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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. My wife got it off Ebay for me. It is an America's Best. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2009-aluminum-motorcycle-trailer-trike-bike-car-truck_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4634Q2ec0Q2em14QQhashZitem260365698286QQitemZ260365698286QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories This is one just like it but mine is all Diamond.
  2. With Als you can either bolt it on or have it made with a stinger for the hitch receiver. I am planning on getting one soon to have when I don't use the trailer
  4. Well, My New trailer should be here between 10 - Noon today:thumbsup: Just go thru installing my hitch. Gonna start on the lights shortly, but got to make a run for a couple things. The trailer needs some assembly 60 to 90 minutes, which means it will take me to 8 tonight:rotf: I'll post pictures later.
  5. I did not have the radio and antenna built in, but I used to move my radio antenna and power back and forth. Finally got fed up and bougt a 2nd cradle, power and antenna, whole deal was only about $40. now I just move the radio.
  6. Hey Kenny, Think I'll put my reservation in Now )
  7. They are in automotive. They are stick on air ports like used to be on Buicks. About $18 for the set of 6
  8. You have to use your own bike for the experienced ones don't you? Don't think I would want to use an RSV for some of those manuevers
  9. I should have said my riding cowboy boots have vibram lug soles
  10. Cowboy boots are about all I wear. I don't use the heel shifter only the toe. Just recently I instaaled the billet toe shifter. Never could get used to the heel
  11. Maybe during your training they will teach you yo be more beautiful............If they can do that everyone should buy their product.
  12. HOPE NOT! Might as well stick with stock then.
  13. See no reason to switch to a full helmet. I totalled a 2005 RSTD with a 1/2 helmet. Broke almost everybone on my right side. Helmet had tons of rash, even cracked, but not a scratch on me. I had full leathers on and they did their job only one 6" strip of road rash. I like a 1/2 helmet: lighter, I see better and it takes up less space. The times I've tried a full or even 3/4 I feel like I might as well just go drive my SUV.
  14. Nice to see you are sill trying to win friends and influence people:rotf:
  15. I've been thinking about trying them out on the Air boxes or the lower fron fairing.
  16. I agree, I agree, I agree. I am an EXTREMELY early riser, but.......It takes be about two hours to get there. Bill, let's have a breakfast meet in Springfield, IL at 6:00am????? See you there. Oh wait, I forgot you are scared of Deer:whistling:
  17. I believe MC Hitch can set you up. http://www.mchitch.com/
  18. Yeah that price seems way low for the kind of manufacturing facility they have.
  19. Kind of leveled off at 19 lbs too, but I did splurge on Valetines Day. Back at work today, I'm back on the beam. 16lbs to go to my offical goal. I agree with you Squid, lots more energy and stamina.
  20. Both, but haven't registered yet for International. If you are sharing a room with someone can you register as a double or do you each have to register seperately?
  21. You could just do what I did. Quit trying:thumbsup: and enjoy your smokes:whistling: Got to go sometime, why make yourself miserable trying to take away something you enjoy. I've smoked for 26 years and I have no plans to quit. See my Dr. twice a year and still have clear lungs, low blood pressure, low cholestrol & I'm still as Handsome as ever
  22. So, the question is....Do you know how to use it?
  23. Well if we keep him busy then it will leave more time to visit
  24. I will believe that when I see it.
  25. Since we have grown considerably from the 1st MD I thought some might be open to change. Guess that's what I get for thinking Just seems the few that work are busy all day. Might be nice to talk with the workers too, like FREEBIRD! It would go along way if a Carb Balance Clinic for example was provided, rather than trying to do everyone's work for them that show up, folks could walk away knowing how. It could even be video taped and linked through the site. Same for some of the other tasks. Of course that's just my opinion and as we know means nothing.
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