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Everything posted by Oldseadog

  1. My prayers are going out for your friend and for you! It is indeed a sad time right now. I hope you have a Will and it states your intensions, if heaven forbid, you are in that state. Then your family does not have to make that very hard choice. When my brother was on life support, I got a call from the doctors wanting to pull the plug. I told them to do everything they could to sustain his life. I was told by family members later "I" made the wrong choice. Everybody needs to know your (our) wishes.
  2. I've never had a problem with my 1st Gen.
  3. I also have to wait until closer to the date. After the Venture West rally this year, I said I would have to attend a rally every year. I guess this procrastinator better get plannin!
  4. Congratulations on your 34th, you are one lucky man.
  5. I totally agree! Congratulations on your 35th!!
  6. A prayer is sent for a quick recovery. I hope you are feeling better soon.
  7. Sounds as if the bike is running well. Hope your trip is a safe one, and looking forward to seeing pictures!
  8. Congrats on the new bike Clive! I look forward to seeing it.
  9. Congrats on your achievement! That is something I don't think I could do. It sounds as if you finally found the right bike. Do you have pictures?
  10. I'm glad to hear your back riding again. Ride safe!
  11. I use the beads as well, and am very happy with them. I am interested in Ride On, though. I'm going to look into it some more.
  12. We have lost several bikers in our area, the last few weeks, so I am really glad to hear you are OK. Heal fast. Would you be able to, or want to, buy the bike back from the insurance company?
  13. Before you change the plugs and wires, run some Seafoam through the carbs. Put Seqfoam in the tank, run it until you know the seafoam has gotten to the carbs, let it sit, and as they say "drive it like you stole it" then change plugs and wires. This might cure the rough running you talk about.
  14. Yes, Good luck!
  15. I'm not 100% sure, but I hear replacing the final drive with one from a V-Max really wakes it up. With the different gearing it puts the power in the right spot. I'm sure others will join in and confirm or deny this.
  16. Mike,, glad to hear you are healing well.
  17. I agree whole heartily! It was a very nice bike. Are you able to / want to buy it back for salvage? I hope you are healing nicely!
  18. OK so I tried to edit my signature, but it didn't work. How do you get both Canada and US maps in your signature? I'm being told I'm not allowed to have mrs than one picture. Thanks, Bill
  19. I sure hope it's not just nails holding the top and bottom plate on. I have my fingers crossed!
  20. As I was "surfn' the web" I came across these YouTube videos. The builder is out of the Ukraine I believe. If anyone knows more about this bike I would like to know. I think they have made this Venture stellar. I truly like the colour and the style. Even like the music I like. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYPJ-h6Zoow]Yamaha Royal Star Venture 1300 «Delgado» - YouTube[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xZjSnBckwY]Yamaha Royal Star Venture Delgado - YouTube[/ame]
  21. I have been researching the Palomino edition as I have been toying with the idea of possibly building a clone. What I found was the '97 Palomino edition had the leather covered hard bags, and the '96 Tour Classic had the throw over style bags. Personally I'm not a fan of the throw over style of bags.
  22. 1 1/4" aluminum will be strong enough especially if you use T6 aluminum. T6 is tempered and quite a bit tougher than regular 3000 or 5000 series aluminum. T6 is a bit harder to work with but not too bad, you just need to be careful if you are bending it. If you are not hot enough the aluminum will break instead of bending. It is easy enough to weld, and of course you can drill and bolt it easily as well. I've seen carriers on the back of SUVs holding up to 500 lbs, made out of aluminum. I hope this helps.
  23. :canada: Happy Canada Day, everybody!! :canada:
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