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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Thanks Allan & Bill for meeting up with me yesterday for Lunch. For a little while there I was thinking it was going to be Dinner! If I knew how to work my camera :crying:I would have a picture of your ugly mugs:whistling: As it is all I got was a picture of the bikes in front of the resturant.
  2. Thank you very much! Exactly what I was wanting.
  3. Welcome. Hope to meet up with you somewhere down the road. There are some wonderful people that hang around here who know so much about these bikes. Then there is me
  4. So is that a black and red tribal and a black and grey tribal? They look really good, but if you don't mind I would like to see a farther away front and back picture of each color. Sorry to be a pain, just want to get an overall idea of which one I want. Thanks a bunch, Jay
  5. Sweet! Enjoyed the Pics except for the one with you in it. Seriously that looks like a fast one. You and Linda riding that to Eureka Springs? Later Buddy....Have a good Day!
  6. I do NOT have the leveling links, but I did go to the smaller front and have been very pleased with the handling on all surfaces and especially in rain. I have found that of the relatively few bikes I have owned compared to some here, that any time the rear tires wear unevenly or are needing changed handling has been compromised significantly. Since I have no plans to do the leveling links, I will stay with the MT90. Goose, I really appreciate and respect your opinions on this. thanks.
  7. No I was not kidding! It says ZIP + 5. Zip to me is the 1st 5, just wondered what the + 5 were.
  8. What's ZIP + 5?? I haven't heard of that one only ZIP=4
  9. Got my bars lowered last night. All clearances good. I got those little plugs out and didn't even drop one like I usually do:cool10:. There wasn't much room to go down, but it felt like it would help some. This evening I will take it out for a cruise around the country block and let you know my impressions.
  10. Thanks for the heads up. Did you have to adjust your clutch and brake levers any? Buddy of mine with a HD said when he lowered his he had to realign the levers to his hand position. Bring the tools with you when you try it out in case you have to make a change. Thanks Gary. I already figured I would have to make sure I could get them back too. I wonder why it makes it handle different???? You think it has something to do with how the pressure from our hands is relayed to the front wheel??
  11. Sign me up.
  12. I will probably give it a try. When I was riding Friday I tried putting my hand under the bar for just a second to see what my shoulder felt like and it seemed better. I remember on my V* you couldn't go down much either. Those little chrome covers over the allen heads are the biggest pain for me trying to get them out. do you think I will need to remove all 4 or do you think I could get by loosening two just so the bar would come down a little? Thanks, PS. did you get my email on the Notice? I'm at work so PM on that.
  13. I have an arthritic shoulder and I'm thinking of lowering the bars on my RSV as much as possible to reduce some of the irritation I seem to have when riding. I know how to do it as I did it on my V*. Anyone done this and is there any reason NOT to do it? Thanks, Jay
  14. Sent you an email. Would you consider selling me just the trailer? If so, how much? Gonna miss you at maintenance day. Glad I got my own GPS, I might not find it
  15. I think he will too. He has been slowly moving up. When we first met through our wives and kids he had a V*650, then to the 1100, now to the 1300. This will be his first bike with a OEM shield setup and bags. He would like to do some trips with me but he has never really had a bike to do it. This should put him closer. I'll be interested to see how the 1300 twin stacks up agains my RSV V4. May just have to race. Of course if I had a 1st Gen there would be no doubt about which was faster according to folks here, who I have no reason to doubt.
  16. Cool. It was kind of depressing :crying:to think you wouldn't be 2-wheeling it in for get togethers. Might as well go on the Natchez run. You have 18 days to get ready!
  17. Unfortunately, for all who have to look at me, I did find it!
  18. I didn't ask him, but he felt he did. He is getting the tourer with windshield and leather covered hard bags.
  19. Seems like it is. I know its seems like its longer and feels more beefy. I think too, with the floorboards the leg room is better.
  20. Well this morning at 10:00, 38 degrees f. Road my buddies V*1100 Custom into our local dealer to see about trading (he's got a broken arm). Hopped on that thing and it felt like I was on a mini bike with my knees up around my chin . It has a Mustang seat that really pushed me forward, No shield either. Froze my face off before I got the 6 miles to the Dealer. Made me sooooooooooooo glad I have a venture with all the protection. Did kind of like the light feel, but wasn't all that much better than the RSV. Well he ended up making a deal on a new Black 07 V* 1300 Tourer. Seems like it will be a nice bike. Thank goodness I didn't have to ride the old one home. He should have his cast off when its time to pick it up as he's getting some extras installed too.
  21. You better pack some HEAT! to reclaim the bush. Whole new meaning to "War of the Roses"!
  22. I have this one. I love it. It has a great mounting system and a built in rain cover.
  23. Like to know more about this. Was it in the luggage section? Any Pictures? Don't need if for bike but another project. Thanks,
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