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Everything posted by ActionJax

  1. Hey everyone! Feel like an idiot! Totally missed the Maintence Day Rally at Freebirds house! Somehow the day just got by me. I blame my wife, she had too many "honey-do" things on my list around the house and I completely forgot. Anyway, here's my problem. My 1983 Venture is just giving me fits. I really would like to have someone that is more mechanically inclined then myself stop by and have a look/listen and maybe give me some advice. So if any members are in or around the local Akron Ohio area, PLEASE PM me! This old girl just doesn't want to start for me anymore. And I've got a trip planned for next month, and don't want to miss out. I'm not sure what the problem is, but ever since I bought her she's had trouble starting. I always have had to use the choke. (Except when she's good and hot). I've replaced the spark plugs, ran what seems like gallons of seafoam through her. Replace the wires. Installed a new OEM battery and installed thicker battery cables. The starter seems to turn just fine, she just dosen't seem to want to turn over. So, I'm looking for a little more hands on. If you've got the time I sure could use the help. Thanks
  2. Ok, maybe not exactly "stink" but the wife is complaining and don't want to do no riding. I wanted to know if anyone else has had problems with what I can only discribe at en exhaust leak?? I can't seem to see any smoke exactly, but you can "smell" exhaust fumes coming from the area of the Y-pipe. Any advice would be great, becuase like I said, the wife doesn't like to ride now because she says the smell bothers her.
  3. Glad to hear you got that brake problem fixed. And I'd like to say I LOVE the paint job! Did you do that yourself or have it done? I've got an 83 that I still plan to repaint myself. Just haven't gotten around to it yet. But if you ever think about letting her go again, shoot me a PM will yeah. Safe riding!
  4. Carl, No CB, no head sets. Just the OEM radio. No I don't have the OEM antenna, but an aftermarket powered antenna. I'm going to run the wires and see if anything is frayed. What's a noise filter? And where do I get one if I don't have one installed. (Which I don't think I do.) BTW, the scoot is still running great. You are a magician my friend. I just add about of half a bottle of Seafoam every other fill up or so, and she's just keeps running great! I'm very happy about that.
  5. Ok, here's my newest problem. The guy that I bought my bike from had installed an aftermarket radio. I didn't like the look so about two months ago I installed the OEM radio in my 83' standard. I wanted the classic look back and I enjoy that feature that allows the volume to deminish when you slow down. Anyway...From the beginning I had problems with powered antenna on the bike. I've never been able to get a strong enough signal. Not a big deal at this point, because I'm just using my little iPod and enjoy the tunes. But, for the past couple of weeks it's been developing a buzzing noise coming through the speakers. At first it wasn't anything too bad. But now its really loud. It only seems to happen upon excelleration, and continued riding. If I come to a stop the noise becomes only moderat. I've tried unplugging the iPod (which I'm just running through the tape deck with an adaptor.) and that doesn't change anything. I've tried using the radio. Nada. Same problem. I've tried taking everything appart and checking connecting. Everything is tight and appears to be connected correctly. I'm wondering what I may be missing. Oh, BTW, this noise comes through the speakers even is the radio isn't turned on. Hope someone can help. This is really bumming out my rides. Thanks
  6. Well, you guys were correct. One of the contacts had come loose. So I removed all three that I found down there. Cleaned the up real good. Used some electric wireing cleaner and put them all back together nice and tight...and voila! Works like a charm. BIG Thanks everybody.
  7. Thanks Mother. I'll look into that when I get home from work today. Is this a pretty easy wire to find? I looked around the yesterday but don't remember seeing anything like you described. Does anyone have a pic of what I should be looking for. (Pics are always helpful. LOL)
  8. Help! Took my 83 out last night. BTW MarCarl, she's still running GREAT!! Except I look down and notice that the Temp Gage isn't working. It just sits on the bottom. Now my questions are: is this something to worry about? and how do I fix it? Thanks everyone!
  9. MarCarl, I'd like to see what you're talking about. Right now, I can't get any decent reception on the radio at all. I have a powered antena attached to the OEM radio, but it just isn't good enough. Although I'm really only using the tape deck with my iPod to play music and that works GREAT! BTW, the bike is STILL running FANTASTIC! Thanks to your work. Thanks again.
  10. I'm having the exact same issue with a leak around the coupler. I've been told that we can use copper wire instead of the copper bands that are OEM. I haven't done it yet myself and would love to see some photos of how its supposed to look. My wife dosen't want to ride with the exhaust fumes. So I really need to get this fixed too. LOL
  11. timgray, You make some very good points. Sounds like I've got ALOT of work a head of me, especially if I want to do it right. Now you mentioned "fixing" all the cracks. What is the recommened product and procedure to do that? And how do you exactly fix the broken holes that some of the tabs fit into? (if that's the given name for them)
  12. BTW, whats the opinion on painting the engine? Mine is pretty pitted up form the years, and I'd like to clean it and have it re-done as well, but I'm also thinking about just having it painted black like in the photo there. Is there any disadvantages to doing that?
  13. Lilbeaver, Thanks for all the great information. And I WILL stop in and speak with the owner at Macco. Thanks. I mean if the price is right, I'd be silly not to have a pro do the work and save me all the trouble and time of doing it myself. Especially having to set up a proper work area. (which I would WANT to do) I'll let you know what he says. Do you happen to know which Macco that is in Akron?
  14. Thanks guys and gal, that's just the kind of advice I'm looking for. I've got a nice air compressor. I think I'll look at Harbor Freight and see how much an paint gun would cost. I'll have to look around and see what color paint I want to work with. Will have to do some more research on that. If anyone else has any advice, or has tried this before, please let me know.
  15. Kinda like this look and color. Is this anyones here on the board? http://i606.photobucket.com/albums/tt141/ActionJack101/blueventure1.jpg Check out the rest of the blog here: http://www.kloppenberg.us/
  16. Ok, I'm very busy today with questions. LOL. I'm thinking about giving my old girl a new paint job. She is warn and wheatherd. I don't have the money to pay someone to do it, so I think I'll try my hand. I'd like to get some opinions and advice as I move forward. Any good sites that would be helpful? What's the best paint to use? Can I get a "nice" finish with a rattle can? Just starting in the planning stages, but I love a new project. Thanks, to MarCarl my scoot is running GREAT! Attending MD was the best thing I could have done! But now I'd like her to "look" good too! Thanks~
  17. Looking to get a drivers backrest for my '83. Does anyone have one that they'd like to part with? I'm looking for one in black to match my current seat. Thanks~
  18. Talk about a fast reply. Thanks guys. GeorgeS? Any particular model that is preferred? and OlRusty. You wouldn't happen to have an pics of how you made yours. I guess I'm not visualizing what it would look like. Did you have to do any welding?
  19. Does anyone have a good suggestion on where I can get a bracket to hold my antenna on my '83? I've added a the OEM radio to the standard bike. I have the OEM antenna, but no bracket. I don't really have any way to fabricate one, and from what I've been able to see at Flatout Motor Sport, they don't sell the OEM anymore. So any help would be great! Thanks~
  20. Freebird, Actually, I was mostly joking about the beer. I don't drink when I drive. But I'll put grab the rest of those items. BTW, what kind of oil do you guys like to use in the gen1, and how much do I need? I've got an oil filter already. Thanks
  21. I put in my RSVP for MD day at Freebirds. Looking forward to this. Can't wait to meet everyone...and maybe get some problems fixed on my bike. So what's the standard items I should bring? Like what tools? Oil, filters, beer?? LOL Freebird, you need me to bring any additional food, supplies?
  22. WoW! When you guys help out your REALLY help out! Thanks so much for all the great advice. I'll start working on some of them this weekend. And Squidley, I'd love to attend. When and where though? I live in Akron BTW. Would welcome any help. BIG Thanks!
  23. I keep hearing about these "diaphrams?" What am I exactly looking at? What and where are those? And how hard are they to remove? I know, a lot of questions, but I'm not THAT mechanically inclined...but I like to do this stuff myself and save money. LOL
  24. Carl, Sounds like a reasonable idea. At least a very good place to start. Although I've never taken apart any of that area apart before. How far down do I need to take it? Do you happen to have any pics to help me through? And why/how did you put the plastic bags on? Thanks for the help.
  25. What exactly was the battery that you use?
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