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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. So Pink would be ok?? I do like your idea. Plain and simple, like my Mind:rotf:
  2. Only you Bill:rotf: Oh by the way and epulet is the piece of material on the shoulder with a button, commonly found on uniforms, I believe. Another thought on the shirts - Keep the shirts simple they will please more people that way. Personally, while it may be true, I don't like the Ride to Eat connotations. Sounds like we are not serious and can't pass a DQ and I know I pass at least one or two on a weeks trip . Anyway, I don't want anyone to know of my addiction.
  3. I personally like a black T-Shirt. Doesn't show the food stains as bad Don't like White as its usually ruined the first time I wear it. Can you tell I'm a slob?? I think Just having Eureka Springs 2008 Venture Rider.Org would be enough. I think the screen name would be cool too. If you use Shirtsnthings we should be able to get various colors and styles also. I know I like long sleeves alot. My 2 cents. See you there.
  4. I think I heard there will be No Cheescake until behavior improves!
  5. Jerry, If it is NOT a virus, you should be able to do a unistall. Search the Web for some help sites. I can't remember ones I used previously, but found some really good info. If it IS a virus/trojan you are in for a real PIA! I ended up just buying a new computer I got so fed up. Of course, I was cheap and never ran any security on the old one. I won't make that mistake again. Saving $50 cost me $800. If you want to call me at home tonight around 4:30 (number in profile or you have it.) I might be able to talk you through some options. Jay
  6. I tend to agree with others that not sure I'd want it, though wouldn't not get a Venture if it had it. My mother's drive way slopes quite a bit up to a flat parking area. However there is not room to turn around. Therefore I have to do a controlled roll down hill. Kind of nerve racking..roll, brake...roll, brake, etc... An acquaintence of mine purchased a new wing and hardly ever uses the reverse as he just doesn't feel comfortable with it. IMHO the only time I might use it would be if I had no choice but to park in a bad spot or got blocked after I parked.
  7. I am glad you enjoy it. I'm sorry, I should have kept my opinion to myself. Please do not take offense. As I said I am glad for those that do participate and get something from it. Quite frankly I never planned to particpate here as much as I do, but darn it this place is addictive.
  8. I was a member for 3 years prior to getting my RSV. I am not a fan of group rides and long meetings, which seemed to be what the local chapter was about. Also, found absolutely NO benefit to their web presence. You have to keep in mind that STAR is a Yamaha backed/endorsed organization. So it seems to me to be very biased. I really think all it does is put money in Alan Cease's, the founder, pocket. I remember once posting that anyone interested in being involved in an online NASCAR league to let me know as I run one every year. Hit send and had 3 emails from moderators before I could get back from the coffee pot. Needless to say that was the last time I was ever on their site. Okay enough ranting, because I could go on and on. I have nothing against anyone that gets into it, but its not for me.
  9. RoadKill


    Agree-same here only just 60 miles each way. Definetly makes the day go better if I know I will getting on the bike for the trip home!
  10. Can't help but notice, can you? This is a true FAMILY. Some Black Sheep (Charlie), but still family:rotf:. I look through a couple other forums on Delphi and while I have never felt berated, I have never really felt Part of Something, like I do here. J
  11. RoadKill


    Ride, Ride, Ride, Eat, Eat, Eat is a good combo!
  12. About 250 miles I think would probably be my limit unless I was making an overnight. Nice easy 500 mile day then. Now if folks are taking a group ride after lunch that distance has to be lower. You planning a M&E at your place?
  13. My Dealer is my neighbor he just rides it in and brings it back. Now THTAT's service! I have a feeling he doesn't do that for everyone:confused24:
  14. You got it! I have thought about the battery gloves. I am going to do some searching and see what I can find. Have you used them? I have a one piece rain suit that I put on over my clothes then my leather jacket. That rain suite worked really well. Had a feeling it might since I sweat like I'm in a sauna when I weather most of the time:rotf:. That is why I got a set of frogtogs.
  15. Congratulations!! Looks like a keeper. How long before you give him a ride?
  16. And the fairing, radio and cruise. Not much of a touring bike IMHO! I need saddlebags just to ride around town:rotf:cause I'm always preapred for almost anything. Even have collapsable camp stools!
  17. Well it was a sunny day yesterday with freezing rain in the forecast for today. So at 34 degrees I suited up and took a 150 mile ride with a quick stop at my Mom's to clean some gutters. Felt really good to be out and about. The only thing that was cold was my hands. I just can see to find gloves that will keep my hands warm. I currently use leather, insulated, with a long cuff. Yesterday I even put those handwarmers down in my gloves which helped a little. Anyone have a suggestion for keeping my hands warmer? I suppose it doesn't help that they have been frostbit before. Thanks for any suggestions. J
  18. Great reminder Goose. Same is true with Tire pressure too. I like you forget to check the shocks as often as I should. I usually end up checking at at the first gas stop. It always amazes me what a difference it makes. Thanks for the reminder. Jay
  19. It would be great to see you at Maintenance Day. Hope you can make it.
  20. Converted mine to the short fiberglass ones too, exept I did the CB too. Use it on group rides. Check out the picks in my gallery. I really like how it ended up. J
  21. got my 2003 in 2006 with 9000 miles on. Has almost 36000 now and only had one bolt come loose, shock crapped out, windshield, and 2 sets of rear tires, one front. To me that's trouble free.
  22. Never seen one without the bags and it looks like the trunk is off too. I really like that look. One MEAN sport bike.
  23. You certainly have a point there. Seriously, I wish you all the best of luck and admire you all for trying. Over the years I have cut back from 2 1/2 packs a day to just over 1/2 pack a day. You would think seeing my father suffer through COPD would have done it for me.
  24. Since I will never quit, would you like me to post how good they are and how I'm enjoying them?
  25. Kind of an appropriate song setting on the screen for those that don't like your new toy.
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