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Everything posted by mtman

  1. If you happen to forget the pre-sprays and the bugs make a mess of your scoot, use dryer clothes softener sheets; the dry ones you just throw in the dryer. Get them wet first and the bugs come off fairly easily. Doesn't much matter what brand you use; I get mine from the dollar store
  2. All Venture parts from 86 to 93 will fit a 90. Some(but not all)83 to 85 parts will also fit Now about the back rest; they make a really good one for the 1st Gens at Utopia http://www.utpr.com/venture.html . When you get to the page, go to the bottom to "specifications" button and click it. They have some real nice close up photos of the back rest:thumbsup2: (No I don't own stock, darnit)
  3. I got some of that Blue Magic stuff but haven't tried it yet. I also got some stuff called Waterweld from the makers of JB Weld and I have used some of it. Seemed to work so far and I have been pleased with JB Weld over the years:thumbsup2:
  4. Did you flush all the old brake fluid out of the rear system? You might have some gunk in the rear system that's plugging up those tiny holes and not letting the full pressure get where it needs to
  5. Be glad to send it your way. It's so wet and soggy here the birds all have life jackets on:250:
  6. BTW Johnnie, if you need another one, you can use a NAPA 3007. It's a lot cheaper than one from a stealer
  7. I agree with Dan... take your time to have a very good look at everything. I would look at it as if it were a new scoot that I had never been on before. Using the owner's manual as a check list, I'd go over everthing to see if/how it worked
  8. Well, if she hangs a left at your house ruff, then I suspect I'm gonna get a taste of her as she comes west thru the panhandle. Ain't lookin forward to it as we been having T'storms daily for what seems weeks and got about all the water we need for now:whistling:
  9. I been had by one of them before... know how you feel.. ooouuch
  10. a1bummer... Have a look here: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24651 The photos give you a general idea how the connection is made but it will depend a whole lot on what kind of rig you connect to you scoot. This outfit makes almost anything you want http://www.dauntlessmotors.com/Sidecars/sidecars.htm . Not going to be a cheap endevor in any case Hope this helps..
  11. Dennis.. Don't know why you picked this particular time in your life to tell this horrible story but you could have waited another week I have to go in Monday(8/18) to get a molar pulled. It's not salvagable and I expected to go in and have a quick extraction and be on my way.... until I read your experience with your dentist, et al. Trying to think of a really good excuse not to go now:whistling: Hope yer feelin' better soon.
  12. This link should work.. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1371/cat/6 and I'm gonna get me some
  13. mastermechanic, It's kinda like asking; is it hard to find oil? Answer is, depends on where you look, how hard you look, how much time you spend looking and how much you're willing to spend. After that poor jab at humor, most will say you can get almost every part there is for an older VR either at Yamaha(stealer), other bike shops, eBay(or on-line), or the family of VentureRiders.
  14. Well kbran.. I know you don't want to hear all this "good news" but some way out there causes of low compression are: Cracked cylinder head Blown head gasket Burned or warped exhaust valve, cracked guide, bad seal Broken valve springs Broken top compression rings, cracked pistons or scored cylinders. Bad cam lobe or bad lifter. I hope it's "E" none of the above but they had to be included as possibilities.
  15. Even Diesel is down a bit. I pray that will come down even more 'cause that is what the truckers fuel surcharges are based on and the grocery bill is tied to, among all the other things we buy.
  16. Obviously the "nice lean" ain't quite enough in a stiff breeze especially if it's got a cover on it. Guess I'm gonna have to keep my eye on the wx and the scoots surroundings like you were doing Jeremy. Maybe have to "engineer" a kickstand that allows a lot of lean or is adjustable or something. Or leant it on a tree like I did my bicycle eons ago:rotf:
  17. Sorry to hear about yer scoot falling. I live in a T'storm prone area and have wondered if the scoot would fall over; now I know:( I also wondered a little about the kickstand. It seems to leave the scoot a little more "upright" than I would like and I don't see any kind of adjustment for it.
  18. Try this..Bulletin Number: M2002013
  19. FROGMAN gave a real good repair description for this kind of problem. Maybe not exactly the same but worth trying. I did, it worked. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=211791 Hope it helps...
  20. WOW:yikes: What a tale to tell. Sure glad yer around to tell it. I go along with skydoc... get well. Neither you nor the scoot is going anywhere for awhile. Then, when you feel better, have a talk with an attorney. He should be able to give you the legal ramifications of all that's happened and that could happen and some options. First, get well!
  21. Yer welcome Larry. Like has been said, if ya got any questions on how to get yer scoot back on its wheels, just ask.
  22. Welcome! Glad yer alright. Almost sounds like a case of "road hypnosis". In case ya might have missed it, we have been talking about using PermaPoxy to help with fairing repairs @ http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=25685. Might help with your scoot repairs. Get better...
  23. Good info... I got more than one tab that needs repair.
  24. Had to laugh at this one:rotfl: The writing on the bike says Yamaha but you can never be too sure anymore. Might be a good deal for one of ours in that part of the country. Trying to get those "Kawasaki" parts to fit your Venture may be a problem tho http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Parts-Accessories_Motorcycle-Parts-Accessories__1983-Kawasaki-Venture-Parts-Bike_W0QQitemZ380050818992QQddnZPartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQadnZMotorcycleQ20PartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQddiZ2811QQadiZ2863QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item380050818992&_trksid=p3756.m14.l1318
  25. I have a rubber roof on my RV and I use Kool Seal for the fixes. It's an elastomeric coating. Go to http://www.koolseal.com/ and you will find all kinds of stuff to fix your roof. It's sold at RV stores, like Camping World. Hope this helps, Wayne
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