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Everything posted by mtman

  1. Alot of what you do will depend on its condition. I just brought mine back from the dead but nearly had to overhaul it. You might be luckier. Is the battery good? Were stabilizers used in the fuel? If not, your carbs are probably going to have varnish in them. Redneck is right about the oil. You're gonna end up with a couple of oil changes anyway. As the crud is picked up in the bottom of the case, it'll get dirty again real quick. GeorgeS and the other guys on here gave me some good pointers but a lot will depend on how bad the bike is. Do the brakes work or are they all gunked up? Things that were useful for me was some SeaFoam, carb cleaner, brakefree, CRC electric contact cleaner, and some liquid wrench. New plugs, fuel & oil filter, and some brake fluid should get ya going. Wayne
  2. I had to bring my 86 VR back from the dead but now that I have it going, I love it and I think you will love yours too. Good luck with it and have a safe trip:thumbsup2: Wayne
  3. Don't know how often you do it, but ya might try putting some SeaFoam in the gas and see if that cures the pinging... It's a cheap fix that can't hurt . Wayne
  4. I have a note that a NAPA 3011 will work or even a NAPA 3007, although it is for 5/16" hose.
  5. Mine's about 4.75 inches wide...
  6. Today was the day... Been working on this thing pretty solid for almost a month. Time flys when yer havin fun.. Anyway, got it off the trailer that had served as my garage. Tried to remember if I had checked everything. Fired it up and took it to the end of the drive(about 200 yds). Well, it was still running, so on to the pavement I went. Cracked the throttle and off it went. WOW! What a feeling. Went about a mile then I remembered.. forgot to put the license plate on. Ooops Did a quick 180 back to the house. Course the registration is with the plate. That's all I would have needed on it's maiden voyage. Again, I want to thank all the people on this site that made it possible. Having never had a Venture before, I really needed the help. I hope that I can pay it back some time. I still have a couple issues but it really felt good to take er out on the road. Wayne
  7. Glad I read this as I have the same problems. I put it in 1st and it dies. Since I had to rebuild the brakes, why would the cluch be OK..haha. I am able to bleed the system and plenty of fluid come out but I had not thought about the fluid just going on by the plunger. I see the vote is the master need rebuilt/replaced first. So I guess that's next. Is it any harder to rebuild than the rear brake master?
  8. Frog Man... Here is a place that has a ton of info on DSL http://www.dslreports.com/ . It has info about others in your area for comparison, speed tests, a forum that has lots of info, etc. You might find it useful.
  9. Finally got my brake parts. I went through one of your recommended bike shops. Wasn't real happy with that transaction; I'll leave it there. Also picked up a rear caliper from a feller on eBay. I spent a good long while staring at the caliper and decided I could make it fit. Did ya know a rear caliper off a 2007 RSV will work on a 86 venture? Anyway, got the master rebuilt, the rear caliper on and been trying to get the air out. Been trying to get the Lt front fairing off(Thanks for the instructions Snaggletooth). Gotta get the throttle cable changed(got one). The previous owner layed it down on that side and broke some of the fairing. Glued it back but also glued it to the top part(the radio holder part..with the speaker in it) so I been trying to get them apart. Been using a box cutter to cut thru the glue. Guess I'll be on the lookout for another left fairing and radio holder thingy. My temp homemade garage is disintegrating so I'm going to have to stop and deal with building something a little more permanent. Wayne
  10. After 2 days steadily, methodically, and with many printed notes(from all my new found gurus), the carbs came off, got cleaned(I'd say what was in the floats but this is a family forum)and got re-installed. I had a little chat with my Father(the one upstairs), closed my eyes, closed the choke, hit the key/run and hit the start button. Turned 6-10 times and STARTED:sign woo hoo: Ran for about 20-30 seconds and died. Tried again and again it ran.... a little longer. Kept doing it... it kept running. Sounds like it needs the cobwebs blown out but its running. Still have to get the new plugs for it and let the sea foam finish its work. Also need to change oil, check water and put the brake system back together but after 2 weeks of struggles, IT RUNS. I wish I could remember everyones name that helped me get here... this trip was not solo. Thanks to all of you:happy65: Wayne
  11. Thanks Mike... I also looked at the cables. The accel. cable has "venturisis", it's shreading. Gonna have to replace that one. The return cable and choke cable looked OK. So now, having tried to read up on getting a fairing off... nada. Can't seem to find the how-to-do on 1st gen fairings. Can ya give a feller a hand? I saw some thing on 2nd gen but I don't think that'll work. Wayne
  12. Seemed to be waiting for that train that never comes.... Kept feeding the carbs "joy juice"(sea foam and crc carb cleaner) and nothing was happening. Actually, that's not true. #1 did have some signs of moisture this morning. No drips, just looked damp. #2 was still dry as a bone. So I took a deep breath and did it. I pulled the carbs . It wasn't quite as bad as I imagined nor was it something I want to do daily. So now I'll be able to(I hope) see what is plugging 'em up. I am still waiting on brake parts.. should be here Monday. Wayne
  13. Hey mraf... You're right, they do need replaced. I guess I was sorta waiting to get the carb problem fixed, but then I would probably end up mad that it didn't start and a prime reason(the plugs)had not been addressed. I will see if autozone/advanced/o'riley's or ? has them. Thanks for the reminder:doh: Wayne Yeah, still up reading about carb overhauls....
  14. Thanks Jeremy... Yeah, I wondered about that, so gave it a shot. I know there was a fair amount of varnish on the diaphragm I took out so I am guessing there is quite a bit in the carbs. I am hoping that lots of sea foam and a little patience might disolve some of the gunk. I am thinking that once I can get the fuel problem fixed, it will fire and I can just keep adding sea foam and clean out the system.
  15. Well, for those that are sort of following this project... I got the master cyl. apart and it had crystalized inside the plunger. Got it cleaned out and now awaiting a rebuild kit from Flatout. The portion valve was remarkably clean and required very little additional cleaning. The rear caliper was another story. Tried the air thing again. Got frustrated so looked up calipers on eBay. Found one . So now I am waiting for that too. Tried the carb thing again. Forced some sea foam & carb cleaner mix into the carb. We'll give it some time... if not I'll have to go to plan B. Been ducking the thunderstorms all day so going to give it a rest... Wayne
  16. Thanks Paul... I'll try the direct air first... Got some fittings.. we'll see what happens. Thanks Dan... Got them bookmarked. Got to get the rebuild kits to this stuff. Thanks 86er.. I actually think I have some of that somewhere. I'll keep y'all posted. Wayne
  17. You can get the grease at most Radio Shack stores or where they sell Ham radio or other electronics... probably even Home Depot/Lowes. I use it on everything. Wayne
  18. Jimbob5, The two pucks I am having a problem with are the two that would be closest to the wheel(furthest from the brake line). When I used the air, I got the two outside ones(one at a time) and they took some doing. I don't have a huge compressor, but it'll give me 120psi. The inside two are all the way back in their holes and don't want to move at all. Even tried a big pair of needle nose... won't move. Gonna try some more brake-free and let them soak a few hours and try again. Can't pump them out... master is out also. Snaggletooth, I know about the 90 degree pipes. Took the hose off the one on #1 and had a two foot piece of gas hose, so I used carb cleaner and sea foam and dumped it down 'till the thing filled up. Sat there all night with the drain open... nothing. I didn't think about force feeding it... I got a squirt bottle I use, kinda like those ketsup bottles you see at restaurants and I use it to put the brake fluid in... could use it to squirt some sea foam in. Do ya think the screen is pugged or ?? Can you remove the drain screw and get a squirt in that way or through the drain tube ?? I do have the air box out. If I can't get some fuel running through there soon, I'm gonna have to take the carbs out and I am really over my head on that one:puzzled: Thanks all... Wayne
  19. Tried, for several hours, to get the pucks out of the rear caliper. Can only seem to get the two outside ones. Got them out with the air compressor. The other two won't budge. So I guess I'm gonna start looking for another rear caliper. Got to get busy on the master cyl. also; the plunger is frozen on it. Probably end up getting another one of those as well. I've used DOT 3 and brake-free cleaner. Maybe I should be trying something else.
  20. Well, in between rain showers, got the 3 & 4 carb draining fuel pretty well. Still nothing from 1 & 2 . Added some more sea foam to the tank and removed the small hose that goes to 1 & 2 from the red hose. Squirted some carb cleaner into the carb from there and added a little sea foam. I'll be nursing that for the next few days. Got to give time and sea foam a chance to work. Went to work on the brakes. Thanks to y'all for your many suggestions. Didn't even hesitate... totally removed the rear master. Don't look crystalized but does look like I used my grease gun inside everything. Also removed the rear caliper. The pucks are almost frozen, so I got gobs of cleaning to do. One good thing tho... the pads look nearly new:happy34: I'll keep y'all posted.
  21. Hey Snaggletooth(Mike)... Thanks man... yer right, didn't have a clue about the drains. OK.. did the drains; #1 nada, nothing #2 nada, not even a drop, #3 weak but getting some out, #4 runs out like the dam broke. So.. turned the key on and did the "run" and got the pump to fill 3 & 4 again. Looks like I'll be doing the sea foam thing for a few days. Also took the diaphragm out of #1 and it has 2 very small pin holes. Cleaned it all up, including the varnish on the needle. I think I will try to get by with it for now. Ran out of daylight... will start again tomorrow. Thank y'all for your inputs... they are invaluable to a greenhorn like me:bowdown: Wayne
  22. Thanks again... OK, got everything(fuel pump, lines, etc.) put back and bolted back down. I need to order a new fuel filter but the one I have is working so it should start. I took one plug out and grounded it and it did spark but I was not impressed. Guess I need to pull them all out and either get new ones or clean these up a bit better. I cranked it a few times and got nothing. From what I have read it seems like these bikes either start or not, no half way about them...haha. Probably should at least take the diaphragms out and clean them up. They seem pretty stiff... probably dirt and gunk.. would also find out how many holes are in them..haha. I know you haven't had a really good laugh all day so I am going to try to include a picture of my "garage".
  23. Thanks George.... Was curious about the fuel system(more than the brakes for the moment cause I'd really like to hear it run)and followed your advice...mostly. I noticed the petcock was on open and not reserve, so I put it on reserve. Took the fuel pump out, mostly to get to the filter, and saw the "in" hose from the filter. Decided to drain the tank from that if I could, so I hooked up a see-thru filter I picked up yesterday and drained the bikes tank into a 5 gallon gas can. I watched the fuel... looked clean and the new filter is clean. So took out the sender, had a look at the 2 filters on the petcock. From the looks of the reserve filter, it was never used. The other looks dark but not dirty/crudy and the bottom of the tank looks pretty good, not all rusty. Forgot to say I also removed the "out" hose before I drained the tank and fuel shot out of it pretty good so I must be getting fuel to the carbs. Don't know where the carb bowl drain hoses are... Is it a screw or something that allows the fuel to go out of the bowls. Little lost here... Anyway, will put everything back the way it was and concentrate on the carbs end of things. Thanks again for everyones help..... Wayne
  24. Thanks all... Couple quick questions.. I live about 40 miles from the nearest anything... period! including a Yamaha shop. Where can I get brake rebuild kits, etc, that are dealer specific items cheapest on the internet. And non-dealer items... do you use eBay or have you found some specific shops that cater to our group.
  25. Got this 86 VR last week. It has not been running for months(many, many months). It won't start and I am working on that. Got some Seafoam and have begun to see if I can get fuel to the carbs. But first... should have been an easy one. No rear brakes. Fronts(rt side) work fine. So just bleed the air out right. Put DOT 3 on the res. and pump, pump, pump(bottoms out each time). Open Lt. front bleeder... nothing. Did this a half dozen times. OK, plan B. Found the bleeder by the neck. Could only find one so I guess it's the right one:) Pump, pump, pump. Nothing. Not a drop of fluid. Still bottoming out on the bakes. On to plan C... the rears. Same drill... nothing. Resivour(sp) is still full. Seems the brake fluid isn't getting out of the res. Now what?? I know absolutely nothing about these bikes(and this one in particular) but I am willing to try to get it to work. Will take any suggestions... TIA, Wayne
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