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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Hey Tom, congrats. Saw your pics, looks sweet. Hope you are happier with those sharkfin grills than I am. I should have listened to the GW forums and not got them. They shoot the engine heat right at you. Feel like I'm in an easy bake oven Thought about the baker air wings but to me they are just ugly. Anyway good luck and ride safe.
  2. I use a boostaroo on my wing to amp up my GPS w/ XM works fabulous. I would never be with out it. What amazes me is how long those batteries last. Many times I've left it on for days and it still works. I expect its been over 90 days since I changed batteries.
  3. I just put a new tire on my baby on Friday. 17000 on the rear. I ride the Bridgestones. Getting ready for a trip to the Smokies with the boss and another couple. Are annual ride. Heading out on July 7 - July 11. Should be a blast. Except for the 1st and last days of 750 miles each. Later.
  4. Wow sounds like a blast. Tell Beth the blond says Hi!
  5. I agree. I bought one for my Venture and it never would work. Bought another for the GoldWing and I'll be it didn't either.
  6. Stay tuned, when next time we hear LilBeaver say.....
  7. If you had done that in the beginning you would probably still have it:confused24: As I remember I had to get pretty creative to explain how I traded bikes while she was sleeping. Seriously, shoot me an offer if you are really interested. Jay
  8. I have yet to hear how much $$$ you would be willing to pay??? As my Dad used to say, everything was for sale except Mom and me and on certain days he would just give us away You name the right price and Dawn approves it you might have a Goldwing.
  9. It has to be YOUR decision, no one elses. Do what ever you do for your self. In 2005 I totalled an RSTD in Tennessee. I really thought my wife might say the same as yours that she didn't want me to ride. However, we both feel that when God wants to call you home it will happen one way or another. Doesn't matter if you stop riding, you could fall off a curb or have a blow out in your car on the interstate. I'm pushin 50 and didn't start riding till 10 yrs ago or so. I have found that life is way too short and wish I had started doing it a long time ago. However, at the time my parents were very against riding and I listened too much to what they thought. I resent that now. Don't let it happen to you. Oh by the way, I was laid up for 5 weeks off work. During week 3 of recovery I bought my RSV.
  10. Awesome looking ride. Yamaha now has the strat with a fairing. In my opinion getting ready to replace the RSV. If it came with a trunk I would be in talking price already.
  11. Ok, I have an 08, Prem Audio. 30k miles. Really like the bike, but every time I see pics of my 03 RSV I still wish I had it too.
  12. What are your plans for a Mic splitter? Just curious.
  13. Ok I've found it. Now lets talk tech. Oh...wait..I've never had anything go wrong and I wouldn't know how to fix it if it did. I'm here though!!
  14. Finally deciding to take my suggestion...took you long enough:whistling:
  15. Me for Now, but I have been having VISIONS of a new bike recently:whistling:
  16. You trying to get us to plan a M&E at your place to pack you up for the move!?
  17. AMEN!!
  18. This is what I use. Works well. http://www.jmcorp.com/ProductDetail.asp?ProductID=HS-ICD584-HHU&PF=8
  19. Wow Mini, glad they caught it early. You are a trooper. Didnt they tell you that you shouldn't drive after that procedure?? While you were having that done I had an Optirectomy! That is the procedure where the sever the nerve from you eye to your A$$Hole so you don't have such a ****ty outlook on life:rasberry: It didn't work!
  20. Very Nice! I like those alot. Sat on one at the Honda Dealership that does work on my Goldwing. I've been doing a lot of thinking about what bike will be next and this one is on the list, but then so are about 10 others:whistling:
  21. I'll definetely miss being there. I have been to everyone except the very 1st. As far as bringing the camper, economically it would cost more than riding the bike and a motel. As you can imagine the truck doesn't get the best mileage when towing the camper. We are fortunate to have a very nice state park only 25 miles away that we really enjoy going to. I'll be looking for all the pictures so everyone take plenty.
  22. Cancelled my reservations for MD. Just too darn much going on this year and $$ tight. Deciding to stay close to home this year. Doesn't help that we bought a new camper either. Feel like I should get my money out of it and have more family time. Won't be long my son will be feeling too old to do stuff with Dad and Mom. Hope you all have a good time and everyone is safe.
  23. I use Flitz really takes off all that grime and oxidation.
  24. My wife and I take an annual MC trip with another couple and we always rent a house/cabin. Much more relaxing and for two couples it really comes out about the same as a nice hotel.
  25. Believe me, you are much better off, but if you really must know, I'm sure someone could post a photo of the elusive creature, its a rather cheeky cus!
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