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Everything posted by Seaking

  1. Thanks Wayne.. I did the comparison of premium and ordinary gas and found I could go further on the same tank of gas with premium than ordinary gas.. 3 to 7 cents a litre more but you can go further, equals out the same in some cases..
  2. All I got from my local MC shop about Colourtune is "be careful unless you know what yer doing..".. which means he honestly hasn't seen one before.. What size colortune do we use, 10mm? Thanks for the info.. have you yourself used one personally? here's the big question though.. On "average" taking the average RSV on the road today, if you took the time to colortune the majority of them, what's the average expected improvement in performance and fuel mileage could you hopefully expect? Enough to really make it worth the while to pursue this or negligible enough you really shouldn't have to bother unless it's 'really' bad.. If I go through all this will I expect to see perceivable gains or just a slight improvement hardly noticeable.. (expense, time and learning etc)
  3. I'll have a look at the colour tune as my exhausts are indeed sooty.. Got a big ride coming up on Sunday to NH from NS so it would prolly be my best interest ; ) Thanks M8
  4. Huh, I had never heard of that one til now.. interesting.. (jots notes for things to do next time) Thanks for the info!
  5. What's Colour Tune? Carb tune is that like synchronizing your carb? I have K&N filters on my bike and pulled them out after a year's of hard riding and they are visibly spotless clean and still holding their red colour as advertised but I'm wondering if they are really clean or not, regardless of the colour only because of the time in use.. do you know what I mean? Clean and recharge them on spec or wait till the red colour lessens?
  6. Start a new thread quick! I'll be there =)
  7. "SeaFoam Soak"? I use Seafoam everyone once in a while but never heard of a 'soak'.. What is it?
  8. Good point on supporting the local shops...
  9. Nice! I had done up my VStar with UltraViolet lights a few years ago.. nice subtle show colours.. Been thinking of doing up the RSV just for something to do.. The Ring of Fire on the front wheel in orange / amber is permissible here, but do they make them for the RSV?
  10. That Night Rider light in BLUE is illegal here.. the cops hate having any red or blue lights on any motorcycle as people may confuse us for 'emergency vehicles'.. lol go figure.. However, my tail light has an Ultra Bright LED board in it also.. it's brilliantly annoying to anyone behind me.. which is good.. for me.. As a fun note, the Motor Vehicle Act prohibits anyone displaying a red or blue light on a moving vehicle 'except for parade or stationary display'... So one buddy of mine got pulled over when the cops saw his bike lit up while waiting for the traffic lights to change.. He challenged them saying the lights are not ON when he's driving, only when he's stationary and static.. hehe.. Somehow he wired the lights to come on ONLY when in 'neutral'.. When he comes up to a stop at the signal lights, he pops it into neutral and the blue displays come on lol.. still the cops didn't like it and charged him.. however, it got bounced in court when it couldn't be proven that he was 'driving with the blue display lights on' lol.. Silly contest of wills but he's funny like that lol.
  11. D-Day! Sounds like a good time.. What's this all about "maintenance day" ?
  12. Thanks FL had a blast of a ride tonight and scared away the cagers behind me when the lights came on.. nice!! Best safety addition to any bike. Cheers!
  13. Slipons are simple to.. erhm "slip on" so to speak.. I bought a set of Screaming Eagles for my RSV Midnight and it makes a nice rumbler sound.. Required a special bracket that was easy enough to find at the time.. Toss in some K&N filters and you've got some additional power and sound (shorter range though) But I feel your pain on the UPS rape.. I've more than once refused the order at the door when presented with their outrageous fee.. http://www.motovan.com is a QC company Best of luck!
  14. Hey guys, thanks for the full info on this bar and how to install it.. I ordered the full red one from http://signaldynamics.com/products/LightBars/15ultra.asp and installed it on the bike.. For those not yet committed to pulling the trigger on this or any other '3rd brake light', do so now.. what a difference it makes.. I went down to the local bike shop and asked them to machine me 2 one inch tubes for the spacers and painted them black. appropriate hardware to install it to the bike.. The wiring wasn't too tricky for non-sparker types, I sent the white wire to ground, and the brown and green wires together to the YELLOW wire on the bike (chrome bulge thingy behind license plate hides all the wires.. I opted to not show dim lights but only bright brake lights from darkened state as to make it pop more.. Some people like running these light bars as running and then brake lights but I find the 'in your face factor' not as noticeable.. One other thing I did differently than my buddy's install is that I taped my 3 wires together, as he did, but I passed my up and over a chrome cross bar under the trunk so that the wires won't rub against the top of the license plate and cause problems later on.. A quick ride tonight said it all where my buddies didn't like being behind my bike because every time I braked, the light would leap out at him, almost scaring him at time lol.. Imagine the cagers. My only 'question' is now that I have the dim running lights and the brake lights wired together to show all lights as brakes, am I at risk of 'melting' anything or burning a bulb out? odd question but good to know eh?
  15. There's a reason a lot of new bikes are sold with D 404 installed.. only because they are plentiful and CHEAP.. not because they're any good.. gah, my VStar 404's only lasted 13,000 KMS.. ugh lol E3s are worth the bucks.. especially when you can find them cheap! It's worth my while to ride 2.5 hours out of the city to another city where I have them bought and installed at a cheaper rate than anywhere in this city, by a large margin.. .. And that's including cost of gas, meal, and installation.. Not bad eh?
  16. I run ME880s on my 1100 VStar and got 25,000 miles (40,000 kms) out of the rear tire and more on the front tire before having to replace the punctured rear tire.. the 2nd Gen Venture is running E3s and I'm past the 15,000 (24,000 kms) miles mark with tons of tread still left on the tires.. the whole trick behind it is tire pressure.. an old mechanic taught me the trick that the manufacturer's recommended tire pressure is based on a 160 lbs rider.. and erhm I'm not that.. especially when wearing leathers and helmet and occasional passenger. He taught me a trick to roughly gauge your best operational pressure by 'temperature' as a guideline.. Basically at noon, take a run up the highway ay 60 mph for a while and pull over real quick, get off the bike and feel the temp of your tire compared to the hot pavement.. if your tire is hotter than the pavement, then your pressures are too low, due to tire flex and friction producing heat.. Adjust your pressures a little at a time until the temps cool down.. this is a tedious process to say the least and not scientific but it brings you closer to that ideal pressure than going by the manufacturer's recommendation. I can say that this process works for me because two of my buddies, who share the same size and weight as I do, ran their same tires (same VStars) at the recommended pressures and got a lot less life out of them.. Currently I run my E3s at 42 in the rear tire and 40 in the front and after 15,000 miles on them they barely show any wear.. and I ride a lot and in various road conditions.. This is what works for me, your mileage and tire life may vary
  17. No worries, I heard back from them today.. wasn't of great help but they seem to think the Venture is of single ignition, not dual.. Failure to install tach properly may result in damage to the bike's ignition system.. Ok, so back in the box this thing goes, and buying a proper one for the bike.. sigh
  18. Ok That was much easier than I thought.. hitch installed, now just have to find the rest of the parts and get the bike wired for the trailer.. Thanks again.
  19. Sir! Many thanks for the info, the docs do show what to do for single and dual fire ignitions, but I wasn't sure what I had or when I got this.. I swear, next winter I'm building a larger holding cabinet to store my winter projects so that.. oh wait, that's what I did LAST fall but the wife didn't care what it was and toss stuff around the basement.. No.. she's still walking fine.. Thanks Goose..
  20. I think it's more like that they cater to the HD crowd more than anything..
  21. They make and sell them for V-Twins.. single or dual ignition.. but it's not specifically made for v4's etc..
  22. Hi Cougar, I rip my own music from my CD collections and they are ripped at 192 or higher.. after that level it should not make any difference in quality.. (from what I've read) but I'll try a couple of songs and see if it holds true on this system.. I went on eBay and found 4" boom mats and yeah good luck, they sell like for $10US with $23 shipping.. (ha!) However, Crutchfield Canada sells them for under $10 CDN and much cheaper shipping.. But they are listing various depth.. Is the 4" x 2-5/8" depth version deep enough for the Polk;s 1-7/8 size? The only other one they list is 4" x 3-7/8" depth In the US these are called Boom Mats, in Canada they are called Speaker Baffles lol.. Thanks for the insight info.. much appreciated..
  23. What do they do for your sound system?
  24. That's what I'm trying to find out.. I bought it last year to mount on the RSV but then got deployed and forgot all about it when I got back.. I dropped them an email and their response was basically "We don't know, but let us know if you do get it working on a v4 engine"..
  25. Thanks Brad.. argh the name is on the tip of me tongue but can't remember what where or who I got it from.. grrr.. All kinds of parts got strewn around this past winter, I can't find everything.. argh.. Cheers M8
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