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10 Good

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  • Location
    Katy, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 RSV
  1. Had a great day! enjoyed the ride, enjoyed the great company. Lunch was at a new place. Pretty warm by the time we got home.
  2. 195 Km is 121 mph. still covering a lot of road real fast!
  3. including you in our prayers.
  4. hope to see you guys there.
  5. It is quite a shock to open a prayers requested post and find that your friends are indeed being themselves - a lot of very caring folks! I just got home from the hospital this afternoon, less my gall bladder. I hope that fixes the problem. Thanks to everyone for making this a special place to learn about bikes but just as important a place where people do still care about people! Humbeled, Kelly Wilson
  6. Mr Brad Happy Birthday! Kelly
  7. Dont waste the band width looking on the internet site, just go outside and look yours. Anything after 1999 will do!
  8. Glad you made it safe this year! I still working on the iron butt 1000 maybe some time in the next couple months. I'll let you know if looks like I can work something out. 1000 miles would be like a ride around the block for you.
  9. Thanks for the update. Our family checks daily for updates. We will continue to pray!
  10. Brad you keep updating we will keep praying. Kelly
  11. Beki and I will be praying. Please let us know if we can do anything. Brad thanks for the updates.
  12. I bought a complete set that I purchased off Ponch's bike a couple years ago. Brackets, clamps everything to mount. Ran them for about 6 months love the sound around town but on road trips the sound got to the wife and I so i went back stock. I'll part with the full set for $75 plus shipping.
  13. Glad to hear you are doing well. We will keep praying for you.
  14. Yamaha had a huge jump in on road bike sales over 25%. So where did Honda make its growth in scooters!! Well there you go folks. Looks like Honda conered the Scooter Market while Yamaha was building MOTORCYCLES. Thats what I'm talking about. Yamaha did take a beating in the off road market.
  15. Great ride. Thanks for pulling it together, Hal. I have ridden many miles off road on motorcycles, but I really dont think I am going to challenge Brenda's stunt in the ditch. That was nothing short of a Miracle. The wind was a pain all day and night. I got home safety at about midnight after a dark windy 110 mile ride back from Caldwell after the wedding last night. I only logged about 310 miles, so even with the detour Perry had a longer day. Great ride, great food, great friends everyone home safe. Even with the wrong turns and a few inconsequential misshaps that makes a GREAT DAY!
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