Hi folks, I'm new to the Venture side of the bike world, I recently purchased a 2006 Midnight Venture and got to ride it for a week prior to being laid up for surgery (another 2 weeks of recovery to go).
While laid up, my friends are changing out the tires, spark plugs and small service work on the bike so that it'll be up and ready to roll when I'm ready.
I'm looking at this beautiful bike and have a lot of questions already after riding some 500 miles on it in a week. I hope someone is kind hearted enough to help a lad out.
(A) The seat.. I'm 50/50 sitting on the fence about this one. Replace it... stuff it, or what? Not bad for short hauls but I'm cringing at the thought of doing a long haul with it.. I have a Mustang seat on my 1100 VStar.. would I expect the same comfort from a Mustang seat on a Venture?
(B) Plastic paint and finish: I've read high and low looking for what people are using to clean up their black finishes on their bikes.. Mine has some blemishes, swirls and wear areas that I think could be cleaned out or polished out.. What would you recommend using or can you point me to somewhere that has more than enough info?
Thus far I'm spending a lot of time in the forums reading up on this new bike and I have a ton of questions,.. and I'm eager to get out there riding next week!