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About ActionJax

  • Birthday 11/10/1965

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  • Location
    Akron, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 Yamaha Venture XVZ12
  1. I had the same issue with my 83. And it was just the steering head. Once tightened road like a charm.
  2. Just purchased the ball-studs from McMaster-Carr. Going to give it a try this weekend and see how the repair goes. I was really surprised at the great service from McMaster-Carr though. I placed the order yesterday and the package arrived today! I ordered 20 of them and it cost with shipping $22.40. If they work as good as everyone says, I should be very happen.
  3. Geezz I totally missed that. Didn't see it on the bottom of that photo. Thanks.
  4. Does anyone have a link where I can buy on of these filter adaptors? And it sounds like I'd like a chrome cover as well. Thanks.
  5. Gary, I see that you're just down the road from me in Mansfield. (I'm in Akron.) I think I might be in need of one of these TCI thingy's. Do you have anymore left? And if you do could I maybe come and pick it up from you sometime? Since I'm so close. Please contact me via my email addres: jherman312@hotmail.com I read that more than anything else. Thanks so much. ~Jack Herman
  6. Marcarl is correct. All I did was follow his instructions. Didn't cut anything, didn't glue anything. Just used my hands and a simple "plastic" credit card. I really didn't need to take the top "White" clip off at all. Just pulled the old rubber out and "gently" pushed the new under the "lip" of the ring. Went together very easily. I'd say that I took everything apart and put it all back together in less than an hour. And it worked perfectly. OH and BTW, do yourself a favor and get the hex replacement screws that Skydoc sells. They will save you so much headache putting it all back together. Those screws are PERFECT and make it look cool too!
  7. Hey welcome to the board. Just saw you post and I see you're in Ohio too. I'm from Akron. Are you going to Freebirds maintance day this weekend? Love to meet up with you for a ride sometime. Feel free to send me a PM. Again, welcome to the group and it looks like you've got a really nice bike there. OH and BTW, I can HIGHLY recommend Skydoc. He's great to work with and has exactly what you need. Just look him up in the "classified" ads under "members."
  8. I'd might be interested in the backrest and brakets if the backrest is black. Please feel free to let me know what you'd like for them. jherman312@hotmail.com Thanks
  9. Thanks for all the replies guys. AlantaDragonSlayer, you don't happen to have any photo's of that process you're talking about do you? Like most folks I do better with pictures.
  10. This has probably been covered before, but I'd be darned I was able to find it during a search. Here's my problem. This just started on my 83'. I was driving down the road. Nothing special, just normal driving, when all of a sudden everything drops. Tack, engine, everything. Just like I'd hit the "kill switch". I stopped the bike and turned the key on and off, and the bike fired right up. I thought strange! But drove on down the road. Stopped to get some gas. When I turned the key to start the bike again, everything powered on...but when I hit the starter button...NOTHING!! Now keep in mind that all the lights on the dash are on. I can hear the gas pump do its thing. I checked all the fuses (yes its an old fuse box) but they were all good. I have a Delka (sp?) battery in the bike. I've installed the heavier battery cables too. New spark plugs also. Yes, I have plenty of gas. I then kept wiggling the "Kill switch" back and forth hoping that this would make a difference. (This is were I read something on the forum, but can't find the article now) Still nothing worked. I then put the kick stand up and down a few times hoing that maybe that would make a difference. Well, long story short...the bike finally turned over. I don't know exactly what worked though. So any ideas would be great! I'm a bit scared to take her out for a ride again, since I felt like I was lucky to get her home. I've since went back out to the garage and she's still starting OK. But that's a pretty scary feeling not even getting a buzz or anything. Thanks, Jack
  11. Excellent points Venturous. I read all about that on this forum, and I made sure that the dealer was going to do all that for me. The mechanic walked me through the whole proceedure. Like I said, I felt like I was really taken care of by the dealer, and the mechanic was top notch (IMHO)
  12. Oh and BTW, I got the Shinko Tourmaster on my bike and LOVE them. Purchased them from Motorcycle Superstore and got a good deal. (around $120 for the pair) They were having a sale at the time. I don't know how well they'll wear, but they ride great!
  13. Thanks for the info, but actually I used Midway Yamaha in Akron, Ohio. Here's their website. http://www.midwayyamaha.com/ Gotta say they were really fair to me. The mechanic took real good care of my girl, and we had a nice long talk. He's been riding Yamaha's forever. And he's got a foundess for Ventures (espcially the 1st gens), so it was really nice having him work on it. I can really recommend them. Of course I really like working on my scoot myself (save a few bucks, and heck I enjoy it. ) But for something like the rear tire, I'd just as soon take it to them agian. They did both tires, a carb sync, checked the idle and the temp...for just over $150. And that included disposal of the old tires. And they got it all done in just a few hours. I dropped it off in the morning on the way to work and picked it back up after work. Great way to go if you ask me!
  14. Well, all I can say is it keeps getting better, my friend. Tell us a little more about your scoot? Photo's are always encouraged. If you need help posting them, just ask. Plenty of folks around here to help. Trust me, with a bit of work, you'll have that old girl up and running. I know I did. And I love my bike. Runs great! And there is that real sence of pride that you did it yourself. Look forward to hearing more. Cheers!
  15. Welcome! Was the best $12.00 I've ever spent. I've gotten so much help from everyone on this forum I can't even tell you. There are some really great guys and gals here.
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