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Everything posted by mtman

  1. That's what I did... got one of each.
  2. We didn't have dial-up yet. If you picked up the receiver, the operator asked who you wanted to talk to...
  3. Did some research on this a while back on the Silverstars. Here is the skinny, according to Sylvania anyway. They have a couple designations 9003, which is US and H4, which is european. Has to do with the DOT vs. ESE criteria. You'll see both 9003/H4 on most but not all bulbs. BTW, there is the US Silvania Company and OSRAM Sylvania in Europe. Some of the forums liked the OSRAM bulbs better but they were only certified for ESE, not DOT. For the Silverstars, you have about 5 different ones; Standard, CoolBlue, Xtravision, High Performance and Ultra. On their package, in the upper right corner, it will have a SU/2 or a PT/2. The PT/2 is for motorcycles and ATVs. Suppose to withstand more vibration, etc. I have not found a ST/2, just the SU/2 in the Ultra.
  4. I have to agree with you, especially this year :250:but it sure don't seem to keep the GA folks from coming down here... in droves ...
  5. If ya can, use stainless steel staples. Got mine at Home Depot. Regular ones will rust. Used them on my boat seat covers.
  6. That is entirely possible Squeeze and I had not thought of it that way... different size sliders with same size diaphragms. It would cut down on their tooling and other costs for various carbs.
  7. A quick peek at the history shows the 1st Gens with 34mm mik's, the 96-98 with 28's and the 99-present with 32's. That don't show what size the diaphragms are but I suspect they are different.
  8. I would like the "whole 9 yards" with the slider, if it can be an option, otherwise, I will take a set of what I can get ... like everyone else, depending on price.
  9. So true Randy... but had to chuckle after reading your story... just below your signature you have "Act as though you are invisable, not invincible." That guy was just following your rule and was nearly invisable... broke the other rule though and thought he was invincible .
  10. Talking about oils, I thought I had posted this once before but can't find it again. It is an article written by a guy who makes oil... literally.. he is a chemist, and a biker. Y'all might find it interesting as well:thumbsup2: http://vfrworld.com/tex_vfr/tech/oil.htm
  11. Randy, I use Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware. Does a good job and it's free; http://www.download.com/Malwarebytes-Anti-Malware/3000-8022_4-10896905.html . Good luck,
  12. "Kawi claims a beefy torque peak of 108 ft-lbs at 2750 rpm, with a horsepower peak of 89 at 5000 revs." And my 1300 is 97 HP...
  13. Growing up in a smoking family, I had to try it. Guess I was about 8 or so. Coughed and sputtered for a while but I was determined(same as stupid I think). I was about 11 or so before I was hooked pretty good. Had a full time job after school and the guy down at a local shop didn't care who bought what as long as you paid for it. Smoked until about '95 and decided I just didn't need to be doing it anymore. Prices were going up and they had just told us we couldn't smoke in the building anymore so I gave it up. 40+ years was enough! Hard, you betcha! but I started out chewing on those little Bandit thingys. Terrible tasting... yuk.. then I got some nicotine gum. I'm not much of a gum chewer.. so that didn't last long. A couple weeks had passed tho and I found I could actually get through the day. Got some hard candy, peanuts and some trail mix and just kept on going. Do feel better and don't cough like I used to. Might even allow me to live 10 minutes longer.
  14. There is an Opinion write-up in the NY Times along these same lines. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/opinion/11rich.html?_r=1&ref=opinion The bottom line seems to be how mad do we have to get before we actually do something about it all.
  15. They have been for years, and continue to do it. That's why we're in the mess we're in Time to tell them we have a headache.
  16. Bob.. you have a PM
  17. May take you up on that offer JB. Going to give it a couple weeks or so to see if I can come up with the one I need, then go to plan B.
  18. Yeah Condor, your'e right, they do come up now and then. Patience is something I don't have much of sometimes . Waiting a while won't kill me.
  19. Yeah Thom... thought about that but then I thought I would have to ruin the other one to drill it out so it matched. Shoot, at the prices they are asking for these things, it would be like burning a $100 bill to drill the good one...
  20. :rotfl::rotfl: Thanks TxVenture... hadn't thought of cager mirrors... time to go to autozone or somewhere and have a look
  21. Broke my Rt side mirror off completely, even the glass. Went looking for spares and I think I could get hen's teeth easier. Stealer wants over 200, fleabay has a couple for a hundred or more. I just don't have that kind of money. I'm thinking about trying to put a pair on from another brand of bike... ones that are not gold plated . Anyone tried that before, if so, how did it work out?
  22. The really sad part is all the corrupt and greedy are still in charge. They all claim they can't let the big boys like Wall Street, AIG, GM, etc, go under 'cause it would "devastate" the economy. What about the working guys that got their pink slips... just how devastated is their economy and I don't see anyone trying to bail them out. The only thing I see is the very rich filling their pockets with taxpayer money directly now instead of thru their corrupt business practices. Wonder if they are going to bail out Madoff next.
  23. Had some problems with that GoDaddy outfit before. Their servers were hacked and were scamming credit cards. Drove my bank crazy for awhile.
  24. Speaking of wind, wouldn't take much to blow you off the road....
  25. Earl.. FWIW, I have an '86 and I find it hard to get "plastic" parts for it and when I do, they are expensive. They do strip a MK II now and then but not often and shipping is outa sight. You talk like you are going to have to replace a good chunk of your new scoot. If you are lucky enough to find everything you broke, it's likely it will not match the color of your new one so you are going to have to remove all the plastic and paint it all. Now, supposing that you probably have all winter to do it, rebuilding it from the ground up may be quite an adventure. That's if you have the time, skills, tools and patience to do it. This also assumes(yeah, I know) that you are just talking plastic and that there are no core problems with the bike; like bent frame, forks, engine was hit, etc. I'm not going to try to give you an answer to your "what should I do" question. Just some things to think about. In the end, only you can make the choice. Just my:2cents:
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