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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Hely Bill, I think Freebird put the dates on the calendar, but I have in my calendar 8/5 - 8/11 2008
  2. Welcome to the Party. I only Belong here, but I check in on the Delphi forum sometimes. I live down outside Springfield, IL so we will probably end up riding together sometime. Looking forward to it. Jay
  3. I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU FELT. I love having my wife or my son along with me. It almost just isn't as much fun without them. Happy Thanksgiving! And you are right. Life IS GOOD!
  4. :rasberry:Nails in the Tires?? Hmmm. Sounds like you got in a hurry to ride and forgot to clean up after you last project I read where you swept the Air out, but didn't read where you picked it up. If you do the same thing with nails I think that could be the problem.
  5. I've got 19000 miles on my front and it doesn't even look worn yet, so its probably got a whole lot left on it.
  6. I would like to reserve a spot by the Pond for my tent! I'm not afraid, I don't think, well not much anyway
  7. It was great. See post 6. Cold and rainy today with snow chance tonight.
  8. If I had to guess, and that's truly what it is, because anyone that knows me will tell you I AM NOT A MECHANIC, is header gaskets, pipe leak or too rich setting. I get a tingling sensation when a BBQ joint is nearby
  9. I have never experienced the problem. what year is your RSV? I am thinking you have a bigger issue:crying: or a really sensative nose.
  10. [quote=Eck;151338 April 17th - 20th, 2008, Natchez Trace Ride. Natchez, MS I am really looking forward to this ride myself!! Hope to see you and many others there! On the Calendar, Rooms reserved. Lowell and I are splitting rooms. We didn't get them at those high brow places you and your wife are staying at:rotf:. Had to go cheap and make sure we could perpetuate our bad habit (smoking) Trying to decide whether I'm going to try and make it to Natchez in one day 750 miles. Probably do 2 and leave IL on wed 8/16. Have a great Thanksgiving.
  11. Well, got to go for about 4.5 hours and 200 - 300 miles. Back roads, interstate, hit them all. It was very theraputic. Didn't seem to be a lot of cars out and almost felt like I had the roads to myself. Only saw 3 other bikes. All HD. I have a feeling rides will be few and far between for awhile. Every weekend from now till Christmas I will be helping my Cousins on their Tree Farm. Add that to all the Holiday stuff and time will be pretty short. I guess I have to just start counting down to the Natchez tour.
  12. Do a search around Oberlin, OH
  13. Family?? Where's your Priorities??
  14. Wanna Build me a Trailer and deliver it?
  15. Looks like the last nice day for awhile so I decided to head out for a full day ride. Don't know where I'll end up maybe Alton. Jay
  16. Better for me. I can take my time getting home and have a day to recuperate.
  17. Told you that you wouldn't be dissapointed.
  18. Could you send us a "Pouncing" Video? I think it would help us understand your technique and I'm sure it would be rather entertaining!
  19. Ouch. Hope you heal up quick. Take care. Always knew excercise could be hazardous to your health!
  20. You would think so, but my wife made me put a OEM back on, because she said the arm rests were restrictive and hot & sticky in the summer. My son who is 10 hates it to.
  21. My Nephew Dusty is there and will be for another 15 months with the Army. Please keep him in your prayers. Though he says "Pray not for Me, but the one in the sights of my weapon"
  22. Yes, happened to me to and several others. Mine cracked in the black part. It was covered by warranty here in USA. I got the new one from Yamaha under warranty, sold it and installed the shrter fiberglass type antennas as detailed in the Marshall Mod. I like the looks better and I think they will be much more durable. Jay
  23. The windshield bag mounting tab does not have go in very far at all. If it will go in at all its probably enough to hold the bag. Just loosen and remove the trim piece. Slight loosen the windshield attatchment bolts and slide it in and retighten. It will not hurt the windshield or the trim piece if neither is over tightened. If it tends to lean forward any use velcro tape. If the mounting tab is too short to slip in at all you can drill, thought thats rather permanent. If you do consider the acorn nuts on the outside with nylon washers for a more finished look. Good luck.
  24. RoadKill


    Willies Place - 13 I think and 14 BlueGrass. I also like 34 the Southern Gospel channel and the decades 6 - 8 mentioned above. I really like mine. We took it on vacation and really enjoyed the variety.
  25. Well, nothing wrong with Harley spinoffs. You ought to know you are riding one:rasberry: Personally, I really like the look of the Harley touring machines. If they were priced the same as the Venture I would have had one.
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