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About ryder

  • Birthday 09/13/1947

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  • Location
    acton on, Canada


  • City
    acton on


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    83 venture
  1. if they are given the bail out money and come next union contract will they go on strike for more money and job protection?
  2. it's in pleasant grove [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hN-4gqlLrc&feature=related]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hN-4gql ... re=related[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3NzWiuC7pE&NR=1]YouTube - Carol of the Bells - 2007 - Holdman Christmas Display[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEe8w9YSOoc&feature=related]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEe8w9YS ... re=related[/ame]
  3. anyone here own it? or would you admitt to owning it?
  4. great running into you at the dragon, hope we can meet up again.
  5. http://www.redfridays.ca/rdr/index.htm
  6. was listening to cfrb 1010 in toronto yesterday a talk radio, and the topic. makes me ashamed to be canadian they where there for therpy Injured soldiers who lost limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan have been jeered out of a public pool for fear that they might frighten children. people who had their kids there for swimming lessons did this. I think that these people should be publicly named and shamedhttp://sc.groups.msn.com/themes/R9c/pby/img/emoticons/emangry.gif this happened in toronto does anyone have a link to this story, I know it;s out ther I just can't find it
  7. Motorcyclist offers apology and restitution to members of DUMB An apology is in order, so, please, forgive me. It was not until this morning on my ride to work that I fully understood I was in error. Yes, I've noticed that there are many very busy and important people on the roads. You all are hard to miss with the cell phones, laptops, breakfast bars, coffee, cigarettes and all, but until now, I didn't realize I was causing so much trouble for you busy, multitasking drivers. I figured it out this morning, thanks to the nice lady working on the laptop who needed the lane I was in. First, ma'am, let me say that when I honked at you from the shoulder, I didn't mean to startle you. My intent was just to give you a little beep to let you know the lane was all yours. But I was braking so hard, I couldn't lift my thumb off the horn button. My bad. I surely didn't mean to cause you to nearly hit the guy talking on the cell phone. You know, he was smoking and talking as he moved his SUV right into the space you had just left. Anyway, the good news is, that's when I realized all of you multitasking drivers must be texting each other about intended lane changes and running traffic lights and stop signs and such. I'm sorry - I'm still using old-fashioned blinkers. I didn't realize you needed some time to e-notify that guy that you needed the lane back. I really messed it up for both of you! I can only say that the guard rail was a little distracting, and I was only thinking about myself. I'll try harder next time. Like I said, I didn't know that was how you multitasking drivers were communicating. It must have been in an e-mail, but my laptop fell off my tank and I haven't replaced it. However, I have a solution. I know many of you are so busy and important that you have no choice - you have to eat, work, talk, read and do lots of other really important things as you drive. Those of us who use the road only for traveling would be happy to stay out of your way; we just need to know you're coming. A little visual clue would help - I was thinking of a bumper sticker. That way, everyone could identify you as Drivers Utilizing Multiple Behaviors. Of course, that's a little long, so we'd cut it down to an acronym - DUMB. If you'd place stickers on the front, back and maybe the sides of your car, the rest of us would know not to interfere with you on the road. I think it's such a good idea, I'll pay for the bumper stickers and even put them on for you. Deal? Again, I'm sorry I got in your way. I'll try harder to see you coming from now on. I promise!
  8. wow [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csf3OmGD8UE]YouTube - Police Motorcycle Competiton Partner Run[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99KKx7cB-Ok]YouTube - Police Motorcycle Competiton Good Solo Run[/ame]
  9. 83 trunk
  10. 83 tci assembly coils and boost sensor
  11. I'm in acton on. just north of milton
  12. I have an 83 venture with a lot of good parts, water pump, rebuilt last year stator still good tci, works carb assembly fuel pump coils good head light assembly have trunk and side bags this bike was on the road last year and run great it just started leakin oil and second gear is gone I had the bike runing this spring. I was going to put this stuff on e-bay but I thought I'd give you guys first shot
  13. run the windshield under hot water it will peel off by it's self, I went through this.
  14. maguire's has a clear plastic polishing compound I haven't tried it myself, but maguire's puts out a good product. might be worth looking into.
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