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V-4 Vendetta

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Everything posted by V-4 Vendetta

  1. I know...I know another RK Muffler question. I just wanted to check on something. I just got a very nice set of slash-cut Road King mufflers. They are off a 1998 model. Serial Numbers are: 65546-98 and 65547-98. From my reading here and other forums I understand that these will not contain the catalytic converter. However, when peering though the mufflers I noticed that I can see through the 65547-98 through a small center hole down in the muffler. I cannot see through the 65546-98. Is this normal or is there a problem with the one I can't see through?
  2. I know...I know another RK Muffler question. I just wanted to check on something. I just got a very nice set of slash-cut Road King mufflers. They are off a 1998 model. Serial Numbers are: 65546-98 and 65547-98. From my reading here and other forums I understand that these will not contain the catalytic converter. However, when peering though the mufflers I noticed that I can see through the 65547-98 through a small center hole down in the muffler. I cannot see through the 65546-98. Is this normal or is there a problem with the one I can't see through?
  3. I'm very glad it was detected early. I need to get my yearly physical and your note reminded me. I wish you the best in your recovery. Bill
  4. Welcome from Oklahoma!
  5. That is really going to look nice! Sent me pics when it all gets back on the bike.
  6. I got mine a couple of weeks ago. It's an extemely helpful tool. Highly recommended.
  7. I live near Tulsa where there are tons of road projects. I hear you about the signs with no work. Plenty of that on Hwy 75 and others. But to be realistic for a momment...it's not about money...it's about safety. People around here don't seem to have a clue about safety. Most get mad at you if you actually obey the traffic laws in construction zones and tailgate you. I work for the local electric utility and have been out there flagging traffic. Most drivers only care about getting where they are going and don't care about workers on the road. I once had a lady force me off the road I was flagging for a line truck because she was tired of waiting. Fines get people's attention. Sometimes you have to get in peoples pocketbooks to get their attention. Enough of my rant. Back to your regular programing.
  8. Sorry to hear of your accident but very glad your injuries were minor. I am the safety officer for my Star group. May I have your permission to reprint your post on our site? We have had three accidents in our group in the past few months and I am using every opportunity to remind my folks to protect themselves. Thanks Bill:12101:
  9. The Stebel is worth it's weight in gold not only for protection but as you mentioned...laughs! I had a couple of teenage girls about to pull out in front of me on a service road. I could see them from quite a ways off and just knew they were going to do it. I had already slowed down and had my thumb on the horn button just waiting. Sure enough the driver never looked and started to pull out. I laid on the horn then nearly fell off the bike laughing! The poor girl was scared so bad she jumped and bounced her head off of the ceiling before hitting the brakes. After I passed her I don't think she moved for awhile. I hope she kept her underwear dry!
  10. Thanks to all who replied. This will definitely help me with my planning. I am very much looking forward to the trip. Bill
  11. Hello all, I am just starting to plan for a trip to South Dakota in 2009. I want to see Mt. Rushmore, ride Iron Mountain Road and Needles Highway. We are coming up from Oklahoma. I was wondering how many here have taken this trip. I would like suggestions and advice on what to avoid, what to see, and the best times of the year to go. Thanks... Bill
  12. he he, he he, he he, heeeeeeee.
  13. Beautiful bike. I am gonna get one for my Tour Deluxe as soon as I can afford it. Do they charge your credit card at the time of the order or 4 weeks later when it ships? That could make a difference for when I make the order. Thanks...
  14. Yep. =)
  15. Just a test...
  16. Hey, I installed mine today. I found one additional thing that will help. When I tightened down the one bolt I could see the area of the plate back between the rubber wire grommets touching the fender. I got a rubber grommet out of my stash and put it in between the plate back and the bolt hole. This way the bolt holds the grommet in place and provides extra cushion for the plate back. Just my two cents worth. =)
  17. Thanks for your install write-up. I have had mine for a few weeks now waiting on my vanity plate to transfer from my old bike. I hadn't considered removing the upper mount. Nice Idea!
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