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Everything posted by Seaking

  1. No kidding, nothing like being in a 'rut' with a buck sniffing you from behind eh?
  2. some stories, even with witnesses are hard to believe unless caught on video.. and my gear was in the trunk..
  3. I've purchased from both companies, no probs.. google is a wonderful tool ; ) http://www.gpscentral.ca/ http://www.gpscity.ca/ for the best bang for the buck you might as well get the ZUMO 550.. though it's more money you do get a lot more with it.. nothing sucks getting a 450 and then realizing you want the car adapters and then end up having to pay a little more than the 550 which comes with all that... and you have blue tooth on the 550.. I have the 450 but ended up getting all the 'extras' of te 550 due to an advertising mistake if which the website made good on their error. Nice of them. Keep in mind the 450 / 550 ZUMO are made for bikes and may not seem as full featured as other GPS on the market for cars. But for the bikes, these are indeed the best to get and they give you all the info you need or want on the fly.. cheers M
  4. This true story woke me up in a hurry the other night. (not that I was sleepy but geesus!!) I was riding down the back road late one night behind our air base, and after a quick scan to the front I glanced over to the left side to see if anything was flying etc.. whew I looked out to the front again, I noticed a golden glow to my right side.. eh?? What's that then? A freaking deer was running alongside the bike on the shoulder, holding speed with me and not looking overly stressed out or anything.. I'm not sure how long we were running alongside each other like that but I suddenly woke up realizing that this animal could veer to the left, cut across and we'd both be arse over tea kettle.. So I don't know why I did it, but I reach out with my right foot and gently pushed the deer into the ditch where it then ran off into the woods lol.. Give me a break.. I slowed the bike down so I could pull over for a stop and a car pulled up beside me.. three people rolled out of the car, laughing so hard they could barely walk, clutching their sides and doing the "I can't hold it in" walk.. Apparently from behind, the whole scene was ridiculously funny.. they said they saw the deer jump out of the ditch as I went by and saw the car so tried to run up the road instead of across it.. (where the fences are) but because I was slowing down to look to the left the deer caught up to me and most likely found itself between a rock and a hard place.. But it was the gentle nudge into the woods that they found the funniest... And how was YOUR ride last night?!?!
  5. How loud are these pipes? I'm wanting to change out my pipes on my 06 but though I want them louder than stock, I don't want them overly loud as we have noise laws coming into effect.. A nice deep rumble is nice, something to let people know the "baby geezer glide" has power behind it ; )
  6. Thanks fr te additional info.. I hadn't put in the restrictors as you mentioned when I did mine last night.. I also had a bit of throttle on (just enough to bring it off idle) and followed the rest of the directions. I took the bike out for a run afterwards and could feel the improvements right away. Quite smooth.. And, as soon as the rains stop, I'll take it out on the highway and see what it does. But it does appear I may have to do it over again but with the restrictors installed and do it on idle. I did find that the bars were all over the place when on idle but solid level when just a tad of throttle was put in.. Cheers
  7. Yeah I see that price shocker.. I just received my Butt Butler seat from Rick and wow did that ever make a difference in seating and how I handle the bike. Impressive.. comfy.. now my friends are miffed that I can actually ride the whole distance of the tank.. and on this bike, that's going FAR!! hehehe Next month I should hopefully be seeing my new Clearview windshield and while the shroud is apart to install the shield, I'll have a closer look at dropping the forks a tad for more comfort.. As you mentioned: Cheaper, effective and safe.. Thanks again!
  8. Hi Jerry, sounds like you had a lot of rear brake on and too little front brake.. I don't think it's the E3's in general causing this problem as I've had that happen to me before with this bike. I think it's either the rider putting too much brake on the rear causing it to skid, or the front brakes being applied too aggressively causing the rear of the bike to raise, taking weight off the tire thus causing it to skid. I recently pumped up my shocks on the 06 Venture and I now have a hard time locking up the rear of the bike, rain or no rain (and it rains a lot here). These tires do make me nervous on painted lines, but that could be more about the top-heaviness of the bike and that it's a new bike to me.. On my lowered VStar with ME 880's on it, I felt I could ride on grease and still have great traction but these E3's seem to be a fair weather tire to me.. YMMV Cheers M8
  9. Funny enough, I just got my CarbTune kit a few mins ago in the mail and just picked up the instructions listed on here as someone mentioned the Yamaha manual was a little off somewhere.. Only an hour to do? What did you use for a tacho? That's the only thing I am stumped on.. I'm reading the manual for the carbtune and finding it confusing about using the restrictiors as indicated.. But meh, I'm sure someone has an 'idiot guide' to this whole process ; ) Cheers M8
  10. I had a quick look on the bike to see what was involved, I can see where the 2 per side bolts are to bring the forks UP above the top of the triple tree but the lowers are different with the chrome fork shrouds in place, that's going to take some figuring out to do. I can either spend a few hours in the shop and hope I don't bust anything and get a lowered front end and better handling or have a shop install a Baron's lowering kit (front and back?).. but that's a lot of money.. ergh.. it's a toss up. Either way the fairing has to come off the bike.. More time to think about it.. But many thanks for the insight to another way of achieving the same thing..
  11. As it stands now, I'm no where NEAR close to danger zone as far as leaning the bike goes. My VStar's floorboard scrap pegs have been replaced 3 times while the Venture is simply too big a bike for me to lean it over properly. I have a new seat coming in sometime soon and hope that alone will lower me down a tad.. but I'm still finding myself having to man handle the bike around a little too much. Hoping to find a solution that will work and be effective..
  12. Thanks M8.. I'll have a look into it for sure.. Cheers!
  13. You're kidding, THAT simple?!?! So basically, doing this mod is like putting on the leveling links in the rear.. instead, you're lowering the front end, not raising the rear to change the rake & trail of the bike.. I have a new windshield coming next month so the front fairing has to come off anyway so this would be an opportune time to have a look at this mod. I have to ask though, if it were THAT simple and common a mod, and hopefully "SAFE", why isn't this more widely known or why isn't the bike set up this way to start with? Every where you look or listen, you'll see and hear that the handling is a little heavy and top heavy, not well suited for short riders. Being a cautious person, with safety in mind, I am a little uneasy about this mod, it's like.. too simple and too easy to do for immense gains in handling and comfort.. know what I mean? Has there been any reported detriments to doing this mod? Thanks for the info, it seems worth pursuing.. Cheers
  14. Thanks M8, I appreciate the caution, I'm looking to take out the 'wallow' in the turns.. its greatly improved since putting on the new tires but still leaves me a weeee tad leery about going into the hard turns at speed. A couple of pounds might make the difference. Out of curiosity, does adding pressure to the rear shock raise the bike at all or is it just to limit the travel of the shock? Cheers
  15. Hey cool, the same one a local dealer sells.. Now to ask the silly question: (only because I've never had to deal with this before... ) If the front shocks take no more than 6 or 7 PSI and the rear shock no more than 60-70 (?), would you need to get two different pumps? Is the higher 0-60 lb pump sensitive enough to do the lower pressures with precision compared to the 0-15 pump? I seriously prefer a 'stiffer' ride on my bikes to feel the road in the curves, but wonder if a stiffer suspension would be detrimental to the plastic on the bike (luggage etc) when hitting bumps.. as the bumps would be more like small hits than wallows.. ? I've seen those devices that hooks both forks to the same line to ensure both forks have the very same pressure because after the kit installation they then share the same air volume. Are these devices worth while, are the safe or just another gimmick that really doesn't deliver or fail soon afterwards? Interesting concept that makes sense but do they work.. ? Cheers
  16. And erhm how is this accomplished then? If lowering the front at no cost is the same as raising the rear at cost (trail / rake) then heck I'm all for that but without a proper shop to do the work myself, I'd still end up having to get a shop to do it for me.. I've been through this forum about this subject and it appears that to lower the front requires a "kit" of sorts, but I didn't realize you could do it naked.. Could you elaborate on how this is done or show some docs on the procedure to check it out? Cheers M8
  17. Many thanks to all who responded.. Yes, there is a hand vibe as well, more noticeable before I put the ISO Grips on the bike last week and 'lumpy' describes it well in certain gears / speeds.. No backfiring though. Mileage is decent.. but vibrating mirrors, numb hands and lumpy ride are my indicators.. I'll be booking an appointment at a local independent shop to have the carbs sync'd. I bought the bike used with 24,000 miles on it so not sure if it had ever been done. I could possibly do it myself but never seen it done before. Is there a decent manometer kit available and decent 'how to' docs somewhere available as well? Thanks again!!
  18. On the Venture, what are indications that you need to synch up the carbs? On the VStar, you can easily tell by the mirror buzz etc.. Right now on the 06 Venture, I get mirror buzz on either side depending on speed/revs.. and when in 5th gear and going roughly 55-65 mph the bike feels 'bumpy'.. not like it's lugging or underpowered.. but certainly isn't smooth.. Would this be an indication of the carbs needing to be synchronized? Cheers
  19. using their measurements I think the new one will put the air flow well over the top of my head so that should reduce a lot of head buffeting I'm feeling on the highway.. We'll see when it gets here =)
  20. many thanks, that's all I needed to hear =) Cheers!
  21. Many thanks M8.. much appreciated! I look forward to trying these out.. I noticed that Barons makes TWO lowering kits.. big price difference.. BA-7530 and BA-7504-00, the only difference I can see is one is a 1" and the other 1.5".. Is the 7530 better than the 7504, even though priced higher? Cheers and thanks once again.. 0
  22. You probably only need to lube up the latches. There's an article on that very same issue here in the forum, tech area I believe.. have a look, you should be able to find it.. Best of luck
  23. I had the same questions and issues but decided on the taller one (should be here in August) as I figured that if the height was too much of an issue I can always trim it down. However, from what Clearview owners are saying, visibility won't be an issue.. especially if you put RainX on it.. It certainly can't be any worse than what I'm having to deal with now..
  24. Thanks for the info.. could you point me to where I can find these front and rear lowering kits? I can find the rear lowering kits on cruisercustomizing at a great price but I can't seem to find the fronts anywhere.. even on Baron's site.. Thanks in advance!!
  25. Where in Montana did you find a 3% grade?! =) As the previous responder stated, fear overcame stupidity and we all need to slow down.. However, it was fun blowing the doors (fairings?!) off a couple of crotch rockets the other day =) These big black beautiful bikes certainly goes like greased snot through a goose! And now, for some nice leisurely riding down the back roads at 'smell the roses' speeds.. Knees to the Breeze!
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