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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Mike, Congrats. I really like mine, especially now that I've learned to use it As far as a mount, you could give CycleGadgets a call in Eurkea Springs and they would be able to set you. Matter of fact, I think on their web site they even have all the mounts for different GPS units listed. PS. Let me know when you want my address to put in your GPS so you and Teri can stop by
  2. Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  3. Can sure tell you have the Christmas spirit:rotf: That's what the crazy shopping maddness will do for you. Unfortunately, here in IL we are not lucky enough to have legal carry so I'm walking softly and carrying a big stick! Jay
  4. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  5. I'm sure you will get some answers, because I know some have done it. I think the vent gives a little too as you tighten down. The other option you have is the round vents that Squidly has that you can put in each side. Nothing but a hole saw to get it done.
  6. Wonderful friends are hard to find Ones that are honest, true and kind But that’s what I’ve found in each of you There are none better, this is true I thank the Lord most every day For helping me find my way To this wonderful family here in cyber space I feel so lucky to have found this place I can hardly wait to ride with new friends And see my old ones once again So this is all I have to say May God watch over you this I pray A wish and a prayer to fight the winter chill Merry Christmas to all, from Mr. RoadKill!
  7. Thank you Jeff. Something that can never be said too often. I would like to add a special Thank you to all of you for just being you. I truly appreciate this site and all its members. Jay
  8. Yep I did. I figure I'll live longer if I soak up other folks experience too!
  9. Makes sense. Really appreciate all the input. NO MORE CRUISE on slick surfaces. Thanks Beer 30 for getting it started and pointing it out. I want to see you again too. I'm curious to see what new piece of leather you have added. Merry Christmas Y'all!
  10. Figured it didn't hurt too much to use it since it was Interstate, was I wrong? Never use it in the rain, but this was just dampness. Educate me if I need it. Lord knows I'll take all the help I can get.
  11. Took some early Christmas $ and got some Leather overpants off ebay. Got to try them out today and really like them. They are made just like jeans with pockets. They have zippers all the way to the hip like chaps and the snaps at the bottom. They are lined with the nylon mesh. They were warm and provided more warmth in particular areas:whistling:better than chaps. Figure this summer I can wear shorts under them too. If anybody is interested in the ebay seller send me a PM. Jay
  12. Weather was 50 degrees, so I took the bike out for a WET ride. Everything going great and then my cruise went off all by it self and I could not get it on again. Shut it off turn it on, Nothing. Few miles further down the road as I kept pushing set, cancel, set, cancel, etc. I shifted my feet off the highway pegs and realized my heal had been resting slightly against the rear brake. Guess What. :whistling:Cruise works! What a relief thought I was going to have to tear into the switch or maybe replace it. Next time this happens, I think I check my feet first. Jay
  13. I ended up going for about 100 miles or so. We had cloudy skies, drizzle, wet pavement, but I just couldn't pass up 50 degree weather. Bike looks like crap, but really don't care. I needed the therapy!
  14. Looks good. Can you set it to ANY channel or only a select few. That was the complaint I had with others, every one the modulator let me select has too much interference.
  15. I've seen these in person http://www.kendontrailers.com/ and they seem very well built and I like the fold up storability. I'm holding out for an enclosed within the next 5 years. Jay
  16. Snake, I would suggest you post the question on this Delphi forum http://forums.delphiforums.com/MCTrailertowing/start There are a ton of knowlegeable people over there when it comes to trailers and hitches. Might even find what you are looking for from a search. Merry Christmas Jay
  17. You may not find any at all as our moderators do a fabulous job nipping things in the bud.
  18. Come on....GO TO THE DR.! I used to be the same way, nearly die before I went. Few years back I changed that thinking and its amazing how much faster I get over things now. So.............JUST DO IT!
  19. Must be too much flat ground here in IL. Haven't got mine yet either. I am anxiously waiting.
  20. Glad to call you a friend. Hope yours is Merry also.
  21. Me too. Really brings the MPG down too.
  22. Artificial, because of my wife's allergies. However Starting the Friday after Thanksgiving and every weekend till Christmas I work at our Cousin's Tree Farm. Its alot of fun and people for the most part are in a good mood. The Kids are really cute too.
  23. Watch it..Watch it.. I'm sensitive:rotfl:
  24. Something makes me think he would wear just about anything. After sharing a room with him in Eureka Springs this year, I'm pretty sure fashion is not something he worries about.
  25. RoadKill


    Think it may have nothing to do with BMW riders, :no-no-no:but more about people in general. I am sure there are some bad apples on every bike brand. Your experience has been BMW, mine maybe different. I found that what works for me is realizing it sure would be nice if all individuals were great, thoughful, caring people. Unfortunately that's not the case. I then remember I belong here and have some of the greatest assembly of great folks going. Then I feel I warm and fuzzy and go on my merry way.
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