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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. That RSV is a nice one, I know the guy that had it before him, he might have bought it back if he knew it was for sale
  2. No matter what some may say HD makes a good bike, with no more problems than any other model. Also they have all those cool shirts and such. I've often wished that there were dealerships with the type of items that an HD dealer has. If you want one get it. Life is too short.
  3. I had that procedure in my left thumb about 3 years ago. once it healed up I have had no pain. about ready to have it done to my right hand. Best wishes to him.
  4. Yep, its a setting that went back to default after the reset. Proximity alerts. That being said, I had mine on for a short while on my 2730, but ended up only allowing my favorites to show. It was just way to cluttered.
  5. Definetly in our prayers.
  6. Land between the Lakes Park is a nice peacful drive with some nice scenery and a buffalo preserve.
  7. Might try who you insure your home and other vehicles with, if its not Progressive. I have State Farm on everything I own. I have a 2008 GoldWing and pay under $400 per yr.
  8. I really liked my 2nd Gen, but I like my GW even more. True it did take some getting used to the riding position, but that didn't take that long. Wasn't really looking to make the switch just worked out that way. Unless Buddy will trade me back, I'm going to keep it. However, if and when Yamaha comes out with a new Venture I will be looking again. I like change, change is good
  9. I remember him from Bill's. Give him my thanks and best wishes. Looking forward to riding with him again in the future. Jay
  10. Prayers following you all the way. Hope it goes the way you want it to.
  11. Wife has a 2010 Ford Escape and loves it. I have a 2009 F150. I'll have to say I've been impressed with my truck's 2wd handling in this snow and ice we have had. Between the traction control, Anti skid and the awesome traction bladder (JC Whitney) I added to the bed I feel like I'm driving a 4wd.
  12. impatient!!
  13. Sorry for you and Taters loss. I know how important our pets can be.
  14. I might swing down that way if the dates work out too. I go to Ft Campbell frequently so its just a hop skip and jump further to Nashville.
  15. Yes I feel its my duty! Especially when folks start taking themselves way too serious or become overly self righteous. I have been through a major wreck with gear on and half helmet. Broken ribs and 4 inches of road rash, so it worked. Everyone makes a personal choice to balance risk with the riding pleasure and I respect their choices as long as they respect mine.
  16. You ain't just whistling Dixie there my friend! Stong opinions when it comes to that. Over on the Wing forum they are really anal about the ATGATT, so I made my signature read SGST, Some gear, Some Times, just to keep them riled up,
  17. I was thinking we need a facebook site also. I have found some of the members I know but it would be nice to have a presence if nothing other than to refer them to this site.
  18. I could bring my Keyboard to MD or we could just roll Don's piano out. I play Piano, guitar since about age 5....you think I would be alot better than I am:confused24:
  19. In my 34 years of driving I've hit 10+ deer. Isn't that ornament on the hood a sight?. Thank goodness deer strikes are covered on my $0 deductible comprehensive coverage!
  20. Not exactly sure of size, I think that's right, but I had the same problem even with locktight on mine one side kept coming loose. I found the cheapest way to get any bolts was at our local farm store. They had chrome, button head, perfect matches for a realtive small $$. I bought an assortment to have on hand, maybe 5 or 6 and only cost me about $10 or less.
  21. Hope you guys have a great time. Be Careful of the Crazies! If you ever pass through IL look me up. I have a big Blacktop Drive way you can park in!
  22. How much longer you need to keep this up Duke? Whatever it is I have a feeling its Too Long!!!! I wish you the best.
  23. Happy Anniversary Don & Eileen! I think you both did really well! We love you both! There can you believe I didn't stir anything up!.
  24. I use the Tinactin spray powder every day in the summer before I put my boots on. If you are having that much trouble you might want to get something from the Dr that is stronger.
  25. I 2nd the vote for Wolverine and Red Wing
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