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Everything posted by kenw

  1. Now every time someone's phone rings I'll wonder.
  2. Congrats! You worked hard and deserve it!:thumbsup2::thumbsup2:
  3. kenw

    Son went down

    Glad he's ok. Tell him that divorce sucks, but it will pass! The Lord showed he's watching over him from the act he walked waway from the accident! All the other C*** will pass.
  4. Make sure the Doc comes in with a steady hand, and we'll be out here praying for you! Let us know how it goes!
  5. What colors do the shirts come in?
  6. Hey Don, My supporting members badge isn't there either! I feel so unloved!
  7. Glad you came out of it standing up! Bike parts are expensive, but that's what insurance is for!
  8. Be careful what the "DOCTORS" tell you! had my knee worked on for a torn maniscus and its worst that before! Remember that they are "PRACTISING" medicine. I want one that knows what he's doing.
  9. good luck, we'll be praying for you!
  10. My Prayers are with them. May God grant them strength!
  11. Good Luck! Had surgery for a torn miniscus in my left knee done and it helped for a couple of weeks, then pain again. I grin and bear it cause I'm afraid of how they'll take care of it this time!
  12. Good commercial, wish they showed it in Georgia!!!!
  13. Wish I could, but thanks for the invite!
  14. Looks really nice! I've got a volusia in my garage that I play around with from time to time, and it's a great ride!
  15. kenw

    Must see

    In a word "AWESOME"! Thanks for posting this-----PROUD TO BE AMERICAN!:usa::usa:
  16. Good Luck! Our prayers and thoughts will be with you!
  17. Your not alone! I can't make it either, but hope to see you at Vogel!
  18. Don't mean to start anything,BUT, go into your kids school and ask that teacher how much in the way of supplies for your child comes out of her pocket! I know nobody gives a damn as long as it isn't comming out of their pocket! When you look around that room and see things hanging on the walls (artwork, posters, learning aids, etc) down here in Georgia they came out of the teachers pocket. When little Johnny comes to school without paper, or needs another pencil where do you think they come from--- want a clue. Sorry your offended that you have to but him a set of crayons, but why don't you go and ask the teacher how you can help out! I wonder if you'd be happy with the education your willing to pay for!!!! Now I feel Better!!!
  19. kenw

    Ready to ROLL!

    Sounds like you've had a rough time! Enjoy being back on the bike and take care!
  20. Really a great job! You do nice work!
  21. Look great! What's the unit on the handlebar with the colored lights?
  22. Lonna, I sent a check out to for 3 black decals Today! Kenw
  23. kenw

    MRI Update

    Great News, I'm glad it wasn't worse!
  24. kenw

    MRI Today

    My prayers and thoughts are ut there for you! Good luck and a speedy recovery!
  25. Good luck and our prayers are out there for you!
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