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About rwrenn1

  • Birthday 07/02/1980

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    long island, NY, United States


  • City
    long island


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    fighting fires & riding as much as possible
  • Bike Year and Model
    2018 Venture Transcontinental
  1. excellent, thank you
  2. Do you by chance have a picture of that horn as well as a picture of it mounted on the bike?
  3. Yes, please let us know where we can get those highway pegs
  4. I have always used conventional Yamaha oil
  5. Congratuations! You payment has been submitted on FIRST GEN, MKII VR HEAVY DUTY CLUTCH SPRING UPGRADE KIT! so apparently I got this but the order was corrected to a second gen kit. Now what?
  6. At about 50,000 miles I did the half plate replacement and put the full plate in the clutch. Now at 75,000 miles I am finding the clutch is starting to slip if I get on the throttle in 4th and 5th gear. Should I be replacing the clutch at this point or do I have another problem going on that I am missing? I was looking at getting the Barnett Clutch kit and the new HD Spring. Another thing is that I am planning on getting rid of the bike in 2 years to upgrade to either the new Venture or an Indian Roadmaster. Still very torn in the two bikes. My current bike bike is a 2008 Royal Star Venture-S
  7. I just wanted to say thanks, as I put the upgrade kit from skydoc in and it was seemingly easy. I was done in a matter of about an hour. The most I ever saw myself doing outside electrical type work was oil changes. This was way out of my normal repair ability and with the instructions it was real easy. Again, Thank you.
  8. I got the Kuryakyn LED Driving lights and LOVE THEM no noise from the radio. A little expensive but well worht it. I installed them during the day and after looking at them I was seeing spots for about 20 minutes after and that was with the sun hitting them directly. They look like HID and are also made by Truck-lite. I would love to put the headlight in too but have no clue what to do on making that mod. I had to cut the ends off the plugs and I soldered the wires rather than using butt connectors but other than that they went in 1-2-3. Kuryakyn gets an A++ for distributing these Items.
  9. did you have any luck getting this to happen?
  10. these are available WITH turn signals also and they are also really bright
  11. very true on the turn signal end but if u save at least some power on the running lights
  12. more info???????
  13. no such thing as riding season ending just time to put it away for a couple of days at a time like when theres ice or snow on the ground. with the right gear you can ride in anything
  14. In a tractor trailer thats about the only way we up and downshift so why not on the bike. as for downshifting you just need to rev the throttle the right way to match the engine with the tranny
  15. they usually make exemptions for stuff like that, I may order 2 and save one for a rainy day
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