Went in to the DMV in FL today to get the motorcycle endorsement on my license. I dropped it when moved here and had to get my license changed. I had a CDL and had endorsements and they were making a mess of it, so I did not notice the motorcycle endorsement had been dropped. I had sold my bike before I moved so just shrugged it off and told myself I would just add it back later.
Well, I found out by reading their booklet that effective July 1, 2008, the state is getting out of the motorcycle driver's license business altogether, except for the actual issuance. From 7/1/08, you have to attend a privately run motorcycle driver's course(at any fee they choose to charge), they will do all the testing(written/practical) and give you a certificate. You take it to the DMV and for $15(up from $5), they will put the endorsement on your license. Cheapest I found was $185. So, not counting the gas/lunch money for the class, your license now runs you $200. Pretty good jump from $5.
I also see some parallels to the privatization of the smog krap Calif had where friends of the shop got it for free or reduced, some passed that shouldn't, etc.
Oh, and they only do the test on Wed and it is booked, so that finshes the month.