman but I haven't. I bought my RSTD from Charlie and he did cut me a heck of a deal. By the way if you ever want to meet up for a ride let me know, I live right in Culpeper. Dave
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