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Everything posted by Riderduke

  1. A Friends wife posted something like this: October 1-31 is Halloween November 1-27 is Christmas November 28 is Thanksgiving November 29-December 31 is Christmas... so Deal with it... 😆
  2. I rode about 75-80 miles on Skyline Drive and it was beautiful. The rangers we were talking to said that BRP was closed even in the area that wasn't effected by Helene.. It was just easier to shut it all down for Evaluation and Repairs, they said.
  3. Very, very Nice... It's going to be weird seeing Skid not on a black bike...
  4. I saw this this morning... They are retuning to work... https://www.google.com/search?q=strike&sca_esv=fe1d248b964710f2&tbm=nws&sxsrf=ADLYWIJzCGj5wqnR6bUb15WUGGdm8MruZw:1728039329830&story=GjoSOFVTIGRvY2sgd29ya2VycywgcG9ydCBvcGVyYXRvcnMgcmVhY2ggZGVhbCB0byBlbmQgc3RyaWtlMjEKJ7P2iZ6ki5q-KcDk0fy6pPvtnAHruu-AtqGvnNIB8pWHu8Hy16aiARDE4_OuDBgFcgIQAQ&fcs=ACgqzed_IWJcnSivYHW1uWZakVJRVmbeRg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwju5qWTyPSIAxUyLVkFHf-YJ_0QjcEJegQIHxAD
  5. Thanks for sharing. Congratulations
  6. Well, I have bad news. After a long battle with Parkinson's my Mother finally passed away yesterday. The Funeral is in New Hampshire next week. I will not be able to make this trip this year.. Have fun and stay safe...
  7. I'm bring an former member CRAIG aka LEO... I believe his last Asheville VR.ORG trip was 2008. He rides a Road Glide. he will fit right in with the Blevins...lol Picture from 2008 Asheville. He is the tall guy in the white shirt
  8. I'm staying here again... Comfort Inn Asheville, 1435 Tunnel Road, Asheville, NC
  9. I researched this when my shoulder went south.. I was going to put it on my Road Glide... A dealer here in VA that was a certified Leg Up Landing Gear tech... " About 30% of the units he installed he had to remove per the request of the customer... They had issues with uneven surfaces and not going all the way down. So when the biker thought it was down it really wasn't.. Due diligence needs to be paid to the warning light.." With that said... I was worried about using and getting used to it and it letting me down at a bad time...
  10. Congrats on your Milestone and getting a picture... When I rolled 100K I was traveling to NH.. I was In MD and there was a sign on the interstate no stopping except for emergency.. I stopped anyway to get a picture of my Odometer... A state cop pulled up behind me and asked what the emergency was... I pointed to my odometer and said I needed a picture, he said wow that was an emergency.. He then blocked traffic so I could safely get back on the interstate... I Love seeing these bikes getting these miles.
  11. No bumps for me yet... still on track for being there..👍
  12. Beautiful riding up there... getting there is an experience. Going thru Ct and NY is horrible in a car or on a bike.. I've have not ridden in WKY except to pass thru.. I was so looking forward to going.. I guess another time.
  13. Well shoot, I was really looking forward to this... I have a family obligation in Hew Hampshire that I can't get out of. I'm going to miss this event.. On the plus side I will be riding up there so I guess there's that... I guess I'll see some of ya'll in Asheville..
  14. Oh, I was, Ron gets the comment.... Last year at the Georgia Meet, I Tried to keep up with him in the twisties.. ALMOST!!!! He rides his Venture like it was a sport bike..(even with his wife on the back)...
  15. Nice looking bike... we are going to see how it does, in the twisties, against the Spyder...lol
  16. We stayed at Hyatt Vacation Club at Windward Pointe... Booked it on Booking.com... We have stayed there for the past 3 years and love it.. 2 bedroom condo with our rooms overlooking A1A and the ocean... We have looked at other properties and this has been our choice .. Our morning view from the balcony..
  17. Well it was cold here in Fredericksburg, VA and had about 1' of snow over the course of a week.... Nothing like you guys. The low was in the teens a few days... While that was going on My wife and I were on Vacation in Key West... The coldest we had was 69*F.. I was glad we missed it but coming from KW to VA was a little bit of a temp shock...
  18. I don't need the guard so leave me out.. I just wanted to join into this discussion... I had a 2004 Venture (white).. I guess it wasn't the fastest color (according to others), but the nicest color.. Put 150k on it and sold it to get a 2017 Road Glide.. I put 50K on that.. Then with Failed shoulder surgery I was forced to go to 3 wheels.. Still wanting to tour and needed help with steering I got a 2021 Can Am F-3 (they have power assist steering) I still consider the Venture the best bike I've owned and miss it at every ride.. But that ship has sailed... I recently purchased a 2004 V Star 650 and I'm getting it back on the road... I also have one pissed off wife (LOL).. It will cure my need for two wheels around town and short trips and I still have the F-3 for touring / longer trips.. Good luck to the winner of the Wagner Grill Guard... He made one hell of a product RIP Steve
  19. For anyone who might be interested... Jeff's memorial link https://www.crowemortuary.com/memorials/jeffrey-myres/5348574/index.php?fbclid=IwAR0WcdzSGCp1jMCEY7n0SlAYHZpDcqhAysIBzfB5w_ppOWnSgjjqXW1JEaY
  20. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  21. Just got a message from ADC (Arthur)... Jeff Meyers (The Muffinman) died this morning from stage 4 Colon Cancer.. Please pray for Margaret(Mini Muffin and their Daughter)...
  22. @RDawson This still in the plan.. I put it on my calendar so I can plan my work around this. Just checking if it's still in the works.
  23. Excellent news. we will be keeping her in our prayers
  24. I sold my 04 venture with 150K miles on it in 2017 for $3500.00. So I would say its a good deal if its running well..
  25. Check your rear brake pedal and front brake lever to make sure they are not activating the break light. There is adjustment there that can be made.
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