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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Jared and I got in about 200 miles Sunday. Beautiful day, great temps and nice tree colors. Here are a couple pics.
  2. After I stripped the allen head out trying to switch from heel/toe to a toe shifter, I went to our local Hardware/Farm store and got a bolt, washer and lock washer as I couldn't get the special shaped one. Got them in chrome. I paid $6.96 + tax. So considering it is a special shaped head, I'm really kinda surprised it wasn't even more. Glad you got them to cover it..
  3. I like it. Let me know if I can help out.
  4. I am trying to get everything scheduled too. Can't finalize till I get the Maintenance day dates. So........Let's have it Freebird, when can we invade!
  5. That law is on the books in IL, but I don't think its enforced much.
  6. FYI if this helps its a M6 size. I could not find one exactly like the one that came out at my hardware but I made it work.
  7. My thoughts...........Not needed.
  8. I REALLY like the logo with screen name. How much again for that in the long sleeve button down? Sleevless buttondown would be good too. Thanks Great work.
  9. I think someone filed a harrassment charge
  10. We butcher every February with our Cousins. We do it all from start to finish. Shoot, skin, and for the hogs we cure the bacon and hams, grind the sausage, hamburger on the beef. Sure makes a huge difference on meat costs. A 1/2 hog and 1/4 beef costs us about $250 and that meat lasts us over a year. Defineltely the way to go.
  11. I use deerskin thinsulate work gloves with the silk liners available from New Enough. Those silk liners made all the difference in the world from previous years.
  12. he can give you a ticket, it just wouldn't hold up in court is my guess.
  13. And where is it located on the shirt? Pocket? Back?
  14. Hey....I prefer Google, not Yahoo! LMAO!
  15. We knew that.....that's why you are the ONLY one that sees them
  16. Sure you weren't the COW !
  17. I bought mine at a truck stop and used the marshall mod. I remember when I did mine I found some even shorter ones at one truck stop. Alot cheaper than some of the online places too.
  18. That's where I'm at too, with L3,4,& 5, except I haven't had the surgery yet, but I go here in a couple weeks for evaluation. I too have degenerative, osteo and rhumatoid arthritis. Mine has really started to act up since I can't ride. Seemed that was the only comfortable position for me. Driving my SUV really aggravates it. Oh well, the price we pay for the fun we had when we were young, only trouble is I sure don't remember this much fun
  19. My wife has trouble staying away too. This year she started something new and its seemed to help. She started taking pictures of a specific thing during a ride, barns, churches, horses, cows, etc. We have ended up with some really nice photos. We do very little riding together in the dark and this obviously wouldn't work then, but an idea for during the day.
  20. I have been thinking, always dangerous:confused24:, that our mileage might differ more than we think due to how full we consistently get the tank. For example, if drive 125 GPS miles and put in 2.7500 gallons its 45.45mpg. Same distance with 2.70 is 46.296mpg, 2.79 is 44.80. My point is that there are many things that might be contributin to mileage and its consistency.
  21. Count me in. See ya later you old fart!
  22. My Heart goes out to you Dan from IN lost his recently also. I really know how you feel. Its such a loss.
  23. I have 28,000 miles so far, but I figure can at least get another 3000 before 12/31 as long as it doesn't snow
  24. Wing or a new Voyager??
  25. I use deerskin thinsulate workgloves with silk liners. First year my hands have been warm. I have a 60 mile ride to work and 2 days last week and one this week it was 35 when I left home at 3:30 am. I also believe the Clearview shield has helped alot by routing the wind farther around my hands.
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