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Everything posted by mtman

  1. And yet the list of stuff the Chinese invented goes on forever, including beer, gunpowder, cast iron, paper, fishing reels, flares, bombs, fireworks, matches, and a ton of medicine. I saw a show on the History channel and was amazed at all the stuff they invented. Can't say I can approve of their means and methods but we sure use a lot of their inventions.
  2. ABSOLUTELY Boomer!
  3. Mike... I did some checking. Apparently in the '86-93 XVZ1300, they did the turndown with springs as you see in the second pic. In the 83-85 XVZ1200, they did not have a turndown, as you see in the first pic. Not sure how they attached yours but I'll bet they tried to do something similar to the MkII. My bad . http://parts.yamaha-motor.com/partimage.gifx?d=46022,1,0 http://parts.yamaha-motor.com/partimage.gifx?d=41715,2,0
  4. Suppose to have a couple springs to hold the tip on the muffler. Sounds like they rusted or broke and are MIA.
  5. Brad, Got into this late 'cause I was doing my PGR thing. And OK, you won't take handouts or whatever but by golly if you do sell your scoot and even remotely think you might want to have something ride now and then, you are more than welcome to come get my '86 1st Gen and ride it all you want or until you get another scoot. I recently acquired another scoot and I can't see myself going down the road with a foot on each saddle, like the movies:rotf:, so you are more than welcome to it .
  6. Yeah Dan, I'd be willing to bet they will try the "you were riding on it way underinflated" load of hogwash, like they do so many others. You would think that once in a while they would just admit it was a defective tire and take their lumps.
  7. I was just curious... there has been no mention of TomTom. They have a whole slough of GPS's and some of them look pretty good(according to their adverts) and a couple well under $100.
  8. Well, let's see 76 degrees, wind about 5 mph, there might be a cloud out there somewhere, didn't notice... What did ya expect from Florida:thumbsup2: Happy Thanksgiving:happy65:
  9. Dang, that looks good Brad...
  10. Depends on what you want to spend(isn't it always).. The Oddessey 680 will run you about 120USD-150USD. One from Walmart, about 40USD. Oddessey will last about 6-8 years, will give you 2-3 times the cranking power and it's totally sealed and maint free. The Walmart battery will last 2-3 years, has regular acid in it and will let you down when you need it the worse:bang head: Some things are just worth the investment:thumbsup2:. And Squid is spot on with the Yuasa as well(forgot about that one) but it ain't cheap either.
  11. You have to have the key in the accessory position, not the ON position to see the information.
  12. Had a friend come to me and said he knew of a fellow that was trying to sell his '89 Goldwing 1500 and would I look at it, as he knew I rode bikes. So we all got together Sat. and I told him what I thought of it and he says "ya want it?". Asked what he was asking for it. He told me and said he needed the money for something else he wanted. I said sure, so now my VR has a brother to play with
  13. It was 28 degrees at my house this morning and, although I am not as far south as Brake Pad, it's still way too cold here in Florida
  14. Any H4 9003 HB2 60/55w light will fit. I just got some of these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/H4-9003-HB2-4500K-HID-SUPER-WHITE-XENON-HEAD-LIGHT-BULB_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ36476QQihZ017QQitemZ270295864551QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW and they work fine. Brightness is based on temperature and you want 4000k to 5000k.
  15. I know the Captain is right but if you want a photo breakdown, Freebird did one, I used it, it worked great: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=493
  16. Have a look, if you haven't already: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Parts-Accessories_Motorcycle-Parts-Accessories__Yamaha-Venture-Electrical-Box-F159_W0QQitemZ140276013307QQddnZPartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQadiZ2863QQddiZ2811QQadnZMotorcycleQ20PartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQcmdZViewItem?hash=item140276013307&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245&_trkparms=65%3A1%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  17. Well, got it all put back together today and went for a ride. Quite an improvement. I suspect the gunk and corrosion in the electrical plugs contributed to much of the problem. Still going to look around for another TCI. Not going to give an arm and leg for one but it looks like time is on my side for now. I had also popped out one of the diaphragms(who invented the spelling on this word anyway?)and they don't look too good either. At 65-70 a pop for 4, they are going to have to wait a little longer. Got the radio amp put in(Thanks Bob) and I have music in the helmet now. Thanks to all that provided help, information and inspiration for this little project. There will be others:pushups:
  18. :rotf:Yeah, it starts when I ride home from any New Years get together I might have gone to, lasts about 12 months, until I go to the next New Years get together Of course I have to think about putting on a coat during Jan-Mar, sneak around :250:now and then, but it's almost always
  19. mtman


    BuddyRich is right... try this http://www.colorrite.com/product/yamaha-00jw-urushi-black-urb-1793.cfm . Going to be tough to find 20+ year old colors. I looked it up 'cause mine has the same paint and was curious .
  20. Hey there neighbor... There are a couple places most of us look for intercom/CB, etc kind of gear: http://www.twowheelsound.com/index.html and http://www.sierra-mc.com/ or even http://www.jcwhitney.com/Motorcycle-Intercoms-2-way-Radios/600014858.jcw. You might want to consider an integrator to combine things like GPS, MP3 players, CB, etc. There is alot out there from cheap to expensive bluetooth stuff. Have a look around:happy34:
  21. Thanks Don... didn't think about sawing off the ears. Guess that's one of the main reasons we come to this site... to fix the cases of BRAIN DEAD now and then:bang head:.
  22. OK guys... lets have a spelling test. SPOKE is not spelled POKE. Try this link http://www.rollingspoke.com/
  23. Hey Bob... Got the amp today and temp. plugged it in. Yes!!! fixed the problem of no right channel in the helmets. Happy camper here Thanks Bob.
  24. Can't talk too much about this scoot. It probably should have been parted out but just wanted to see if I could get it to run. It sat for about 8 years near as I can tell from a few of the papers I got with it. Jeremy... how's it goin Bud? Thanks for the info. Looked at the wires on this thing and they don't look all that bad but I think I'm gonna get some NGK plug ends... can't be that expensive. Anyway, like I told George, I think I'm going to try to get another TCI. I always appreciate your input.. you two have given me so much info and it ain't going to waste:thumbsup2:
  25. Well George, that sucker ain't comming out:bang head: The screws/bolts are rusted in there solid. Even took off the left fairing so I could have plenty of room. Had 1/4" socket with screw driver tip adapter and #3(and #2 and #4, etc) and it just eats the center out. Lots of battery acid damage to the area and rust. Yes, did the liquid wrench first. So, took off the 2 plugs.. yuk. Did the blades on the TCI with a toothbrush, contact cleaner, and the area with carb cleaner. Took the other plugs apart and cleaned them as well. Will work on the plug wires next. I can probably get it out with a chisel but if I bust something, I have no spare. Guess I'll see what I can do on ebay. Going to try to get some plug wire(copper core 7mm). I'll see if I can find the resistance numbers for the plug caps on here somewhere. Thanks again to you and Snagg. Hope I can remember how it all goes back together:fingers-crossed-emo
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