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Everything posted by ActionJax

  1. Well, here I go again. I had so much fun fixing my brake issue...that now I'd like to tackle my rough starting problem. My bike is an 83'. She's got 60,000+ miles on her, but she's been pretty well taken care of. I'm the 3rd owner. My problem is, she's a pistle to get started cold! I mean I've actually had to start using my car to jump her. Now, she has a new battery as of the fall of 2008. I keep it on a trickle charge when I'm not riding. But she just doesn't seem to want to start any more. Again, last fall I put in new plugs and wires. I was thinking that maybe I need a carb job or something. I've run seafoam through her for the past couple of fillups. Still she starts rough. I can't seem to work out when to choke her and when not to. If I give her a lot of choke she won't start at all. In the middle, sometimes she'll start. Less choke, she sometimes starts easier. Mostly it seems to start when I apply full choke, try to start, and fail, then switch to less choke and try again. But again, I need to use the car to jump it. All the connecting on the battery terminal seem to be clean. I check the connection at the starter. That looks good too. Oh, and when it does start, is seems to be putting out volts with the stater. Around 16 or so by the dash board meter. Once I've got her running and she warms up she does pretty well. Good exceleration. Plenty of power. Idles well. Maybe a little rough here and there. I mean I know she could be better...but what do I do? Should I mod the battery cables? Rebuild the carbs? Get a new tune up? Take her to a shop? I don't know. Looking for advice in Ohio. Thanks
  2. OK, OK I guess I'm a bit dense. LOL I went back and "re-read" all the posts, and went back to the beginning so to speak. Wow, it's really funny "HOW" important that front brake really is, in order to get the back brake to work. So, basically I went and bled the front brake...again...and sure enough, I got preasure on the rear brake too. Here I've been working all afternoon on the back and just ignoring the front. (BIG mistake!) I guess you really do need to have both primed in order to get the rear brakes to work. Now the only thing is, I've got the rear to work, but I and they are stopping the bike...couldn't help but take a test ride...but I wouldn't say that they are great! Still seem to be a bit sluggish. So I think I'll wait until tomorrow and bleed the front, and then the rear again, and see if that doesn't improve them even more. Oh, and the Turkey Baster idea...shear brilliance! Thanks for all the help guys.
  3. Ok everybody...I rebuilt the rear master cylinder and the rear caliper. Had a few problems, but I figured it out in the end. Everything looks and feels great now...except for one thing. I STILL DON'T HAVE ANY REAR BRAKES!!!! I even used the speedbleeders that where recommened. Nothing! Its so strange too. I've got a good stream of fluid coming out of the rear caliper too. But no pressure on the peddle. I bled the front brake too. And they work perfectly. Any and all suggestions would be great! I hate to take this to a shop after I've done 90% of the work. LOL
  4. Thanks! That's very informative. I took the proportioning valve apart last night too. Everything looks good in there. No gunk and the two rubber stoppers still look good. I order the parts today from Flatout. Hopefully they'll ship quickly. I'm earger to get started on the rebuild, and back to riding.
  5. Skydoc, Thanks so much for the info. This is exactly what I was interested in knowing. I figured I was going to have to re-build something. LOL And thanks for the pics. A photo really helps. I'll order the parts today. I'll let you know if I need more help once they get here. Thanks again to everyone here.
  6. Condor, As for the front left brake, you were correct, I used the MightVac since I couldn't get the peddle to do anything. And I always add more fluid after I'm done. What exactly is a "proportioning valve?" I really am beginning to think that there is something wrong with master. Just shouldn't be making that kind of sucking sound.
  7. Ok, here's what I've done. I filled the resevoir, put the MightyVac on the rear caliper. Pumped the gauge to about 20 and slowly turned the bleeder value. I can get fluid to come out. Now, if I push the peddle down, nothing. I'll close off the value and try pushing the peddle, and no pressure build up. So maybe it is the pump under the resevoir. Is it possible to just rebuild this part? Or will I need to purchase the whole thing? And is there anyway to check the caliper too? I'd like to make sure its not locked into place and causing some problems also.
  8. I was able to push the rear calipers/pistons in last night. But what was interesting is that they were "almost" flush at the point "before" I pushed them in. They are completely flush now. But "how" do I get them to come back out? Depressing the brake peddle did nothing to the rear caliper. But I was able to get clear fluid to come out, but only as long as I was using a MightVac pump. When I use the peddle itself, I can only get it to spit bubles and some fluid. Mostly nothing happens. I'm really perplexed.
  9. Not to be ignorant, but is there a way that I can figure out how the rear caliper might be siezed up? And are there any instructions on how to rebuild it? Cuz at this point I'm thinking that "might" be the problem. Everything else seems to work. As for the front left one. I've bled that one just fine. Full pressure and a straight line of fluid comes out.
  10. Hello Everyone. New memeber here! I've got a problem with my 83' Venture. I put it to bed last season and the back brake worked fine. When I got it out this past weekend I found that I have nothing...nada...no brake pressure nothing. I've tried everything. I've read over the forum, but I'm still puzzled. I've added DOT3 brake fluid to all the master cylinders. I've tried bleeding the rear with a MightyVac and I can get fluid out (along with bubles) but still not brakes. I've taken everything appart. I've blown through all the hoses. They all seem solid, no leaks. The only place that I think might be a problem is the piston on the pump. (if that's what its called.) It makes a strange "sucking" noise. I'm just not sure if that's what its supposed to do. LOL Any help or advice would be great! Thanks, Jack H. in Akron Ohio
  11. Well, I did replace the two in the front pipes, but I didn't actually remove the two in the rear. At least not from the manifold/header. The two seals I used on the y-pipe looked pretty good so I didn't worry about them. The area that I seem to noice the biggest problem is where the pipes connect to the h-pipe section. A lot of smoke. There seemed to be some type of copper jacket, but its not sealing well. I'll try to take some photos to show what I've done so far. Thanks for the replay.
  12. Hey everyone, OK, I bought a 1983 VR a few months ago. Love it! Runs great! Looks good. But it had a bit of an exhaust leak. I thought that it might be something with the rear manifold pipes running down to the h-pipe (or whatever its called.) So I went to e-bay and picked up the parts I needed. The only problem is, now that I've put them all back together, the leak is even worse. I don't know what to do now. I'm very frustrated. I've taken these things off and put them back on mulitiple times. I just don't know how to seal them any better. Should I use something like J-B weld? Or is there something else? I've looked over the forum but can't seem to find anything that will help. ~ Frustrated in Ohio
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