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Everything posted by kenw

  1. kenw

    Proud Papa 2

    Thank them for their service to out country! And as a parent I will pray for their safe return! May God bless!
  2. I'd just like to wish everyone on this site a very merry Christmas! Don, I promise not to call so often, Eck..we love you even if you drive a Honda,Yammer Dan, the bears at Vogal thank you for the gloves. Thanks to those helping me get up the hill at Poolesl! I have a lot to be thankfull for this year and just wanted to say thanks for all those on our website family!! Everyone have a merry Christmas and a blessed New year!! Ken and Jackie Wasielak
  3. BREAKING NEWS!! To save the economy in JANUARY 2010 The Obama government will start Deporting all of the old people In order to lower Social Security and Medicare costs. I started crying - when I thought of you. RUN, YOU OLD FART, RUN!!!!! Well....what can I say....someone sent it to me, And I'm not going alone!!!!
  4. I'm sorry to hear the news! My prayers go out for him and his family.
  5. Thank you for serving. We'll be praying for your safe return!
  6. I'll be passing through your town this weekend Genos east, Home Run Inn, and any beef stand in town, look out cause this kid is passing through and i'm food deprived!!!
  7. Do you wad the shorts before or after they fall off the wall? just pondering!
  8. Thanks to all who replied! This came about because of a phone call from someone I don't know, and I tried to help out! I am now probably wanted in Indiana(or at least not a favorite son) and have beat my head against the wall and am really questioning our system and what this country has become! We now treat people who come here illigally better than our own, presidents bow down to other countries, and our government gives big corporations free money to pay their inept managers bonuses while the workers go starving. I am a Christian and do believe in God ( although my country doesn't) and thank our veteran's for the sacrifices they made (although my country wants to take their benifits away)! I can go on and rant and rave, but I don't want to bore you with my beliefs and convictions, I never thought I would say this but be prepared for whats comming!! Thanks for letting me rant and Yammer bear still misses Dan!
  9. thanks for the pictures! I've been there before and you would have to work hard not to have a good time at that place! Just another ride i missed out on.
  10. Thanks Don, I've used the site several times in my travels. I'm headed up from Georgia to Wisconsin in a few days and will add a few spots, but mind you I'm also a Waffle House Junky!
  11. Welcome! I've got a Volusia in garage and love it! After climbing off the Venture it feels like a sports car! Glad your aboard!!
  12. No!! keep your gun and ammo ready cause when it comes down to it the only one to protect you is you!!!!
  13. Didn't go anywhere! recieved 3 phone calls from the area from someone I didn't know! They would not answer when called back, so I stupidly got involved and traced the number to an address is in Indiana to a lady between 60 to 65 years old. I tried to contact police ijn the area to just see if she was ok. Was told at first that they had no such phone number( when I gave them the info I had off the web, said Oh its to the lady I gave the info for). Miss personality at the desk would not dispatch a car and hung up on me! When I called the number later I spoke with a male who sounded to be about 20 to 30 years old. He told me the lady in question just left and upon later phone calls never came home. When I again called the police they told me they had a lengthy call with the person, whenI asked if the wonderfull lady talked with her directly she denied speaking with her. I tried to do the right thing and have learned that ( and I'm sorry for slighting the good people in law inforcement) to arm and protact yourselves because no one else will! Please be kind as I've had enough!!! Like any idoit I am pursuing it!!
  14. Thanks, the problem has been solved and I thank you for your response! You guys are awesome!!
  15. Thanks for sharing, I have sent it on! God bless our men and boys fighting for us!!!
  16. anybody in police inforcement in the are of a 219 area code please call me on 770-917-9964.. yhanks you, kenw
  17. I just had one made last week at Ace. They used a HY-Ko brand TR33. Was a little rough but a wire brush solved the problem!
  18. I like that! thinking about getting 2 for my Dad'snow plow---he's 93 and needs all the help he can get!!! Gotta love em!!
  19. Welcome home and a big thankyou for serving!!
  20. Thanks, very well said!!
  21. A sad sign of the times, and what are we becomming! If it wasn't for what these people did, idiots like this would have been shot long ago! Politically incorrect but maybe its time!!!
  22. Thanks Don, I think these people should get all the respect we can give them!!
  23. Hey eddie, I'm sorry for the bad response! It looks like we forgot about our past and am going to be doomed to our future, let the Oba** kissers get what they deserve, just hope i'm not around to see it!!!
  24. kenw

    Thank You

    Thanks for replying! I can't help but to notice that all the other messages get loads of replys! Maybe we forgot who we are and where we're from! In that case I guess a lot of people suffered and died so we could be this way!!! I wonder who will be willing to fight for them in the future!!! Take this offline if you want I just had to say my mind!!
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