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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. If the 28th works for you that is when you should have it! You are kind enough to put your life on hold every year for us to invade your home. If folks can't understand that tough. No way you are going to please everyone with any date you pick, so please yourself! Hope you save a spot for a Mustang convertible. Jay
  2. I saw the commercial!! Wednesday evening I saw it. Lucky I had a DVR, got to rewind it a few times. Way to go
  3. You all crack me up! Big Tom - Watch out, paybacks are **** Mini - Wife won't do my ironing, but she would probably do the sheets if I was still in them Kenny - I thought as much. She is such a troublemaker....Must be why I love her!
  4. Called me on Friday. Sounded like he's doing better and chompin at the bit to ride.
  5. Are you supposed to put the top up when it rains?? Guess I thought I was still on the bike!
  6. Glad you'all are having such a good time at my expense Mini-I read the instructions after it shrunk, does that count? and by the way yes I am very picky about wrinkled clothes, I iron my underwear:2133: Kenny - I expect that from Beth, but dude, where's the love man? I figure I can't ride with y'all anymore, but that doesn't mean you are getting rid of me!!
  7. With all those mirrors and rear cameras, don't forget to look forward once and a while
  8. Well just wanted to pass along that it IS NOT a good idea to throw your Frogg Togg Jacket in the dryer to get the wrinkles out! It went from an Extra Large to an Extra Small in 2 minutes
  9. I happen to know a little about this trailer:confused24: Its an Americas Best AMTXL. The guy Kyle gotta it from is one of the biggest )&)*&)*^ you'll ever meet:rotf:
  10. Wow that really looks good with your silver bike. Glad you are liking it. Hope to see you again. Jay
  11. I'm guessing the quick release came stock on the helmet, cause all the ones I installed after market still had the d ring left. Of course I've never secured a helmet I just set it on my cup holder or the seat and been lucky never lost one. Take a look where the femal end of the buckle attaches, there might be a slot area through the webbing were a key ring circle could be inserted which might solve your problem.
  12. Great sounds like the way I did it also. It was great to see you and your wife, also. Glad you had a safe trip.
  13. DITTO for me. I do it to all my trailers and the beginning of the season each year.
  14. I took my Mom for a short ride, slow and short, around two blocks. Combined we were, at the time over 550.
  15. Way to go. Now you need to take a road trip to IL and come visit!
  16. Lowering the price to $1300 and added some pictures.
  17. My best friend has a 2005 Vivid with 29K miles or so, He has added the Utlra trunk. He is selling due to some financial issues. Its a nice bike and well cared for with lots of upgrades. If you are interested, IM me and I can get you details.
  18. I wore what you are talking about got them here http://www.skullcapcity.bigstep.com/generic98.html I liked them because they don't have seam, and they are cooler than a normal do rag. Do not know if they would absorm sweat, but I dunked them in my cooler on long trips, wring it out and it kept my head cool a long time.
  19. Our Farm supply store sells them.
  20. Just wanted to give this a bump. These are really nice trailers. Tracks great, carpeted interior, spare tire, cooler rack, led lights, torsion axle. Here is a chance to get one used only 5 times at a $600 discount. PM, email or phone me if you are interested. Jay
  21. I could finance your purchase with a payment plan:thumbsup:
  22. Gonna be selling my motorcycle trailer. Thought I might use it, but witht he bike gone, the more I think about it the more I realize I wont. Its an Americas Best, http://www.americasbesttrailers.com/ AMT XL Diamond. I have had it two riding seasons. Always stored in the garage. Tires good. Trailer just has a little Aluminum oxidation, but a good wax would probably clear that up. Just can't do that with my shoulder. I would like $1500 for it. I would be willing to meet someone with it to save a portion of their drive. PM, email, or call my cell listed on the forum. Thanks,
  23. Me too!
  24. We have stayed in Ferryville in a cabin up on a bluff for 2 years and love the area. On the main drag in Ferryville a good value spot to eat is the Swing Inn. We eat breakfast there every morning. Also had great burgers.
  25. If anyne might be interested I have the rear frame piece that is removed when you install a hitch, might have two. Some folks have welded their hitch racks to these. I would let anyone that wants them have them for shipping. Just PM me, however I won't be able to send them till I'm back from vacation on 7/13.
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