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Everything posted by kenw

  1. That is terrible news! Words can't express the pain that they must be going through. My heart and prayers go out to that poor family.
  2. Sorry to hear about this, but sometimes they just go down. Mine went to sleep and fell down last year, you were lucky to get you leg out, I had to lay there till a passerby could lift it enoough for me to get out. Emberrassing moment #1! Hope you have a fast mend!
  3. kenw

    My trike

    Glad to see your back!
  4. Great job! I'm still working on mine, but I hope someday it will mirror your workmanship!
  5. Sweet!
  6. Great job! I bet you stand out in the crowd!
  7. Great lookin ride! Enjoy!
  8. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!
  9. Great news!!!!! I hope they have a tall tree behind the courthouse!!! If not I'll be more than happy to loan them one of mine!!!! Go get 'em!
  10. If it wasn't so sad it'd be funny!
  11. Thanks , I'm sending it on up the line!
  12. kenw

    Way too Cool!!!!

    AWESOME!!!! (rest of comments withheld) only Semilost?????
  13. Go for it!!!! It's a whole lt better than saying I should have in later years!
  14. Take care of yourself! Our prayers and thoughts are out there for you!
  15. how do we join?
  16. Congratulations! You should be very proud! We will pray for his safety and thank him for keeping our country safe in these troubling times. Lord Bless our soldiers!!!!
  17. By your last comment you must have had an old 1st gen before. Yamaha has since greatly improved their product with the present 2nd gen. It's kind of like going from riding with Fred Flintsone and then going for a ride in a new Limo!
  18. Thanks, As i'm driving a heavier bike than I'm used to, these tips become more and more important!
  19. Sorry to hear the news! Our prayers are out there!
  20. I've had several brands and would go with the Edsets!
  21. I've never seen it done, but that doesn't mean it can't be!
  22. Looks great!
  23. Thanks for sharing with us. Awesum work!!! Makes me want to go back home!
  24. A Happy Easter back at you! May the bunny be generous with his treats.
  25. Took a look at their web site and it says they are dual intensity so it should be a straight install. I don't have any experience with it, so it will be interesting to see what others will have to say!
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