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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. one more thing before you buy the kindle. check the one out at Barnes and Noble. It has a color screen and does a little more.
  2. Dont think that is gonna happen. You will still see me Ive already planned some visits to some get togethers next year. Our new permament campground is just out side Litchfield, and we will be there alot, so I may just show up on your doorstop or you can ride over to visit. There will be a cold Stag or hot coffee waiting, just let me know
  3. You should really not drink so much
  4. Typing one handed but back! Wife got her and my son the Pandigital ereader. after rebates $75 each My son reads all the time hea\ really likes it. Can chek web sited no problem also. It has wireless. When we are out I use my sprint evo hotspot for internet and book downloading, So far well worth the money
  5. the reviews i have read say the same about web surfing, if you are buying for that, dont,
  6. Back home today Really not much pain. Dr said one of the worst he has seen. PT gal said I had more range of motion on the 1st day then anyone she has seen start rehab tomorrow
  7. Well today I go in at 9 am for my Shoulder Replacement surgery. This las week has been a real PIA. They took me off all my pain meds in preparation for the surgery. So most of the time I've felt like I have been run over by a truck. Gonna miss not checking in. Be back on Friday or Saturday. Wish me luck, Jay
  8. What kind of Oil is best for the Venture
  9. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and prayers. I'll let you all know how it goes. Sounds like I might be off work a little while so I might have more time to stir up trouble
  10. Sent you a PM Dan.
  11. Thanks my friend. Sent you a PM. I'll take every prayer I am fortunate enough to be sent on my behalf. I would post more, but I don't know anything :rotf:useful! Tell Lonna hi. Jay
  12. Haven't posted in a while but I never miss a day reading posts. Its been kind of strange not having a bike, at times I really miss it, other times I'm glad its gone. Thought the convertible Mustang might help some, but not really. You all might hase noticed I have it listed in the classifieds. The one saving grace has been our camping really relaxing. The other great thing has been my introduction to a phenomenal nutrional drink that eased my pain significantly and allowed me put the cane away for awhile. On top of that after taking it we believed in it so much that we became involved in the business opportunity. We have tried several different things and this by far has been the best. In two months we are already making an extra $200/mo. So that success has helped my attitude too. Even with my relief in pain, I still am scheduled for my Total Shoulder Replacement surgery on 11/30. That will hopefully relieve that pain entirely. Maybe I will be able to scratch my nose again with that hand! Soon as I'm healed up from that, I will be having my right hand thumb operated on. Had the left one done few years back and it really helped. I think alot of everyone here and count alot of you as friends. I've got Maintenance Day on my calendar and if all goes as planned you will probably be seeing me. Take care, Jay
  13. RoadKill


    I have experienced similar issues with sight as I've got older. Nothing like your issues though I know. I have seriously considered a Judge with the 410 shot shells. Wouldn't think I would have to be that accurate.
  14. RoadKill


    My wife looked that one over closey for her CCW, but ended up going with a Walther. I've shot many Taurus and had no problems. I currently carry a KelTec P11. It is the most dependable firearm I have ever owned. Over 2000 rounds and never a misfire or jam. Also very accurate for a small weapon. I like the KT because no safety, just DA only. Saves time when its needed. Good luck and let us know how the 709 performs. J
  15. Finally....my friends who understand have responded. Thanks, Jay
  16. Pictures???
  17. Congrats Gary! A Happy Day indeed.
  18. This has been more entertaining and informative that an OIL thread. Thanks to those that provided suggestions. For all you folks that don't carry concealed, be thankful there are so many of us walking among you daily. Whether you choose to believe it or not WE help to keep violent crime rates lower in the states where we are leagally allowed to carry.
  19. Thanks Eddie. Amazing isn't it?
  20. This is the way I'm leaning Thanks
  21. If criminals were confined to one geographic or demographic location your response would be accurate, unfortunately they are not.
  22. I didn't. Unfortunately Illinois is one of two states that do not recognize the 2nd ammendment of our US Constitution. I have a Utah and Florida Concealed Carry which allows me to leagally carry concealled in the majority of states I travel.
  23. We are heading out next Friday for Port Canaveral, Florida for a Disney Curise:cool10: We will be driving and leaving our vehicle in the cruise terminal parking. My question is to those of you that conceal carry. What do you do with your weapon in a situation like this. Can't take it on the ship, but I'm a little concerned about locking it in the vehicle for 6 days. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,
  24. PM sent
  25. Hope you don't have the cabin rented we got the 1st night we were there. Beautiful place but definetely not set up for Motorcycles. I swear there wasn' 2 ft of level parking anywhere. Have fun Dave
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