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Everything posted by waterbug

  1. My oil level is about 3/4 of the way up the site glass and I put most of the oil in the gal jug in it but I also put a bigger filter on, do I need to let some of the oil out? what happens if I did or do put alittle too much in it? Thanks
  2. Mine was just starting to get the wine or chirp everyone was talking about, it does or did it around 45 to 50 then would go away. I hope its gone or I will have to get load pipes (worken on that anyway) or keep the radio up. Thanks again everyone for alll your info.
  3. I have a small garmin nuvo also and have been thinking about mounting it to the bike til I can afford one of the bike models, what did you use to mount it with and were did you get it? Thanks
  4. Yes it is in the blue bottle and its syn witch is what I wanted, I did ride it for about ten min after I changed it and did notice that it is alittle quieter and seems like it freed it up alittle. It only has 4200miles on her so shes still breaking in alittle but the more I ride it I do notice the better it wants to run. I know everyone has there opinion on oil and everything else and alot of people here have tried most of them thats why I asked to get first hand knowledge so to speek. Thanks everyone for you info. Oh is the 5w 40 going to be ok?
  5. I just put a purolator pl14612 gold on it and rotila 5w40 as I couldnt find 15w40 anywere around me. I did see others using the same oil so hopefully thats ok
  6. I did some checking on here and found a cross over to another oil filter that I picked up at pep boys, since its a car filter and not a bike so to speek does it matter? I seen on a web site they have a adapter to run the regular filters so they seal does anyone use these or does it matter? I am running what I bought at pep boys and so far its working but I dont want to have a issue and not know it til its to late. Thanks
  7. I just want to drift around and watch and learn some things and meet new people and have fun. I hope I dont need anything but with my luck who knows.
  8. I hope they get this under control before anyone else get hurt or worse!! I just seen it on the web and thats the first I heard about it, I havent watched much t.v. lately. I did see were they think its arson, I hope they get the people involved if it is! Good luck to all down there and may GOD help you all!!
  9. CMIK what lights do you have under your bags? I like that idea also. I am going to slowly switch all the lights out as I can afford them. Do you or has anyone switched out the head light for something brighter?
  10. what kind of harley did that rack come off of? I think I can find one of those easier on ebay or used than one from yamaha. I am going to start getting stuff for the bike and try to find other things that I can make work and can get cheaper but still look good for it. Thanks
  11. If you go to custom dynamics web site they have a light bar called the knight rider that moves back and forth like the one on knight riders car and its not very expensive and they look great and catch your attention. I just ordered one but have seen it on another bike and it really does make you look, and the whole thing lights up when you hit the brakes. My next thing is changing the rest to the leds from them and working my way around the bike as I have money.
  12. So how was the show? I have never been to it and just heard about it not long ago, do or did they have a lot of aftermarker stuff and sales?? Maybe something to look for next year.
  13. Does this give you enough that you can run all your lights and heated cloths if you wish? I was told that there wasnt a larger out put stater available. Were did you find or get this? thanks
  14. Thanks everyone for all the info! I do agree with goose everyone has what they like or want and thats why there are choices. I just wanted other options and knew there would be alot of input from the ones that know here and I thank you all for that!!
  15. Are you painting the clear plastic parts them selves? if so make sure you paint the back side of them and they wont get chiped and such that way with the paint on the back side.
  16. those that are putting on goldwing racks on there rsv what year or model are you useing and are there any mods you have to do? I know a few people in goldwing groups and might be able to find one of those used or something.
  17. what weight of oil is everyone using if they switch to mobil one? I need to change mine this weekend and its winter here so I think I need to run a lighter weight but not sure??? Thanks
  18. I looked at the Honda 1800 and liked it but the dealer told me I wouldnt be happy with it with what I wanted to do and was pushing the nomad pretty hard. I bought the RSV instead and so far love it.
  19. cute pup Bob! Now I see why Ruth is stying home she wants the better ooking of the two to be with Good luck
  20. Not sure what you are wanting to paint or air brush but they make all kinds of stincels to do or make about anything and if its just letters you can do those yourself. I just got a new air brush for christmas and havent touched one in over fifteen years but I am going to get back into it and play with it once it warms up alittle. I also got the ones to do the real flames and a dvd to show me, just have to practice. Look in the phone book for people that do that or call a bodyshop you know and see who does there decals and such they should be able to point you in the rite direction. Good luck.
  21. does anyone have any info on places to stay around there that weekend? there are a few of us thinking about making the road trip and I am getting to old to sleep onthe ground any more. Thanks
  22. Nice pictures mama! I remeber when mine were that size and had a ball in the snow. still cant keep her out of it and the boy doesnt want to get dirty. someone up there is messing with me.
  23. I used to stop from time to time on my way to dale hollow. There is more there than just gun town there is a or was some stores and other places to see and there is one of only a few left of the tee pee hotels in the country. I havent stayed at one yet but really want to. If you look up cave city you should beable to find all kinds of things to see and do and there are some great roads with great veiws to ride a bike or a car one there. Good luck and have fun
  24. I have been wanting to put a light on the back of mine, I went on a ride last fall with others and noticed one guy had a light that was like knight rider as it would move from side to side as you rode then the whole thing would light up when he would hit the brakes. I thought it was really cool but havent found one yet, and it does get your attention following them whitch is another big plus. If anyone know were you can get this please let me know I want one Thanks.
  25. I dont know what kind of shops are around you in your area but alot have a camera that can take the picture of the paint and with the paint code or with out it can get very close, I use one everyday at work since I paint cars for a living. Now if they dont have one they can have the paint store come by and take a picture of the part to match, alot of shops dont have these since they are around 11k if I remeber rite. as far as the stripe goes you are better off to replace it then to try to paint over the old one or clear over it as alot of times they will shrink under the clear then you have a bigger mess you dont want. there are striping companies that might be able to match your stripes and if they can you can get a roll of say 50ft for around 20 to 30 bucks if they can match it. Take it to a good bodyshop and have it done rite it will pay for itself in the long run, there are alot of shops that wont mess with bikes so you might have to look around. Good luck!!!
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