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Everything posted by kenw

  1. I might be missing something but what are the pills?
  2. Some doctors think that they are gods! Nothin but a mechanic that works on people instead of cars! In fact less than that because a good mechanic works on the whole car and not just a little part! Go after the turd with both barrels, its your daughter the pompos jerk wouldn't come to see!
  3. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you!
  4. Hey Mike, I'm not sure where you are in Atlanta but I'm in Acworth and if you want to come over and talk bikes, I'm always available!
  5. Ben,spend all the time you can with him and tell him you love him! I lost my father in April of this year and with that I lost one of my best friends. I put off calling him in the morning one day, called in the afternoon and he was in the hospital in intensive care He died that night and never made it home. You will all be in my prayers!
  6. And a very Merry Christmas to everyone out there! :sleigh:
  7. Sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers go out to you and his family!
  8. About time we start taking our lives back! The politicions sure don"t care!!!!! P.s.my feelings only!!! Subject: Marine Stabbed at Best Buy by suspected shoplifter! November 27, 2010 Associated Press AUGUSTA, Ga. - A U.S. Marine reservist collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helped stop a suspected shoplifter in eastern Georgia. Best Buy sales manager Orvin Smith told The Augusta Chronicle that man was seen on surveillance cameras Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the Augusta store. When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door. Outside were four Marines collecting toys for the service branch's "Toys For Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back. The cut did not appear to be severe. The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, assorted lacerations and bruises he obtained when he fell, trying to run after stabbing the Marine. The suspect, whose name was not released, was held until police arrived. The Richmond County Sheriff's office said it is investigating. > > > Rick Smythe Chaplain > Marine Corps League > St Charles County Detachment 725 > > Semper Fi
  9. In a word AWESUM!!!! Thanks!
  10. kenw


    I hear you, I relaced my $500 ftql with a $150 little camera that takes excellent pictures, but there are always purists out there!
  11. kenw


    My dad died earlier this year and Mom wouls like to well his camera equip. It's all Cannon 35mm that I know of. I know there's an FTQL and probably an AOS with a lot of accessory lenses. If your interested please let me know, she lives in Northern Wisconsin if your in that area. Don, this probably isn't the right forum for this and I apoligise! (ask for forgiveness rather than permission) Kenw 770-917-9964
  12. kenw

    My son was born!

    Congragulations! When does he get the little battery powered bike?
  13. I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's downturn. My prayers are still out there for him and the family! Take care of Mom because I'm sure she needs your support.
  14. Got the old fingers crossed for you! Good luck!
  15. kenw

    cell phones

    That's why they make handguns!!!
  16. No thanks, I'm retired from ATT and loving it!
  17. I'll be praying for you! Here's to a quick recovery!
  18. Sweet ride! Be sure to say welcome home, and thank him for derving from us!!
  19. Was it a big screen!
  20. Glad to here the good news! We'll keep the prayers comming!
  21. Prayers sent, hope your recovery is short!
  22. Maybe the superintendent should drive a bus along with his comlaining students across the border and they won't have to see it! (my email response to him,)
  23. As always, my prayers are out the for him and his family!
  24. I vote for the glocks.but that's just me!!
  25. Monty I agree with you! I believe Christmas is for families getting together and having a good time. What I don't like is third parties telling me what or how I have to believe in or act as! I believe we all should be able to do as we please and not force others to obey our beliefs!
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