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Everything posted by RoadKill

  1. Extremely Jealous! Hope you have a great time!
  2. on more tip: Run air pressure around 15 lbs. Trailer tires will bounce much less. This tip came to me straight from Muffinman and totally improved the way my trailer handled. Jay
  3. Did the same thing with my Street Pilot 2730. When I got the refurb back it had older maps as I'd just installed and update. They were great! Sent me a link to a new update. Definetely would do again and would never buy anything but Garmin.
  4. Yes you can use the audio out port and plug to the AUX. I had a 2730 and it worked great this way on my Venture and my wing and could either let the sound come through the bike speakers or headset depending on the helmet I wore that day. You are correct however, there is no way I no of to seperate the GPS. I now use the unit in my F150 the same way.
  5. If I can be any help let .me know with more requirements im pretty sure i can help. I teach and do reporting for a living
  6. here is file.
  7. Just put the 1st two dates in, then highlight both cells, left click and hold the bottom of the 2nd cell and drag down to the end of the year.
  8. I carry the Kel-Tec P11. I've been extremely happy with it, considering its a very affordable weapon. 1000 rounds no misfires. It fits my hand well, but the do make a mag extension that would help even more for larger hands
  9. Yes, good idea. You are in charge of that this year, so get busy!
  10. Cant' believe there were no posts about the National Anthem last night. That chick left out a whole verse. Sad state when we are so tuned out we don't even hear it.
  11. You will get it if its God's will. Pretty sneaky of Muffin Man to have you buy a house while he's not here to help you move. That man is my HERO!
  12. Well, I sold the Mustang convertible and bought me a Jeep Wrangler. I have always wanted one and decided it would fullfill a lot of roles. Convertible, and 4x4 for the snow. So....Come on SNOW!
  13. Good Luck and God Speed!
  14. Wow I really hate to hear this! The owners were awesome people. I have numerous personal stories about their service and kindness. I pray they come out all right and find other income.
  15. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery!
  16. Check this one. http://www.hoppersrv.com/homes/viewlisting.php?listing=201 Wife and I seriously considered it. It has new electrical wiring, new stove, new fridge, new mattresses. It is owned by the RV Dealership Owner. Last fall he was asking $6700.
  17. Real Housewives of Atlanta:whistling:
  18. Happy Birthday my Friend
  19. On mine I was given his Road Glide pipes and they worked great.
  20. Anywhere near Springfield, IL and need anything, like a free lunch, just call
  21. You are a good man, but we all knew that . I tried to snow blow my drive with one arm, but kept going in cirlces:rotf:so you can pack yours up and come help me too.
  22. Ditto to Eck's comments. I rode my 2008 many times in all day rains, with absolutely no probelms. I even went one step further and used a pressure washer, expecially on the front end for bugs and the rear end area behind the saddle bags. I think you have nothing to worry about.
  23. No I don't think so. Believe it or not I have no desire to get back on. I really enjoy doing things as a family. I dodged a few bullets along the way and now I don't have that worry. Looking forward to camping again come April 1. I do plan to try to make it to Maintenance day. Also, since our campground is right outside Litchfield, I may try to meet up with anyone going to Neihause in the spring too.
  24. Wouldn't exactly say that, but they PAY me!!
  25. Had my follow up appointment at the Doctor. He was very pleased with my shoulder replacement's healing and surprised at the amount of mobility I had. Released me to return to work (Desk Job) Monday. I have been faithfully doing my exercises and my boss (wife) has kept a short leash. I upgrade my exercises after my next appointment Jan 14. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Jay
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