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Everything posted by Seaking

  1. I'm still trying to find out.. I jumped from an 1100 VStar, which I had modified, customized so that the only thing original on it is the frame and mirrors.. no joke.. the bike is lowered so much that when I sit on it after the Venture, I feel like my knees are up into my cheeks.. Riding the Vstar brings the hellion out in me, the kid that never grew up inside.. However, riding the Venture, I feel distinguished and proper until recently when I discovered my rev limiter and that the engine won't blow up at high revs.. now it's a big boy bike, a bigger version of my powerful VStar.. Now.. to go to a Goldwing, I don't think I'm old enough at 46 yrs of age.. though fully retired and able to travel well, I don't think I have reach the required age for a Goldwing.. That age is the magical number of being old enough to 'putter' around the house but yet still vibrant enough to manhandle such a large bike. I've seen several local ex-Goldwingers having to part with their bikes because they were getting too hold to handle.. the biker that is..getting too old.. If I get one TOO soon, then people will think I'm in my 50 or 60's.. If I wait too long then I won't have the longevity of vibrancy to enjoy it for a long period of time.. So it is a gamble.. get one too early and you're perceived as an ol' coot on a Geezer Glide.. get one too late in life and you're too ol' a coot to actualy enjoy it.. Mind you, seeing how 'apparently' my Venture is heavier and more difficult to handle than a GoldWing, perhaps I will be able to stave off the requirement of a rolling sofa.. I think my baby Geezer Glide in Training will suffice for a while.. for quite a few more years.. If you see a 50 yr old riding a crotch rocket and a 19 yr old riding a Goldwing, well you see what I mean.. Mind you.. there is a young instructor in my group who can do tircks with HIS Goldwing that no one can match.. brings tears to your eyes to watch him scrape his bags around corners and do brake stands on it.. I'm happy (very) with my Venture.. When I grow up I might consider a GW =)
  2. But remember, you're comparing an 1800 with a 1300.. ? I've never ridden on a Goldwing before.. I'm not yet OLD enough to own one..
  3. Grenading a V4.. That's exactly the fear I had trying to bring the bike up to the rev limiter.. I'd chicken out and bail before hitting it.. the ONLY way to get around it was to put ear plugs in and go for broke.. Ahhhhhhh wow.. nothing scary but man this bike glides like it's on greased rails.. steady and rock solid and pure adrenalin fun!!
  4. What paint did you use on the drive? I have a VStar project I'm thinking of repainting the final drive but unsure what type of paint to use.. Sounds like a fun project you got into there.. nice!
  5. I started to ride mine like I stole it (for what I paid for it, I did!) This is a totally new bike when you ride it where its meant to be ridden however your fuel mileage will suffer greatly.. I did some test runs up and down a highway for a few days (bored nothing to do so why not) and did some runs at 60 mph in 5th.. and the others at 60 mph in 3rd and forth, blasting from the gates and keeping the revs up and comfortable.. no buzz in the mirrors.. Keeping the revs up is a funner way to ride but you'll have to fuel up more often I don't mind.. biking is about the fun factor
  6. If nothing else replacing your filter will avoid the fuel starvation issues I had recently.. This coming winter I will be relocating that filter in an easy to reach spot to make it easier to change..
  7. Good point of observation.. I rechecked my fluid level and topped it up to the 3/4 mark which resolved the issue.. if nothing else, simply just eased my mind when hammering the throttle now.. =) No red light means go go go!!!
  8. I'll have to agree with you there.. I swapped mine out for the Polks and meh.. if anything the sound is nicer when you're parked but at speeds who can notice? Overall volume is a wee lower in my opinion.. I'd LOVE louder though.. blast through the wind noise.. No worries..
  9. True true.. I'm not sure if the V4 is anything like the VTwin on the VStar but not using valve springs when running higher revs like that is risking valve float which is such not a good thing to an engine.. erk..
  10. Oh dood, it's like it shouldn't be allowed to be so much fun hehe
  11. Amen.. having a blast with mine hehe.. w00t
  12. I've just installed a low low short windscreen, just the ones you see on the HD *-Glides.. Face full of wind but cool lookin..
  13. Ok, today I got the bawls out and dropped the hammer on the ol' girl to force the Rev Limiter issue on this bike.. The ONLY way I could force myself into it was to install ear plugs.. no kidding.. without them I'd chicken out and dump the accel before hitting the rev limited.. so odd, human perception of right and wrong eh? Actual speed hit of 47mph in 1st gear I felt the rev limiter but it's nothing compared to a VStar.. However, I felt it reaally quick and was able to shift into 2nd gear super fast quick and it's like wow.. and then right up to rev limiter once again but don't ask me what the speed was cause all I remember was a blur of around 80 mph but I might have been in 3rd by then.. I'm not sure as it all happened fast. so freaking fast.. I bolted from a light where there was a car behind me and I couldn't see that car after I hit my bail out speed (don't wanna get caught speeding!!).. Oh man.. the rest of the trip I ran the bike at the lowest possible gear for a given speed.. 60 mph in 5th conserve fuel but no guts.. 4th is the sweet spot but 3rd will give you tons of goose on the go when you drop the hammer.. wow. Pardon my excitement but dayum!! I'm discovering what my RSV can do after only having it for a year lol.. egads.. she's a lively one.. do people know these bikes can do all this?! So much for the slow lumbering top heavy hard to handle bike.. Just the simple mods and fixes I did this week have given me a brand new bike that I now have to learn how to handle properly.. wow. Hey no kidding.. the kick in the pants when blasting from 1 to 2 to 3rd gear is incredible.. I'm learning to ride slow speeds at lower gears now.. (faster revs).. the bike responds and handles SO much nicer this way.. and funny enough, fuel mileage isn't too greatly affected.,. HUH, go figure. And what's funny is that the mirrors are glass smooth at these high revs which also tells me my carb synch is top notch.. Now the SAD part is that we're now entering a 7 day rain forcast.. fugh.. time to tinker up the bike in the garage hehehe.. Thanks to all for the assist, info and push.. w000t
  14. Because the bendal torque rotor pumps were in the way at time of manufacturing when the banana peels fell off the quadrant sylibals.. Just a guess..
  15. Ahh OK so most likely I chickened out on the accel and that the light coming on IS normal.. OK.. phew.. I couldn't find reference to it.. I'll be out on it again today and will monitor it more closely, especially the 1st gear.. if I get past 40 mph in first.. wooo.. Things get busy when you're hauling assets that fast, that quickly =)
  16. I think the bike has the OEM module as I had the battery and box out trying to figure out how to gain access to the fuel filter lol.. Thanks for the info M8
  17. Hey guys, on my 06 Midnight, I did a bunch of maintenance on it this week that the ol' girl is a teenager again.. full of spirit and light on her feet.. The ONE thing I could never do with this bike is reach the rev limiter when accelerating onto the highway as the engine sounds like it might truly kill itself.. no joke.. I'm almost wondering if the previous owner disabled it somehow.. Yesterday was a a fun day after installing leveling links, flushing hydraulic clutch fluids, tightening the steering head, etc etc.. that I pushed the bike super hard to get a feel of the bike anew again.. no kidding it's like having a new bike.. wow. When accelerating hard and fast yesterday, I tried to reach the rev limiter to see and feel where it was, I was bound and determined to feel the 'tripping of the engine' that indicates the rev limiter kicking in.. but a quick glance to the speedo I spotting the engine oil light coming on and go off as I shifter, though never having reached the rev limiter.. Having just done an oil change, I wondered if I was low, but the fluid level in the sight glass shows half up the glass.. Is the sensation of the rev limiter kicking in on the Venture as noticeable as on the VStar for example? Does your oil light come on when YOU hit the rev limiter.. Is there something else I should be checking as well ? What speeds does your rev limiter kick in when in first gear? My biggest fear is blowing the engine because the previous owner had disengaged the rev limiter and forgot to tell me.. ya know? Wind speed and BUGS.. wooo hoooo
  18. Gathering info from more experienced owners in this forum has been great.. Not only does the handling and clutch issues been improved, I also improved my gas mileage yesterday with the new fluids, for some reason.. High winds, above average highway speeds and I still managed to get my fuel mileage down.. And ll whilst carrying a 100 lbs passenger behind me.. Could such bad clutch performance in the past have affected the fuel mileage that much?? For what the conditions were yesterday, and the style of riding I was doing, I really should have had horrible mileage instead of the great mileage I got..
  19. Hey Tom, I got the hydraulic clutch fluid flushed and sorted out this morning and have been riding all day since then.. The fluid in my sight glass was DARK.. very dark.. it needed flushing.. and guess what, once flushed, it resolved other issues I had.. The friction zone is no longer limited to such a narrow zone towards the full release of the clutch lever.. It was a narrow zone on the lever.. NOW, after being flushed, the friction zone is felt much closer to when you first release the clutch lever from the full fist closed position.. And this means I have a larger area to work with when riding the clutch so to speak.. So in addition to the new leveling links and tightening the neck, this bike handles awesome.. I just need to practice a lot with it.. but now the bike handles like it was meant to be..
  20. Oh dood.. wowsers!! I rode the bike a lot last night after installing the leveling links and they are awesome.. today I had the steering neck tightened and that also helped tons towards improved handling and increased funs.. AWESOME!! And yes, the links are that easy to install.. super easy..
  21. I had the bike in the Indy Shop this morning having the clutch oil flushed and asked the techs if they could do this task for me.. I explained how it was to be done as they weren't overly familiar with the Venture let alone this off the books temp fix.. When the bike on jacks, the bars would swing, hit the stop and bounce 4 times or more. Loose huh? They said they turned the nuts almost a full 1/4 turn and the bars would swing, hit the stop, bounce once and come back to rest against the stops. I then rode the bike for around 600 miles today, highway, back roads, steep curves, parking lots.. all with a cute model on the back seat (photo assignments) and wow.. are you kidding me? I almost put the bike into the ditch on the first hard turn as I almost over steered into the ditch lol.. exaggeration aside, what a HUGE improvement it made on the wobble feeling I would have in some turns and just the general handling of the bike.. impressive!! Many thanks guys..
  22. Hey guys, I'm looking at the whole instructions aspect of this job again and a coupla questions pop up.. I had a good look at the bike parts last night even though I couldn't complete the task due to lack of tools.. However, here's what I'm wondering.. The two nuts under the brace that you're to tap with the screw driver and mallet.. Are you tapping the ONE or both nuts at the same time. Are you trying to turn BOTH, which appear to be lock-tabbed together, up against the top brace, or are you trying to tighten both nuts against each other? If tightening, which direction ought you be turning the nuts if looking from the BOTTOM UPwards ? Not to make this more confusing than it should be but ya know.. I'd love to get this done properly the first time.. ; ) Bearings are gonna get replaced this winter.. ooooh
  23. That's why I can NEVER have white walls.. lol.. I'd be soooo scrubbing them so hard they wouldn't be white walls anymore lol
  24. A "bonney" wrench? I'll have to check that out.. something akin to a crow's foot? I think that due to the amount of looseness in the neck right now that I may well have to replace the bearings this coming winter.. I have this funny feeling that a loose head like this may have lead to the slightly perceivable scalloping of my front wheel.. just a guess.. Thanks all for the advice and heads up..
  25. Oh you mean attack it from the LEFT side of the bike to 'tighten' the head?? That's good to know.. it's very loose according to the bounces I get.. The bike is going in the shop early this morning for a clutch oil flush and will ask them if they can do it.. hopefully
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