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Everything posted by jkswor

  1. Finally got the clutch bled out. If following the Yamaha repair manual, it would take a week. Used a left over plunger from a windshield repair kit to force fluid in from the bottom and to catch any fluid while doing a last minuite bleed. Worked like a charm and cost nothing for the plunger. Thanks for the advice. Jim
  2. Dont know how to do a search for this question so will ask instead. Started the royal star up today, pressed the clutch lever there was no tension. Put in gear, it died. Put in neutral and started it again and put in first. The clutch lever did not work. Could not get out of gear to neutral. Had to kill it and roll back and forth to get to neutral. I put in a new clutch kit a few years back, hardly any miles on it. Should I change out the fluid or the engine oil? Any ideas? Jim
  3. Has anyone did the modification to the carb where the vacume lines are tied into one another on each side. cant remember the name of the procedure. wondered if it works. remember reading about it a few years back, 2nd gen ventures. Jim
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