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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. I have to agree. The Corbin on my RSV definetly more comfortable than any I've rode before. Allowed me to do 600 -700 mile days up from 300-400.
  2. Long Cold chisel possibly? come in from the other end maybe also
  3. I used a Boostaroo Amp, battery powered, (battery last a LONG time) ended up allowing me to reduce volume by half.
  4. I'll be lookout and you guys can eat them all, as I am only a Tomato fan if its in Catchup!
  5. The first Midnight according to the color data in the venture History section was 2002. Doesn't mean its not been painted though.
  6. Kind of the same here in Central IL, way flat! I'm like you I ride in alot of weather and take most as a challege. If I cut back this weekend I'm sure my better half will find something to keep me busy:confused24: Sounds like a good reason to brave the wind:whistling:
  7. Rode to work yesterday, beautiful ride in 43 degrees! However, when I left to come home the temp was up to 67, good right? Wrong, with the rise in temp came wind. I rode my 60 miles home at a 45 degree angle and was literally blown across a lane and a half a couple times. Had to really watch what interstate traffic was around me because I never knew when a gust was going to move me around. My hands and arms were sore by the time I got off at home. With the warm weather I was thinking I would ride almost all weekend, but I am rethinking that because the winds are predicted to be even stronger the rest of the weekend. I may just get out early before it picks up like 3:30am home by 7 am. Anyone else experienced this type of ride and if so, any thoughts on making it a little more tolerable?
  8. Not Me, No way, No How. One year is enough to work with Bill:stirthepot:
  9. I believe this is the 3rd year for the International Rally. Next years has not been determined yet. However, there are always multiple Meet & Eats all over and smaller get togethers, like Snarley Bill's in St. Charles, MO May 7-9th
  10. Congratulations! Tell him he will be in our prayers and we support his decision as well.
  11. Nice. Gotta Love that Diamond Plate!!
  12. Regarding the thottle not returning to idle - I had this start on mine turns out I had some how tightened the little black wheel adjustor on the the clutch cable up by the resevoir. At maintenance day 3 years ago was telling LA about it and he walked over and loosened that wheel adjuster and presto chango it was back to normal.
  13. Great to get to say Hello to everyone. Wish we would have had more time to stay around, but unfortunately life called . AJ and I had a great ride getting there to meet everyone. The only real rain I got in to was 1 mile from my house:thumbsup:. By the time the day was over I had put 460 miles on the bike. Not bad for only the 2nd ride day ride of the year. Thanks for setting it up. Make it a little early in the day and hopefully I'll get to stay around and cause some trouble. Jay
  14. Yes, I am Pychic!! Congrats Gary and Mary. Can't wait to congratulate you in person in St. Charles.
  15. I'm thinking probably 79. That's what we did once before.
  16. Exacly My Problem.
  17. Gary N has a girlfriend, who I hear and will soon meet in St. Chares????
  18. Glad this got posted. Went out to the garage to look at mine and it was nearly worn through. So rather than loose it I took it off. Darn, I really liked that thing too. Guess I'm going to have to find one not made out of Pewter. I think its just too soft!
  19. +1 here! Definetly saved my bacon when I totalled my RSTD. It was only a 1/2 helmet, but still did its job.
  20. I traded my 03 RSV to Buddy and had never even rode a Wing, but that is the exception in my case. Every New bike I have bought I rode before I bought, but I believe I have an exceptional Yamaha Dealer here in Springfield, IL
  21. Maybe Charlie is heading to the states! No wait a second, I don't think we would let him in
  22. I use one of the black gizmos that goes around the grip...Throttle Rocker I believe is the name. Let's me rest my wrist on it, but gives me instant control in the twisties.
  23. Prayers have definetely been answered. Let's all keep them going.
  24. Really looking forward to seeing you. Take care till then!
  25. You didn't have Driver License on that List, if it was in her purse. She will need to get a new one. Garage Door openers Inform anyone one of her Contacts on cell phone to protect against scam calls. Good Luck
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