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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. I've attached the PDF signup for you and any others to look at. Forgot I could do it here.
  2. I have run a NASCAR Fantasy League for several years now. $35 to enter. If anyone is interested and would like to review the sign up form, PM me you email and I will send it to you. Thanks, Jay
  3. Sounds like you know what the menu is for today. Got the tenderloins all ready to go:thumbsup:
  4. Not about Helmet, but I do have a suggestion for the glasses. My dealer had what looked like goggles, but very, very compact that were specifically made to go over glasses. I got some for my son since he wears glasses and sometimes doesn't like the wind. You might try looking around for those types of glasses/goggles..
  5. I wouldn't have a problem with the 1800 V-Twin. I've seen the Corbin Mods on a Strato and really lived the look. If it had a Stereo I would have seriously considered it. It will be a long time before I consider getting rid of the RoadKill Racer. I've got it just the way I want it now, almost :whistling:and I love the color. Can't wait to see what the RSV will be. I hope beyond hope that they DO NOT go with the WING look, because for me that would mean my next bike would be a HD. I just do not like the modern look of the Wing or Victory. I know the Wing is a SUPER bike just not something I think I would want.
  6. I agree with the sharp knife. I use a pocket ceramic stick sharpener that does a great job for me and its always with me, and a Steel at the start of the day and back from lunch. I've been helping out with butchering for about 35 years now with family and friends. I wear a glove only on my left hand that holds the meat while I cut and like wearing the gloves for two reasons: 1 they help to keep my hand a little warmer and just a little extra protection if there is a slip. I think the one I'm using now appears to be like the 1st one in that link, but I sure didn't think it was stainless. Oh, well I was in WallyWorld last night and noticed they sell them in the fishing dept pretty cheap too. Later
  7. Glad to hear the meds are working. What do they have you on now? I have been on Lodine and Plaquenil for my RA for 4 years now. Seems to do a decent job. Most of my problems seem to occur from my degenerative Arthritis being thrown in on top. I'm sure somewhere down the line is back surgery and shoulder replacement. Regarding the beer, You can handle that. I will NOT drink with you anyday
  8. Kevlar I think. Definetely NOT the stainles steel.
  9. Carl, Thought of you and how much better job you would be doing yesterday and again today. We are butchering 3 hogs and cutting up 1/2 beef! We do everything on the hogs and just cut up the beef. My cousin's raise hogs and this is an annual occurence. We get the beef from my cousin's friend and the meat locker shoots, skins and lets it hang for a few weeks. So 1/4 Beef and 1/2 Hog costs me about $300. Whole lot better than store prices. We have meat saw, grinder for sausage, hamburger, and cure the Hams, bacon. Its seems a lot of work, but cost wise worth it. Do have a question for you. Do you have a supplier for those butcher gloves that help protect you from cuts? I had a friend that was head meat cutter for a supermarket that would get me some, but he was laid off when the store closed. Thanks, Have a good day. Jay
  10. I admire your intestinal fortitude. NO WAY would I even attempt it. I did my clutch and swore I would never do anything with the Engine or drivetrain again
  11. You know you can experiment with your existing headset using the adapter from CycleGadgets I posted in the other Headset post. It plugs in line with the cord and provides a jack for the headset. Its only like $37 I think.
  12. That's the place I was trying to think of. I got the Antenna there.
  13. Not exactly sure of the site, maybe something like Mysateliteradio.com, found it with a google search for 12 inch XM antenna, The site has a bunch of different lengths of antennas. I'll try to remember to add the link from home later this evening or early in the morning. I have purchased various things from them, all with good results. Prior to that I just coiled up behind the mount and secured it with velcro.
  14. I didn't know you rode in the Rain
  15. Here is the earbud adapters I was referring to from CycleGadget. Their techs swear by these that it is the ONLY way to go. http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/product.asp?Item=HA You just cut your existing speakers off, plug which ever adapter you prefer in line, plug in your earphones of choice and your done.
  16. This picture isn't mine but its the type of mount I use from CycleGadgets http://www.cycle-gadgets.com/
  17. I think it is, though it puts it in a rather odd place. I tried it on my 1/2 first, because I was going to cut the speakers off right from the start. Squidly has the mic only mounted to his helmet, maybe he will tell you what he thinks.
  18. I strongly considered one. However, I know those type of earphones are what I use at the Gym with my MP3 and they are not near as good as the ones in the ear. You could get the 8154, cut the speakers off, and then get the earbud adapter from CycleGadgets. Attach the mic to the 1/2 helmet and put the earbud speakers in. This is what I plan to do, if I just can't stand going back to my 3/4 helmet. Jay
  19. I thought that was a water deflector for what ran off the seat so it wouldn't sit on top of the valve cover. Either that or a device placed there by an evil engineer to ensure you were properly frustrated while tring to take the seat off
  20. Looks sharp. I can't wait to see that paint in person
  21. Who's the Young lad here?? Bet I got you by at least 5 years if not 10!
  22. 289 Lbs 3 Kings 183 lbs 5 Sockeye 63 lbs 2 Steelhead 40 lbs
  23. Thanks Dad.........When are you going back to work??????
  24. Sherwin Williams Latex, Pure White. Covers in one coat and goes on really well with a roller:rotf:
  25. Could be:confused24:
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