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Everything posted by mtman

  1. Storing a bike in FL:rotf: ...so sorry yer just a part-timer:stirthepot: (You knew I'd have to say that)
  2. That's why they quit making the 3 wheel ATV... they were too dangerous. Can't remember how many people were killed or injured before they took them off the market in '87 but it was a bunch.
  3. I live just north of there so if any of y'all need help, give me a call. Cell is in my UserCP. Going to try to get down there Sat for the custom bike show @ Pier Park. Probably be driving the cage tho, got the family with me.
  4. Also puzzling, and with some exceptions, the lower scores are from the lower half of the states and the better scores are from the upper half. Not sure I have a clue why but I know wages are generally lower in the bottom half of the country. Just an observation
  5. One other thing to look at from Midland: http://www.midlandradio.com/comersus/store/comersus_viewItem.asp?idProduct=5553 Saw this when I was looking at CBs.
  6. From wiki: On February 19, 2007, Sirius Satellite Radio and XM Satellite Radio announced a merger that would combine the two radio services and create a single satellite radio network in the United States. The merger would bring both companies a total of more than 18.5 million subscribers based on current subscriber numbers on the date of merging. It was completed July 29, 2008.
  7. A couple comments... There is no Federal "gouging" laws, especially on gasoline. Since the federal government deregulated almost everything, even most of the "price fixing" laws have went by the wayside. The US Dept of Energy says if you see price fixing or gouging, contact your local authorities. So you are right Margaret, the states would scare them more. Recently tho, the wholesale price of a gallon of fuel went to 4.85. It may or may not have been justified or even legal but it happened. Now add delivery fees and station profits and you'll see 5.00-6.00 per gallon would have been easy to justify by the dealers in court. NC was issuing subpoenas to stations selling at 7.32 or thereabouts per gallon but I doubt there will be any collection of the half million dollar fine that they could get. That's just the way it works. Lots of sabre rattling, very little enforcement. In Florida, in 2004 & 2005 hurricane season, the Attorney General's Office received over 14,000 complaints of price gouging. 83 of the complaints were formally investigated, and 17 were prosecuted, none for gasoline. Off
  8. Yes, it is up behind the headlight on an '86.
  9. az1103... yer right, as a senior citizen, I wouldn't know what to do with new stuff Thom... Knew I was going to have to pull all that plastic...again BTW, it is receiving and it also transmits, there is just no squelch. You can turn the knob in either direction and it is like you had the squelch fully turned left. I can hear others transmitting for miles. But I will clean all the plugs and see what happens. The splitter is under the trunk, I think. I appreciate the help
  10. You buying???
  11. GeorgeS, I took your advice and have been spraying everything I can find but... I can turn on the cruise; all the lights come on, but pushing "set" no longer works. It used to work, although it would fall out now and then and the "resume" light would come on. I would reset it and it would work again. It won't set at all now. I have checked the clutch lever, sprayed the "set-resume"etc slider, cancel button, but I have not yet taken all that stuff apart. I have also adjusted and checked the brakes and throttle cables. Running out of ideas:confused24: The radio... works great except in the helmets. The left earpiece works, right one just barely. Does it in all the helmets but it works thru the speakers great. I suspect it is in the amp or one of the wires to/from the amp(the one in the left fairing) but I guess it could be in the radio itself. Got any ideas:think: And last but not least, the CB squelch don't work. It xmits and rec. just fine, both thru the speakers and headset(just the left one-see radio above) but it is always wide open squelch. Has anyone ever replaced the squelch pot. in one of these CBs Take any help I can get... TIA
  12. Sure... There is a plug at about the 3 o'clock position on the rear wheel part of the drive shaft assembly. The drain plug is on the bottom and there is a vent plug(breather)on the top. Anyway, fill the drive shaft up to the bottom of the plug threads with some 80-90 weight gear oil and you'll be good to go.
  13. Again, Because the story keeps changing, get all of the info you can get in writing! Our prayers do go out to you as these kinds of things put such a tremendous amount of stress on your lives.
  14. That's a totally cool idea. Would have never thought of that one. Think I'm going to wait 'till hurricane season is over and tear down the instrument cluster. I need to replace the bulb in the high beam indicator light thingy and grease the speedo cable anyway. I appreciate the idea tho:cool10:
  15. Bettcha yer right, would love to:buttkick:whoever it was. So sorry to hear this my brother, do heal quickly
  16. Thanks GW, I'll give it a go one of these days, although the Padre has a good idea as well; 140-150 hummm . I was going to put this in the Jokes/Humor section, 'cept it's true which prove the point truth is sometimes stranger(or funnier) than fiction:crackup:
  17. Seriously, I actually have a dead bug in my speedo. (See pic) Have no idea how it got there and I am not quite sure how to remove it. I assume I have to take the windshield off and the black cover off the gauges but now I get lost.
  18. This was posted by Associated Press today: "Wholesale gasoline prices on the Gulf Coast moved even further into uncharted territory to around $4.85 a gallon on fears of vast fuel shortages as the hurricane honed in on the mass of refineries that line the upper Texas coast. The region accounts for about one-fifth of the nation's petroleum refining capacity." That's the price dealers are paying for it from the suppliers. Doesn't suprise me to see stations charging over $5 a gallon. Happens everytime we get a hurricane in the gulf.
  19. I'm kinda with Squid on the lawyer but barring that, do try to get a copy of the police report. It is real important to know what was written down, which does not always jive with what was said and should something in the future come up and records are reviewed, then you know what the official record says.
  20. They had a pic on the WX channel of waves breaking over Shell Island at Panama City... That almost never happens. If any of you folks are near the Texas coast, please head inland. We can fix your stuff but we can't replace YOU.
  21. If those cables are as old as your scoot, then they lasted pretty good. You can get new ones a either http://www.sierra-mc.com/products.asp?cat=18 or http://www.twowheelsound.com/index.html .
  22. Another avenue would be Small Claims Court. They are different in each state but they usually deal with civil suits of $5,000 or less and usually you don't have to have an attorney(in some states, you can't have one). It may not work in this case but it may be an option.
  23. Just tell her it's for parts
  24. I'm all for that
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