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Everything posted by kenw

  1. how about seger's night moves.
  2. I find the lawyers argument intersting. According to him if I load my gun with no thought of using and later I shoot someone I guess it would be only an accident. The only difference between a lawyer and a skunk in the road is there are skid marks in front of the skunk. Just my thoughts!
  3. Sorry, I didn't read snopes after the artical for the date, but I still don't like this anti American CR-- that is going around. I'm not politically correct and proud of it!!!
  4. I'm sorry to hear of the loss! my prayers are out there fot his family and friends.
  5. .ExternalClass DIV{;} To all my friends. It is such a shame that an Americian company would do something like this. I have always watched WSB, it has been my channel of choice, but no more. I have E-Mailed all of you in hopes that you too would send WSB an E-Mail protesting this and discontinue watching them. Their E-Mail address is talk2us@wsbtv.com and they need to know that most of us still love America, and appriciate what it has given us, and all the live's that have been given and continue to be given are not in vain. If they hate Americia they need to go bankrupt, and I as one will do all I can to help that happen. I sent my E-Mail to them and I hope you will also. Subject: ABC bans flag lapel pins ABC NEWS BANS FLAG LAPEL PINS Barbara Walters said that this was going to hurt ABC bad. As you know she works for ABC. This should make your blood boil.... it DOES mine! ABC NEWS BANS FLAG LAPEL PINS! YESTERDAY THE BRASS AT ABC NEWS ISSUED ORDERS FORBIDDING REPORTERS TO WEAR LAPEL PIN AMERICAN FLAGS OR OTHER PATRIOTIC INSIGNIA. THEIR REASONING WAS THAT ABC SHOULD REMAIN NEUTRAL ABOUT 'CAUSES'. SINCE WHEN IS SUPPORT FOR PREVENTING DEATH AND DESTRUCTION SOME SORT OF A 'CAUSE'? SINCE WHEN IS PATRIOTISM TO BE DISCOURAGED? I URGE YOU TO BOYCOTT ABC AND ITS SPONSORS AND AFFILIATES. WE ARE SLOWLY LOSING EVERYTHING OUR COUNTRY STANDS FOR AND EVERYTHING OUR MEN AND WOMEN FOUGHT AND DIED TO PRESERVE! PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO AS MANY AS YOU CAN. THIS HAS BEEN VERIFIED THROUGH: http://www.snopes..com/rumors/noflagsasp
  6. My prayers are out there fr him and his family. God rest his soul!
  7. Thanks! I've sent it on!!
  8. beautiful job!!!
  9. Welcome! We'll enjoy having you aboard!
  10. kenw


    Just wanted to share this with you! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO5y2O_hv3I&feature]YouTube- Amazing Grace - Scottish Bagpipes[/ame]
  11. I'm very sorry to for you and your friend. My prayers and thoughts are with you, him, and his family! This is something that is never easy. I just had my father pass, try to celebrate his life, not morn his death, he is finally going home! God bless.
  12. Check for rooms ahead of time, I know there are some hotels with "no bike" rules. If there's no bike event going on, MB is highly overated and too expensive. There's a lot better spots to spend your time at! Been there, done that, would not go back! Just my 2 cents worth!
  13. The end is near!
  14. Wow! With those prices I think I'll stay in Georgia!!
  15. Do you have a web site for them? What do they look like?
  16. It would be a lot better world if evryone followed that advice!
  17. Sorry to hear the news, my prayers for his family and friends are out there!
  18. Prayers sent! Over here in georgia ladders in the road seem to be a daily event during rush hour.
  19. Here's a few prayers for you Annie, I 'm hoping it works out!
  20. Amen!
  21. Sorry to hear about your loss, prayers are sent for you and his family. God rest his soul!
  22. Looks great!!!! Keep the pictures commimg!
  23. Glad to see you posting already! Your spirts sound up and that's an important part of healing. Here's hoping you and your family have a speedy recovery. at times like this remeber it could have been a lot worse!
  24. Hey Annie, "old fart" is ok too! "you can call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner"!
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