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Everything posted by Oldseadog

  1. Fantastic news! Congrats!
  2. Ed, congrats on the find. I had a Corbin on my '84, but found it too hard after a few hours in the saddle. I went back to the stock saddle. I only wish I had a back rest with the external frame. Congrats again.
  3. Congratulations and have a Merry Christmas!
  4. 12 guage....... a wee bit excessive me thinks. I know, I do like the old saying "go big or go home", but, I think a 410 would do the job just fine. Just saying. Bill
  5. Hi Yammer, Not sure which Pontiac you have, This is the form site I found: http://www.g6ownersclub.com/forum/13-general-maintenance/17146-want-change-transmission-oil.html Bill
  6. I've seen pictures of it. It has a look similar to the Super Tenere. I have to say I'm not a fan just because of the looks. To me it looks ackward to ride.
  7. I fully understand, i appreciate the offer. Would you have a picture you can send my way? I'm starting to think I will have to fire up the old Miller. I couldn't find anything on ebay or Google. Bill
  8. I'm planning an extensive coast to coast trip next year and I'm thinking it might be a good idea to have a trailer with me. I do not have a hitch mounted to the bike and am wondering what is the best hitch to get, or fabricate? Doe the first gens mk1 & mk2 use the same mounting system? I'm looking forward to all recommendations and comments. Bill Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Yes! Time and place?
  10. I know it is a lot of work and my wife is in agreement with you. She says a shop would do a better job than i can. I am thinking I may do all the primer and blocking prior to having a shop paint it. I do have access to a spray booth, so that is one option, and may be the way I go. So, does anyone have a recommendation for a high build primer?
  11. Thanks David, I read through you link. Very nice. I just may try painting the bike myself, just not sure about the two different colours, and the masking involved. I do have an HVLP turbine sprayer from HF, that I use to spray clear on my woodworking projects. Charles, thanks for mentioning Z Bond, it reminded me I need to look at some sort of bondo/ filler to cover any(all) imperfections. Is Z Bond a chaulking? I haven't seen it up here on the west coast of Canada. Can anyone recommend a good filler for plastic?
  12. I have started slowly taking the plastic off for repairs. I am using a combination of Plastex, Acetone, and ABS glue. I've been fixing cracks, replacing tabs, and broken sections. Now I'm thinking of what I need to do prior to painting. Should i strip the paint completely, either chemically of by soda blasting, or should I feather the paint back where it's been removed scuff the rest and then paint? Should i put a sealer between the old paint and new? Do I need a adhesion promoter on the bare plastic? I'm still trying to decide whether to paint it myself, or do the prep, and have it painted by a paint shop. I have read a lot of posts where you've painted the bikes yourselves, and I like to think I could do the same, but I'm not sure. I want it repainted original colours, Maroon, and Red. I look forward to and appreciate all your comments. Thanks Bill
  13. After 28 years in the Navy, 18 of them at sea, you could say I am an old sea dog. Oh, I'm happily retired, going on 6 weeks now!
  14. I feel just sick every time I hear this. You are in my prayers, Heather! I hope you heal well.
  15. I was thinking of all sorts of things, I even thought of giving it the electronics wizards at work to rebuild, but cleaning the contacts is the easiest, cheapest, and now I see it the First place to start. As long as everything is hooked up properly it should work. If not then it's time to dig deeper. I have the loner as a spare for the trip, no I have to put everything back together. So DaddyO, my suggestion clean the contacts and go from there. Good luck!
  16. Wow, is all I can say right now! I'm fighting the same fight with my '84. I was able to get it running with a loner TCI, so I cleaned the contacts on my old one. I used electrical contact cleaner and dental tools, which I got from the Hygienist on my last visit. The tabs were nice and shiny clean so I reinstalled the TCI, actually putting it on the air box, and Nothing. So I plugged in the loner TCI and again Nothing. This is the point I'm at now. I figure I've done something wrong in reassembly. I have to get this fixed by the end of the month as I'm prepping for the KTK meet.
  17. UPDATE!! Well, it has been a couple of weeks since I had a chance to work on her, but I finally got back to it today. I used the TCI from Rocket, and put everything back together, I tried starting it and low and behold it started! So now I'm going to have to clean up mine and put it back in. I do have a couple of questions though. The first is how do you get the circuit board out of the housing? Are the pins soldered to the board, and have to be unsoldered to get the board out? I pulled the 5 screws from the board, and it was loose, but I was unable to remove the pins, or the circuit board. If I can't get the board out, do you think just cleaning the pins, may get the get things working again? Would the use of electrical contact cleaner work for this? Thanks for all your help, I'll keep you informed. The way I'm working, I'm hoping I get to ride this season!
  18. All the connections LOOK clean, but I will see about cleaning the connections in a bit. I didn't piggyback the other TCI as I didn't think of just connecting it and trying to start the bike. I thought I had to replace the old one first.Soooooo............ When I get back from my trip back to Saskatchewan (easy to draw, hard to spell) on the 26th, or 27th, I will get back to the bike. I will talk to you guys later.
  19. bongo, It must be my meter, as I get a 1.5ohm reading when I touch the two probes together. The meter is blank when I have the probes between the battery ground wire and any wire on the 6pin connector.
  20. OMG, you guys make this sound sooooo easy! Getting the TCI out IS a b!&@#!!!! After 3 hours the TCI is unconnected but not out. I was reading about how to check the TCI, but it does not seem to be working. I checked the resistance between the battery ground and a frame bolt, I got a reading of 1.5 OHMs. I started checking the wires on the 6 pin connector and kept getting no reading on the multimeter. So I think I am doing something wrong. Should I be checking the connections with the battery connected via booster cables? I printed and tried to follow the, TCI - testing, info in the Technical library read only section. I am finding hard to fully understand. Rocket lent me a spare TCI, but I can't get the old one out. The throttle cables are tied to the TCI mount, and I don't see where I can remove the TCI without disconnecting the throttle cables. Is this right, or is there a way to remove the unit without disconnecting the cables? I'm also wondering, when does one say it is time to pull the plates, leave it on the lift, cancel the riding season and take it right down for restoration? and Is it worth it?
  21. As everyone knows life has a habit of getting in the way. I worked on the bike Monday to no avail. The car club was closed Tuesday and Wednesday, and yesterday was my wife birthday as well (wouldn't dare work on the bike last night). Tonight I was going to work on the bike, but, life AHHHH! I have made an appointment to work on her tomorrow. No worries about getting sidetracked, it is just the way of life. I enjoyed the read. I will keep everyone updated as I go along. Until later ....... Ciao
  22. Me too my friend, me too! I can definitely feel my confidence rising with everyone behind me helping! I will keep you informed.
  23. Well I'm going to start with a cleaning of the connections, and go from there. I'm anxious to actually start and hopefully locate the problem quick. I just have to wait until 6PM for the club to open. I have to ask, because I'm getting confused. TCI or CDI? Which is it, and what is the difference? Is there a difference?
  24. Everyone, thank you. Heather, thanks for the diagram and picture, it is truly appreciated. Tomorrow evening I am nervously going to start exploring the mysterious world of electricity. I'm not sure why, I willingly tear down and rebuild an engine, tear apart a carb, but I am freaked out about anything electrical. Maybe this will help me become more comfortable with it.
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