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Everything posted by kenw

  1. I am a new member of the pgr annd have a question about putting a patch on the back of my jacket. I already have the Venture Riders od the back. Am I allowed to have them both on their? If so is it ok to have the pgr patch under the Venture Riders? Where can I go to find out the answer? Thanks in advance for any help!!!!
  2. My prayers and thoughts are with him and his family!
  3. My thoughts and prayers are out there for a good recovery! ( congrads Gramps)
  4. I've only seen the post now. But rest be assured that all of you are in my prayers!!
  5. It must be beautifull to see natiers one last glimps at a winter wonerland! Culd make a joke about the 2"thing,but wanted to keep it PG rated!!
  6. I saw this and a few others and joined up! Thanks for the post!!
  7. :rotf:
  8. Just signed up! Anybody in the North Atlanta area wanting to ride, let me know!
  9. I've got the Venture and a Suzuki Valusia that I use around town. Climb off the Venture and get on the Valusia and it feels like your in a sportscar.
  10. Your daughter and family will be in my thoughts and prayers. It's hard to see a child suffer!
  11. Looks pretty but cold! Thanks for posting!
  12. She's definetly a keeper! If you don't want her send her my way. I have a 50 lb. cocker that will tear a strangers heart out and I like it that way!!! Give that dog abig steak FOR ME!!
  13. Great news Lewis, Wish her well for me! If you don't mind the prayers will still be comming!
  14. Thanks for posting! I believe this country is going to hell in a hurry, but only my view! My wife is a teacher so I passed it on to her.
  15. Thanks for posting! Some great pictures!
  16. Thank you for serving Mr. Buckles, and may God bless you with peace on your soul!
  17. It must be truly wonderful to be blessed one last time with the sight of a winter wonderland one last time! Those of us walking around in our shirtsleeves are jeaulous!!!
  18. Thanks for the post, the safety chrome is attached. 4 in the pack for $2.99. If it falls off we can alwys go to plan "B" to attach a new one!
  19. Good one! My wife teaches 3rd grade and she's sending it on!!!
  20. Beautiful!!! My wife's a school teacher and she's passing it on when she can stop laughing!!!!:rotf:
  21. Lewis, my thoughts and prayers are out there for her to have a successfull and speedy recovery!
  22. Thanks for sharing! I've got an 06, but the package was probably the same!
  23. And only 1 mil! Hard to tell the back from the front!
  24. I like woodworking. It gives me a good feeling to build something and see the finished product!
  25. Thanks for the info! Just checked out my trunk and the kit is on there.
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